Peak Seeds BC .. Are these guys legit?.. Anyone deal with them before? Pics?


Well-Known Member
They sell packs of seeds for 40 bucks each with free shipping, but you have to send cash or money order..... I emailed them, and made an offer of 3 packs for a $100 bill... and he said "Smart offer..... Done!"....... I was just thinking if I were someone to sell seeds, I'd take that offer in a heartbeat also....

Anyone know if their stuff is top notch?.... I can easily get an order from Sannies for roughly the same price with freebies, and dont have to bother shipping or dealing with fraud, but I'm really tempted, as I really want some of the best strains around, as I'm gonna start really concentrating on crossing different high quality strains from different breeder's work....


Northern Skunk
Skunk Berry...

Maybe Sweet Skunk instead of one of those to, since they are mostly all Indicas, and would like a Sativa in the mix..... But then again, since I love indicas, and they are really for breeding, I wouldnt mind as long as they are the best he has.... Kush Berry looks awesome too.... Might send 150, and ask for 5 packs, and if he dont want to, I'll tell him to send the 50 back.... I'm sure he'd rather keep the 50 :p.. Maybe the dude who runs this site comes here on RIU, then I'm f'd for writing

I've really had my eye on Flying Dutchmen seeds Blueberry Skunk, so I figure Skunk Berry might be very similar, and at a FRACTION of the price... Same with Northern Berry... Looks like TGA's Querkle....for the same price of 1 pack of 10 of those, I can get 3 different 3 packs, and 30 seeds..... I have 3 querkles, so I'd be cool to grow them side by side, maybe even cross them.....

Cant wait to get my T5 4-6 bulb, So I have more room to start seeds... This would be awesome to start a 10 pack
if this guy is willing to send you 3 packs for 100 and youre willing to put money in an envelope then go for it and tell us what happened! i definetly dont think you should put 150 in there and expect a deal for 5 packs without trying to work it out with him first. i mean its pretty much cash in the mail which leaves you holding the short end of the stick in terms of affirming any rights to your intended purchase.

if you have money you can just throw out like that, god bless, im happy for u. i've never heard of peak seeds, im guessing theyre new. how do you know its really a bc company? have you looked into them/done any research? most people here seem to stick to the big banks just because theres somewhat more of a concrete guarantee you'll get something back. in this economy i personally wouldnt put cash in the mail like that.

in terms of seed quality the rule really is ya get what ya pay for. i dont think many strains can top what TGA does on a regular basis, im a really big fan of TGA so obviously im biased in telling you to get more TGA seeds haha. since nobody else answered your thread yet maybe nobody else has heard of peak seeds but i could be wrong.
I can vouch for Peak Seeds BC. They have been around for years. Their genetics can be verified by other growers pictures on line. In fact I plan to order from them sometime soon.
I've been ordering from them for years and their strains are top-notch, he's simply not a greedy person. The genetics are real. They're all good or better. Skunk Berry is an incredible sativa/indica hybrid.

I live in his area and joined here to help the guy out when he was being lumped in with a bunch of BC scammers. This guy helps BC Canada maintain a good rep, thats important to me.
I remember not to long back reading lots of people saying peak seeds were one of the biggest scammers out there so lets wait for some more input from other long time riu members!
I've used peakseedsbc before, I had bought northernskunk. I have nothing but good things to report on peakseeds. He only works with cash and they come in within a week or so. His seeds are very healthy and big, the cracked within 24hrs and growth wise she's was a strong one, the high was an indica one with good smoke taste. I highly reccoment peakseedsbc. He has very good ratings at greenmanspage. I'm about to make another order with peakseeds since I've noticewd that he's been working on some new strains. Don't be afraid, they're just as good as nirvana, attitude and sannies.

Oh btw northernskunk is a very very good yielder, fills in very tightly. I have a thread with a grow of lsd and northernskunk, imo northernskunk was by far the strongest plant but both where just as good when it came to the high. Oh and another thing the northernskunk I had turned a very purple color and mind you I had temps around 79-84 when lights where on and @ nightb it would get to 72-73 and for whatever reason I really enjoyed growing northernskunk a lot.
I remember not to long back reading lots of people saying peak seeds were one of the biggest scammers out there so lets wait for some more input from other long time riu members!

That's a different peakseeds that at one point yes they would scam everyone, if you look at his disclaimer it reads that he's not linked to the other site. This guy (mj) is on point when it comes to your order. Anytime you could ask him a question and he gets back to you asap.
I remember not to long back reading lots of people saying peak seeds were one of the biggest scammers out there so lets wait for some more input from other long time riu members!

