rise of planet of the apes


Well-Known Member
I'll probably go see it to.It actually looked good compared to a lot of other remakes.

I think that was a horrible choice for the title though.They should of just called it rise of the apes


Well-Known Member
I'll probably go see it to.It actually looked good compared to a lot of other remakes.

I think that was a horrible choice for the title though.They should of just called it rise of the apes
Lmao i thought the same thing when i heard the title as you said i hope its better then alot of the remakes alot of them sucked ass


Well-Known Member
Saw the previews for it at the HP premire... looked hella good
by HP I guess it harry potter?I hate them fucking movies,I got a friend whos all about that shit lol read every book and went to see it at like 4 in the morning when it first came out.


Well-Known Member
Lmao i thought the same thing when i heard the title as you said i hope its better then alot of the remakes alot of them sucked ass
Yea it seemed like they wanted to keep it known as planet of the apes.They could of still made it something better.

And I think the old planet of the apes movies sucked to.Even the newest one with mark whalberg.
They were probably good for there time though.


Well-Known Member
by HP I guess it harry potter?I hate them fucking movies,I got a friend whos all about that shit lol read every book and went to see it at like 4 in the morning when it first came out.
Lol I saw it the moment it came out, but thats just cause my friend bought me a ticket. I dont care for the movies much, but when I was younger, I was in LOVE with harry potter. I think the books are very good, just nothing to obsess over like I used to when I was 11


Well-Known Member
Lol I saw it the moment it came out, but thats just cause my friend bought me a ticket. I dont care for the movies much, but when I was younger, I was in LOVE with harry potter. I think the books are very good, just nothing to obsess over like I used to when I was 11
Yea I always hear the books are great but I only like a few fiction books.I'll probably read them if I ever get locked up again.


Well-Known Member
seen a bunch of previews for it, looks pretty good. I still cant imagine how a bunch of monkeys overpowered 6 billion humans but I guess I'll find out when I see it haha.