Dwc Grow Club

Phuckkin niice 4T. So what I'm lookin at is an undercurrent bucket system on continuous flo like whodats rrdwc rite? How many pumps u running how do u have them setup. That's the shyt man thanks!
Phuckkin niice 4T. So what I'm lookin at is an undercurrent bucket system on continuous flo like whodats rrdwc rite? How many pumps u running how do u have them setup. That's the shyt man thanks!

almost, i think whodats it a top feed n gravity back. im only using one pump, look at the tutoroial on my journal. you will see how easy it is. its a brief description that explains most everything. if not just ask.
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Diggity....chopped my last 2 girlz :D Final trim shotz will be on my thread 2morrowz ;) First ever harvest is almost complete....I'm so effin stoked to be here lulz Hope all goes well with every1. Happy growing!

Bump real happy for u minz n yea like 4T said I'm sure its only gonna get better from here. Lovein the nugg pix man real niice n for first grow they look. Like a pro grew them. Minz is our next dwc grow club prodigy. Lookin forward to the rest bro. Peace
almost, i think whodats it a top feed n gravity back. im only using one pump, look at the tutoroial on my journal. you will see how easy it is. its a brief description that explains most everything. if not just ask.

My bad 4T I was just checkkin it out man I get it! And thanks. Real niice I've been tryna find a real easy ricirculating setup and this one hits the spot. Its gonna work well for my spot afterall our setups are almost identical. Inline pump is what I should have been thinking the whole time lol man I swear sometimes I hit a growers block or something. Haha duh inline pump equals recirculation niice man. Thanks 4T
My bad 4T I was just checkkin it out man I get it! And thanks. Real niice I've been tryna find a real easy ricirculating setup and this one hits the spot. Its gonna work well for my spot afterall our setups are almost identical. Inline pump is what I should have been thinking the whole time lol man I swear sometimes I hit a growers block or something. Haha duh inline pump equals recirculation niice man. Thanks 4T

no prob bro. the gromets i used are from granger part #3MPT7 for 1 1/4" pvc. they are $16 n change for a 25 pack.requires a 2" hole saw, nice tight fit n seal is great!!!

Hi, one and all :) Firstly I gotta voice my opinion and say that DWC has got to be the best method of growing out-right !!! :) I have used soil and simerlar mediums and was not happy but Hydro is fast, it gives you complete control over feeding and tweeking! I gotta say I am never moving away from DWC. :) :) :) For those of you who have not seen my :-


I have built my own Stealth-Cab virtually from scratch... my thread detail's my 1st grow in this cab and my next one I have just started. Its not my 1st grow although somewhere in my LINK is a few pics from 'my 1st grow' again... In DWC :) I have experimented with CFLs, LED's and am now settled with HID (MH/HPS) although I am looking forward to the new line of HPS bulbs soon to be imported (I hope) with an increased PAR ratio. My current grow starts with a 250W Metal Halide, and then Flowers with either a 250W, 400W or 600W HPS... this time round mainly due to the spell of hot weather we're having, I will be Flowering with a 400W HPS, but I am going to use a Lumatek with increased PAR lamp, or a good quality Dual Spec (400). I hope y'all enjoy my thread if you decide to check it out (Over 200 pages + 100's of pics). Hope eveyone one is growing well I look forward to rolling a doob, n kicking back and reading this whole thread from page 1 to date. - STELTHY :leaf:
Welcome to the club Stelthy. I haven't seen Tokemaster post in some time would be cool to see he's still around tho.

Cheer's dude, Hmm... if Tokemaster is not about so much these days maybe another DWC Club Member could answer my question (3 posts above ^^^) + REP! for the best honest answers - STELTHY :leaf:
Here's my take honestly I think they design there formulas based upon salt content. Soil and soilless based nutes offer lower salinity levels as opposed to hydro based nutes at least that's what there selling. U can expect higher tolerances to salinity levels in hydro especially in dwc as it just falls to the bottom of the res and doesn't really affect the roots unless water levels get too low and ur roots are forced to sit in the salt deposits I guess then u will find the burning and such. So with soil nutes and soilless I think the main advantage useing them with those mediums is they contain less salt. Salt does build up in mediums and will burn if allowed to dry. In soil especially if not airrated the only place those salts would eventually end up resting is on the roots themselves as it would be the only possible way that I can see that they would be able to move thru the medium. Along the roots if u will. Honestly I. Think the greatest nutes I think anyone. Could possibly use would be nutes with the lowest possible salinitiy levels. That would make them much more less forgiveing if overfeeding occurs and would give growers a better chance to maybe feed more as some strains require.
There's som much more to it all. I'm sure others may have more to put in on it id like to here the other opinions and suggestions too.
From there so its known its all up for debate. But to me I'm more about growing and learning a lot of peeps wanna argue this and that. I'm all about the facts and first hand grow knowledge that's been scientifically proven so arguements r no longer in my vocab lol that's only directed as some that may see my post and wanna argue haha.
But. Like I said that's my opinion. I value others input on the subject. Always learning.
Much grow love all and respects.
How'd I do?

