Help with cuttings.


Well-Known Member
my question to you all is......

Straight after you take your cuttings what do you all do with them..
I need info on what you do to them and how n where you keep them till they root.

last time i took cuttings i got 90% sucsess rate but this time i dont think its going too well.
i took my cuttings 10 days ago and have them in a small propagator. i mist twice a day n make sure the rockwool aint too wet. the light i have placed on top of propagator is just a floro tube light with homemade reflector. it worked really well last time so dont understand wots goin wrong. all was well till the other day when i noticed there mostly all yellow but there are a few thats not that bad..

no signs of any roots yet n im just worried that im not gona have anythin to grow when my current grow,s finished.


Well-Known Member
i heard that some ppl cut the tips of the leaves but does this really work and when do you do it.?? i take it its done shortly after you take them from the mother.
any help will be gladly accepted..

here is sum pics there not in great detail but you can see the yellow on most of them..

thanx to all that respond.



Well-Known Member
i heard that some ppl cut the tips of the leaves but does this really work and when do you do it.?? i take it its done shortly after you take them from the mother.
any help will be gladly accepted..

here is sum pics there not in great detail but you can see the yellow on most of them..

thanx to all that respond.
First, mixed results wih cuttings is often due to water ph.
Cutting absorb water through their leaves at first, so they need misting every few hours, with 6.0ph water.
Be sure their is always a quarter inch of moisture in the bottom of the propegator box (6.0ph).
Make sure the temp inside the box does not raise above 80F.
Always use a rooting hormone on the cuttings.


Well-Known Member
the first time i made clones i never misted just let the moisture and humidity in the dome do the feeding,and i had a 85% success,the second time i used a heating mat and t5 light that slid through top of cover they got to hot and died,next time i had an improper ph they died,next time i misted while in the dome and they died,went back to not misting and letting the humidity in the dome feed them and i had success again.


Well-Known Member
One thing to remember is this, different seed strains behave very differently. So you will have to decide what works best for your strain. Water ph is a crucial issue in success or failure in all cases.


Well-Known Member
How long do clones take to root? i took my cuttings over a week ago, they look healthy, but NO signs of roots.


Well-Known Member
cheers mockingbird and trapper.
info is appreciated coz without it i would be stuck.
will be taking some more cuttings later today coz i want atleast 10 for my next grow.

probably better if i take a few extra coz ive got a funny feelin they all aint gona make it this time.
will keep you all posted on how my cuttings get on over the next few days.

thanx ppl..

Maryjanes Sancho

Active Member
My cuttinhgs are drooping and looking wilted. Not dry but nothing is bringing them back. What should I do?



Well-Known Member
rofl keep misting 6 times a day... lol

don't need to mist them 6 times a day if you have a good dome that holds the moisture and humidity up above 60%

i mist mine once every other day. they are doing fine.


Well-Known Member
rofl keep misting 6 times a day... lol

don't need to mist them 6 times a day if you have a good dome that holds the moisture and humidity up above 60%

i mist mine once every other day. they are doing fine.
If they are drooping they are hot and thirsty. If you supply enough light, you will need to mist several times a day.