Peak Seeds had been around since 2001. For some reason, they changed their domain from to A competing(scamming) site renewed and posed as the real thing. They fooled me and quite a few others. is an excellent breeder/seller.
Since it will be a while before my next grow, I will most likely wait a while till I order from them.... maybe 2-4 weeks or so, so I'll have a review then with full grow report.. Unless someone wants to do this for me sooner, be my guest... Definitely getting in on this deal..

Sounds to me like the place is legit.... I have also done research, and hear lots of good things..
So.... I mailed my money in last week (10 days ago), and peak seeds has still not received it...... I hope these guys are really legit, I emailed him on and off for the past 3 weeks to kinda get a relationship going, and see if I could trust him, cuz he gave me a deal almost too good to be true... Kinda sucks sending hard earned cash through the mail like that.. was gonna send money order, but it's not like if it helps any, as I'm from a non pot friendly state...

Anyways.... My question is to those who have ordered from peakseeds before...... Yeah, I have heard alot of good things about them, and that they're legit, but still kinda worried...... I wanted to know for you all that have sent cash over the mail from the US....... How long did it take for your package to get there more less?.... I have NEVER shipped or gotten anything from BC So I really have no Idea...

Fingers crossed!...... And If all goes well, then I'll be one happy boy, and have an awesome christmas! :D And I would totally hook this guy up, and praise his seedbank, as he genuinely seems like a cool cat.... Positive thinking! lol
Peak Seeds is cool. The Sweet Skunk they have is a classic! It stretches a bit tho... Skunk Berry from them is awesome, tasty and easy to grow, and even produces well.
Every time I ordered from them, snail mail both ways, cash sent, it takes close to a month, but they always deliver.
We have all positive experiences with peakseedsbc, just make sure its peakseedsbc, someone highjacked their website and was ripping people....nothern berry is an easy growing/cloning plant and skunkberry is too...1 order from them was confiscated and they resent...they usually give extra seeds too
Peak Seeds is cool. The Sweet Skunk they have is a classic! It stretches a bit tho... Skunk Berry from them is awesome, tasty and easy to grow, and even produces well.
Every time I ordered from them, snail mail both ways, cash sent, it takes close to a month, but they always deliver.

I wonder how long the money will take to get to BC from where i am at..... And, yea.... he told me Sweet Skunk was awesome, along with Texada Skunk, but I went with Skunkberry, Northernberry, Kushberry, Blueberry, Northern Skunk, and Northern Lights Kush...... my plan is to germ every Kush variety and every be cross. and try and make my own unique strains with their best phenos :D...... Hopefully I can get A Purple Kush Dominate seed..... I know what I'm gonna do, and thats all that matters, and it's gonna be great, so stay tuned! :D

Well, if everything goes well.... It will be my new fav seedbank, even if it'll take me 2 months to get the seeds :)...... Just order 2 months in advanced.......

I'm gonna really start doing big breeding projects, and maybe I and mr Peak man can work together, and make a killing! I already have 8 years under my belt.... 11 if you count when I first started growing outdoors using Miracle Grow, and not even checking the ph of my plants.... took me time till I learned alot... But the internet stepped my skills to a whole new level, and 2 years later, I've been the best grower in my area since then, but Just got into growing indoors 2 years ago, but it's all common sense... If you can grow outdoors, you can grow indoors

I'm just about to get 2x 4' 6 Bulb T5's which will be used to veg plants out, and 3 250w to keep mothers and father plants..... Dont think I need so many watts just to keep father plants alive and mothers...... with those 3 I will keep 3-5 fathers, and with the t5s 1 is for vegging out little clones and seeds, and the other is to keep 3 mothers or so..

Local guy is gonna give me a deal on them with both 6500k and 3000k for both t5's used for under 6 months, and in perfect condition...... wants me to trade for my workout bench w/ punching bag attached that cost me 50 bucks, and a gram :D... and It's used, but it's worth over 300 dollars....... Since I train with my buddies alot and we do alot of MMA and boxing workouts, IDK if I wanna part with it though.... have friends offering me 200.... It's like new..... Dude wants to trade, and for me to give him an extra 40 bucks, and it's a deal, but I'm waiting to see if he'd do an even trade....... I know I just paid 50, but I know he'll take the even trade....... cuz I said I'd do the even trade if i keep the bag, and he didnt like How much would 2 4' 6 bulb Sun Blaze units with both bulbs would go for?...... It's not my fault I got a good If he would of only paid 40 bucks for those 2 T5's, I'm sure he wouldnt resell them for anything less than 250!