Hi dude, just a few quick question's for ya... I see your using Canna's Aqua VEGA/FLORES in DWC, I am using Canna's Hydro VEGA/FLORES in DWC, whats the difference? and which one is best for DWC and why? Cheers! - STELTHY :leaf:

i personally have never used either. but a m8te in the uk uses both n he says the hydro was designes for soiless mediums like coco. the aqua was designed for a water medium n has some addatives thats supposed to protect the roots in a water medium. personally i dont think the roots need protecting just 02 saturation. i think its the most overlooked component of hydro. maby not overlooked but misunderstood as in how much 02 can be retained in water n how beneficial it is to the plant...eather can and are used sucessfully in both soilless and water mediums so its 6 of one 1/2 dozen of the other imo
Well said sir. I wonder if some of those additives in there AQUA r actually Beneficial bacteria like Mycos and Rhizo or if it is maybe like what u said O2 its very interesting. And something research that's for sure. I know that 02 only kills the Bennies and Harmfull pathogens so u can't have one with the other and that's too bad because they both offer great incentives in our res. Maybe its best useing the 02. I personally like the bennies cause i m useing organic nutes like the taste and loveing the root zone and I'm positive I am getting even more dense nuggz than ever since I started useing them. I hear bennies also help protect against MOLD on nuggz. Lol there's so much I still Have to learn everytime I think I got something figured out there's a million new thing to think about! I've been thinking about chelateing properties. That may also be what's being added To the Aqua this is something new I've been thinking about as I don't know how they work. Any info?
Nice to see this thread is still alive, I havnView attachment 1706146View attachment 1706147View attachment 1706149View attachment 1706150View attachment 1706152't been around in awhile. Here's a few shots of whats on the go....

redi jedi thats an interesting chiller, i bet it does fine if your not in a very hot environment. you could vastly improve the effeciency of the unit by adding a container filled with water to submerge the copper coil in. the water is a better transfer medium than air n will be ultimatly cooler than the air sourounding the tubing. water is also more retentive than the air therefore making the refer work less. jmo...neverthe less great job!! i love diyers +respect
Well said sir. I wonder if some of those additives in there AQUA r actually Beneficial bacteria like Mycos and Rhizo or if it is maybe like what u said O2 its very interesting. And something research that's for sure. I know that 02 only kills the Bennies and Harmfull pathogens so u can't have one with the other and that's too bad because they both offer great incentives in our res. Maybe its best useing the 02. I personally like the bennies cause i m useing organic nutes like the taste and loveing the root zone and I'm positive I am getting even more dense nuggz than ever since I started useing them. I hear bennies also help protect against MOLD on nuggz. Lol there's so much I still Have to learn everytime I think I got something figured out there's a million new thing to think about! I've been thinking about chelateing properties. That may also be what's being added To the Aqua this is something new I've been thinking about as I don't know how they work. Any info?
thanks dl, i was talking about oxygen tho o2 not h202. i do occasionally use h202 just to clean things up or rather as a preventive maintenance if you will. mostly at res change when going from veg to flower.kinda like starting off with a clean slate if you will. i use great white n believe in the benefits of beneficials but also realize its not a perfect world. i practice chemicals in moderation n only when needed. the chleated subject is up for debate. chleated is just a fancy way of introducing metalics into the food chain. copper,iron, etc. its when you have one metalic attached to two non matalics that form a chain or circle. all three bonded if you will. it makes them more readily available to the plant by bonding with the non matalic n being sucked up while feeding. you would have to be a chemist to really figure all the components just in your tap water. it makes good reading but in reality, ehhh... not very ecential to know. i mean plants have been growing for ions with just water n whatever nutes it got along the way. im looking to make things more simple not complicate things even more than what they already are. jmho...
edit the h2o2 is short lived n you can add the bennies back n they will have no prob from the prior applied h2o2.