Go to sleep or stay awake?


Well-Known Member
Ive been on this terrible sleeping pattern of going to bed at like 6 am and waking up at 2 pm... Im wondering if I should just stay awake all day, then go to bed at like 10, or go to sleep now cause Im dumbass tired, but my sleeping habits leave me no room to do anything... I wake up, wash my face brush my teeth, hang out, and by that time its like 4 or 5... so i waste my days

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Some people are night people, my wife is, I am a morning person and we have had to deal with this forever. At least we have afternoon/evening overlap. Dealer's choice.


Well-Known Member
lol i am a night person, when I have nothing going on.. even when I was in high school I would be up til one or two then wake up at 6... fuck, idk... my mom and stepdad get mad when I sleep late, but I dont get tired til this time of night


Well-Known Member
i used to do that too. for like a year i was fallin asleep in the afternoon. id wake up at like 10pm everyday haha. the only real way to change it is to stay up like u said. u dont have to do it today since u seem tired. but once it hits like 10pm, its easy to fall asleep because your tired. or you could do it in increments


Well-Known Member
lol i am a night person, when I have nothing going on.. even when I was in high school I would be up til one or two then wake up at 6... fuck, idk... my mom and stepdad get mad when I sleep late, but I dont get tired til this time of night
im the same way. recently ive only been sleepin like 4 hours a night for some reason


Well-Known Member
lol i need to man up and take it... but im pretty sure ill break down and take a long ass nap later on in the day, fucking up the cycle again


Well-Known Member
lol i need to man up and take it... but im pretty sure ill break down and take a long ass nap later on in the day, fucking up the cycle again
just stay up as long as possible. do it sometime in the afternoon today. then tomorrow go to 6pm, then 10pm the next day


Well-Known Member
i'd be pissed too if 1 of my kids was sleeping until 2 in the afternoon and they didn't have a job or going to school.

lol i am a night person, when I have nothing going on.. even when I was in high school I would be up til one or two then wake up at 6... fuck, idk... my mom and stepdad get mad when I sleep late, but I dont get tired til this time of night


Well-Known Member
ok, stay awake as long as possible, nap when sleep is inevitable, pop a couple nyquil tonight at like 8:30, got to sleep at ten... hopefully I can stick to the plan


Well-Known Member
i'd be pissed too if 1 of my kids was sleeping until 2 in the afternoon and they didn't have a job or going to school.
School doesnt start for a few weeks, but I am enrolled, all my fees and paper work and books taken care of... I need to pick up the slack on the job issue, but at least I dont ask for money, or for things... plus i paid all my school expenses out of my own pocket


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't give a rats ass about what's going to happen in a few weeks, if i had an adult child living at home with no job and not going to school their ass would be out of bed and out the door when i left for work.

School doesnt start for a few weeks, but I am enrolled, all my fees and paper work and books taken care of... I need to pick up the slack on the job issue, but at least I dont ask for money, or for things... plus i paid all my school expenses out of my own pocket


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't give a rats ass about what's going to happen in a few weeks, if i had an adult child living at home with no job and not going to school their ass would be out of bed and out the door when i left for work.
dude relax... im working on it... plus, its not like i can make the college open any sooner, or make the applications I fill out be accepted


Well-Known Member
shit man you'll fuck up your entire brain and body, schedule a regime of going to bed at a set hour, take chamomile tea and warm milk if need be,think positive thoughts, meditate, get fresh air, take hot baths, then stay on this regime. I used to have irregular sleep patterns, sleeping at 8pm til 2am, or going to bed at 4am waking up at 5pm, totally fucked up my life. Sleep (basic, set hours) is a need. Recharging the brain, the mind, the body. Without regular sleep, you suffer.


Well-Known Member
i'm just saying i wouldn't put up with it and i don't blame your parents at all for being pissed. how long you been out of school or work and staying up all night?

dude relax... im working on it... plus, its not like i can make the college open any sooner, or make the applications I fill out be accepted


Well-Known Member
Ive been on this terrible sleeping pattern of going to bed at like 6 am and waking up at 2 pm... Im wondering if I should just stay awake all day, then go to bed at like 10, or go to sleep now cause Im dumbass tired, but my sleeping habits leave me no room to do anything... I wake up, wash my face brush my teeth, hang out, and by that time its like 4 or 5... so i waste my days
Fuck it just wait till school starts and be tired as shit the first day, you will be back to normal that night.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Who gives two fucks what time you sleep? If you are a free loader you are a free loader regardless of when you sleep. I've had to deal with that with my family. They all hate the fact that I sleep in, especially on weekends. I eventually got kicked out of my uncles house and I think that was the biggest part of it. He just couldn't stand the fact that I liked to stay up until 3-4am and sleep til noon when my schedule permitted it, even though I attended school and held a job. He thought you should be in bed by 10, and be up by 5am. Fuck that noise.

I don't think trying to shift your schedule works either. I've tried staying up for 1.5 days in order to get onto a "normal" sleep schedule, but it just doesn't work. My body doesn't like to go to sleep early, and doesn't like to wake up early either. Forcing myself into an unnatural sleep pattern never normalizes either. I've had to wake up early for school and now work for my entire life, and I have NEVER adjusted. My sleep phase is delayed several hours and there is nothing I can ever do about it besides try to set up schedules that accommodate that, or just get up for school/work and deal with being tired.

My current bosses don't like the fact that I don't roll in until between 9 and 10, and honestly that is a struggle every day.