My brother has a gf


Well-Known Member
Dont compare your life to someone elses and feel bad for yourself. You should live life the way you want, so that your happy in the things you do. Dont look at others and judge yourself. you are unique and need to act like urca. not like anyone else. your life story will be its own, so dont make it a book of copied chapters.


Well-Known Member
lol ive driven a few times, its just, im bad with machines... bumper cars, quads, cars, etc... something always goes wrong.
Haha...I can see it now...

*Urca reaches for car door handle...backseat bursts into flames*


Well-Known Member
well, im not gonna go on myspace to get laid... weird. plus why would I want to lose my virginity to some dude i met on myspace?? who even uses my space anymore?
ohhhh you still have the V card? Yeah scratch that. The only people using myspace now are the 18yo's trying to get laid that's why it would work. When you said you weren't getting laid, I figured you were just in a dry spell.


New Member
She's reasonably decent looking, and a year older than him. I talked to her on facebook since she and my bro live in Vegas, (not living together). They just got together a few weeks ago, and I found out yesterday. Its weird for me cause thats my twin brother. And we've always been the single ones, but now he has a gf. Ive never even had a bf! My sister has a boyfriend, my twin brother has a girlfriend... but im single. Makes me feel odd, like less of an adult, like some kinda freak compared to them... Makes me feel like im sixteen again. Not a good thing. And while Im happy for both my brother and sister, its really bumming me out.

My sister is 19, and me and my brother are 18... yet they are way ahead of me. Jobs, know how to drive, relationships... the only one up I have on them is that Im gonna be the only one in college come fall
College beats out everything, they will be the one's bumed out when they got minimum wage jobs in a factory.


Well-Known Member
yes, you are odd!!!! who comes onto a cannabis forum and starts blabbing about their brothers gf!!!!!

Hey guys, my dog just had his first bitch, she was moderately decent looking and full of life!!!!

She's reasonably decent looking, and a year older than him. I talked to her on facebook since she and my bro live in Vegas, (not living together). They just got together a few weeks ago, and I found out yesterday. Its weird for me cause thats my twin brother. And we've always been the single ones, but now he has a gf. Ive never even had a bf! My sister has a boyfriend, my twin brother has a girlfriend... but im single. Makes me feel odd, like less of an adult, like some kinda freak compared to them... Makes me feel like im sixteen again. Not a good thing. And while Im happy for both my brother and sister, its really bumming me out.

My sister is 19, and me and my brother are 18... yet they are way ahead of me. Jobs, know how to drive, relationships... the only one up I have on them is that Im gonna be the only one in college come fall


Well-Known Member
College beats out everything, they will be the one's bumed out when they got minimum wage jobs in a factory.
URCA!!!!!!! Whatever you do, DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS GUY....He Likes to smoke cigarettes naked and shits in a corner of his yard...In fact, turns out he likes the smell so much, he put his chair next to the shitpile....

But in all seriousness, college is good for some people. Definately an asset...except student loans blow.


Well-Known Member
yes, you are odd!!!! who comes onto a cannabis forum and starts blabbing about their brothers gf!!!!!

Hey guys, my dog just had his first bitch, she was moderately decent looking and full of life!!!!
hey, would comes onto a cannabis forum and starts talking shit to everyone, about how unamerican everyone is... yeah, you're so much better than me


Well-Known Member
you should lose it now that you are young, if you are having sooo much trouble getting laid, what makes you think it will be easier when you are older and the hands of time takes their toll on your body????:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke::joint::joint::joint::joint::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace:

if i was you, id go out and have sex with some random person you just met at the store or something, thats the best sex ever!!!!!

well, im not gonna go on myspace to get laid... weird. plus why would I want to lose my virginity to some dude i met on myspace?? who even uses my space anymore?


Well-Known Member
Cmon guys, let's not ruin another thread with pointless bickering. I'm all for fucking up a stupid thread, but at least Urca is legitimately asking for advice/conversation. Not like some others.


Well-Known Member
whats wrong with calling someone out for talking shit about my country????

hey, would comes onto a cannabis forum and starts talking shit to everyone, about how unamerican everyone is... yeah, you're so much better than me


Well-Known Member
cause they arent talking shit, they are pointing things out, to open up discussion, and you jump down their throats to punish them for believing differently than you. Hubris will be the downfall of this country my friend, if more people think like you do


Well-Known Member
uh, im American to the death, i dont give a shit what someone was doing, if they talk down about my country, they are asking for it!!!!!!


cause they arent talking shit, they are pointing things out, to open up discussion, and you jump down their throats to punish them for believing differently than you. Hubris will be the downfall of this country my friend, if more people think like you do