They're Mine..... Cant wait! :)
I sent the money over 3 weeks ago, and the dude says he hasnt gotten it.... I dont know... I kinda think I can trust him, he's been cool with responding to emails and such, but this sucks.... I'm stupid for ordering so many packs in 1 order... I should of just got 2 or 3 at most... But the deal is that he gave me such a good deal on more, which seemed too good to be true, but also too good to pass up, I guess... Hope to hear that he got them today or at least at lastest by Friday, or else....... Well...... I cant do anything about it now can I? lol...

And fuck it, if he says he never received it, I'll just let it be...... I'm not gonna cause controversy over something like that..... Especially that....
Upsetting...Not even getting email responses now.... I dont understand how you all saying this place is legit... But I guess it's a good Idea to just ship his asking price.... I think me emailing him to ask for a better deal, and i think he took that as an insult, and his revenge was to play it cool, but then give me a big "Fuck You!" and I guess the package I send never arrived even though I emailed him with a pic of the package and asked him if that was the correct address, and he confirmed that indeed it was, so I told him i'd ship it out the next day...

It's been a month, and he still claims he's gotten nothing..... What I find funny/odd is that I emailed him about every day asking different questions so I could get to know the guy and earn his trust.... I asked how much he would charge me or if he could make some kind of special order for me of 3 10 packs, and 3 5 packs.... He emails me back and says he'd do it for 140 cash, but ALL 10 PACKS.....(too good to be true, but also too good to pass up situation he got me into..) ..... And since I did him the favor of sending cash, i guess he knew it was one of those cases in where he knew it wouldnt hurt just to ignore and say it never arrived.. Seriously... What are the chances of me already thinking this was too good to be true... me emailing him like 10 times before i sent the money to make SURE he was legit...Sending him a pic of the address to make sure I didnt write it wrong, and so he knew that he couldnt tell me that maybe I made a mistake on writing the address in case it was to really happen, THEN IT REALLY DOES HAPPEN!... I even emailed him the link to this thread so he knew I had it all planned out, and now he stopped replying....

I apologized if i insulted him by asking for a cheaper price, but I also told him Im not a guy with alot of money..... and I told him to forget the deal, and to at least send me 3-4 packs..... He's not gonna change his mind even if my package were to arrive LATE imo....He's not gonna admit that he tried to screw me over and send me the reg deal....... And if he did, he'd probably send me the crappiest seeds he could find anyways.....

Whatever..... Maybe I annoyed him with all those questions, and he sensed that I didnt trust him, so he did this.... No way in my mind did he not receive something I made sure arrived, but with at least money as possible.... guess (you get what you pay for kinda thing..)

bottom line......... just pay this guy his asking price and dont email him..... Would be cool if someone else would try this, but document it with pics.... Fuck, was so excited to try these strains out and use for breeding... I should of paid those extra 20 bucks for tracking... If i cant prove it, why send me anything, right?..... Might as well make an extra 200 dollars with those seeds on someone else, huh? ...... I'll stick with attitude and Sannies, I guess....

If he emails me back like a man and ends up doing good on our deal, then I will totally be back and let you all know.... But for now, I would suggest you stay away from this site....... If anyone has any neg feedback or similar experiences, please speak up....

He offered me any 6 packs for 140 bucks, just letting you all know..... If he would of hooked it up, I would of never said that, and I would of praised his site to everyone, and most likely would of made alot more money than 140 bucks with me promoting him with my grow reports and was just gonna start on youtube...


Oh.... And I think me being from a non friendly state also encouraged this... got raped.. -_-
I messaged him to buy some seeds but no reply. Sending money to canada from us is a bad idea. CUSTOMS are snakes. I bought some nice 200$ cigars (25) they opened it took 10 and packed it up. At least i never paid duty.
here is the site i ordered from a couple years ago. i got northern skunk and blueberry. received 12 seeds of each, so a couple free of each. the northern skunk is pretty good and i made a couple of crosses with a male but havnt grown any yet.
only grew 1 seed of the blueberry and it hermied so i chopped it. but blueberry tends to hermie sometimes.
i sent an international money order and in about 16 days i received the beans.
I don't get sending cash, fuck that. A guy may send out their product no problem for the most part. But, maybe he needed an extra $100 that day. So you have 1000 satisfied, repeat buyers. You screw one and keep their cash, no big deal, right? If they don't take a money order, which can be traced. Screw it. I use Herbies in the UK. And a CC to pay to boot, shows up as something totally undetectable on my statement. Buy it, pay with CC, product shipped, records are trace. & days to the east coast, USA.