The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2 fact slaves had a better way of life than when they were freed...

you win the asinine statement of the day award. you will now be placed in the running for asinine statement of the week, month, and year.

really? i mean, really?

having your 7 year old child sold to some plantation, never to see them again, was awesome sauce?

having to labor without pay was fucking fantastic?

being whipped and beaten was just a merry old time?

fuck you.
the naacp is a private organization. they can do what they want accordingly.

just like a private golf course can decide who they allow as members, and if they disallow blacks, that is their prerogative.

if a business or organization is 'open to the public', that is a different story.

you can start the naawp and give away all the white-only scholarships you want.

Funny, you ask a question that leads the argument into a paradigm, and the opposition decides to use your earlier arguments.

Private organization, private business, that serves the public. What ever way you choose to look at it.

There actually is white only scholarships (very few), and quite a few black people actually look upon them with anger or disgust. Can't say that I blame them.

londonfog said:
only for the fact for 200 years plus African Americans got such a fuck up deal in this country...Remember it was a time AA were not allowed to fucking even seeing how others had such a wonderful headstart I see nothing wrong it...Without organizations like NAACP people of color would most likely go to schools with no books and poor learning condition...In my lifetime we had to drink out of separate water fountains, denied entry into business and don't complain to me ....bitch at the people that would allow such condition to exist that we would have to do things to even this country up...

Using this argument is like the people who are pro-life saying abortion is murder, but we'll extend an exception to that murder rule if you were raped. It's hypocritical.
Funny, you ask a question that leads the argument into a paradigm, and the opposition decides to use your earlier arguments.

Private organization, private business, that serves the public. What ever way you choose to look at it.

i'm a member of the public, but for some reason i can't seem to walk onto a private golf course and play.....hmmmmmm.

think harder next time.

Yea well we keep getting as unconstitutional as we are becoming, we will all have the misfortune of no head start, regardless of color or sex, i think you are just too paranoid. When is the last time you went into a school without books? There are plenty of colors, sex, and other peoples who had to overcome misfortune, not just slaves, in fact slaves had a better way of life than when they were freed.
Point being is i dont want to hear that card being played not by blacks not by jews not by Indians not by anyone who ancestry was oppressed in one form or another, shit the white folks from England were peasant slave workers as well so i can play that card if i wanted.
I don't need a card to play...I speak truth...this country went years and years and years and years of unchecked hatred and you bitch because the score is becoming even due to changes...Fuck You...and please do tell how bad live was for a white person from a link that I can see...would love to learn something can't began to compare that how people of color were treated...Did you really say slaves had a better way of life when better go read about "Recontruction"....I wish we could all get along , but when asshat start talking like they know it pisses me off...Tell you what let me know when you or you father get denied service for something due to the color of your skin and then we can talk..
i'm a member of the public, but for some reason i can't seem to walk onto a private golf course and play.....hmmmmmm.

think harder next time.

You are not a member because you have not paid. Why don't you try harder? You weren't denied because of your race. Stop making redundant stretches in order to avoid the point.

londonfog: Is it not oppression to allow a past oppressed race to enjoy special privileges over the others?
you win the asinine statement of the day award. you will now be placed in the running for asinine statement of the week, month, and year.

really? i mean, really?

having your 7 year old child sold to some plantation, never to see them again, was awesome sauce?

having to labor without pay was fucking fantastic?

being whipped and beaten was just a merry old time?

fuck you.
Now your just putting words in my mouth, i think slaves is a horrible idea, slaves and allot of other ideas in the past are horrible that why we live learn and move on don't turn this into something \its not.
I don't need a card to play...I speak truth...this country went years and years and years and years of unchecked hatred and you bitch because the score is becoming even due to changes...Fuck You...and please do tell how bad live was for a white person from a link that I can see...would love to learn something can't began to compare that how people of color were treated...Did you really say slaves had a better way of life when better go read about "Recontruction"....I wish we could all get along , but when asshat start talking like they know it pisses me off...Tell you what let me know when you or you father get denied service for something due to the color of your skin and then we can talk..

EVEN? *walking away again*
UB you have spammed this thread since day one, why? IF you do dispise RP and us supporters so much why do you continue to do whatever you possibly can to press people's button? after 231 pages I think you have made your point and are simply here to be a nuisance and nothing more.

You did say that you don't like his abortion stance, I agree with you at that, luckily it's a non issue because he support letting the states makes those laws, which is kind of the joy of having 50 states, if you don't like one's laws you just hop over to a state that reflects your opinions. Feel me?

I seem to notice the same issues being argued over and over again, seems like a waste of breath to me.
I don't need a card to play...I speak truth...this country went years and years and years and years of unchecked hatred and you bitch because the score is becoming even due to changes...Fuck You...and please do tell how bad live was for a white person from a link that I can see...would love to learn something can't began to compare that how people of color were treated...Did you really say slaves had a better way of life when better go read about "Recontruction"....I wish we could all get along , but when asshat start talking like they know it pisses me off...Tell you what let me know when you or you father get denied service for something due to the color of your skin and then we can talk..
When did this happen in the 1800's?
I have ancestry from both my english and italian roots that were oppressed, i dont go around sayign oh dear god me my people were oppressed so i have less opportunity now. how does that work? as i said before there are more than just black jews and indians that were oppressed but somehow its always those three races that harp on it.
Shit illegal mexicans have more rights in this country than my white male ass.
When did this happen in the 1800's?
I have ancestry from both my english and italian roots that were oppressed, i dont go around sayign oh dear god me my people were oppressed so i have less opportunity now. how does that work? as i said before there are more than just black jews and indians that were oppressed but somehow its always those three races that harp on it.
Shit illegal mexicans have more rights in this country than my white male ass.
Aslo did you directly get told you got denied cause your color? i doubt it unless it was quite some time ago, sounds like a card is being played again to me and your assuming that's why you got denied and that's racist.
only for the fact for 200 years plus African Americans got such a fuck up deal in this country...Remember it was a time AA were not allowed to fucking even seeing how others had such a wonderful headstart I see nothing wrong it...Without organizations like NAACP people of color would most likely go to schools with no books and poor learning condition...In my lifetime we had to drink out of separate water fountains, denied entry into business and don't complain to me ....bitch at the people that would allow such condition to exist that we would have to do things to even this country up...
so you are essentially saying that two wrongs make a right, the ends justify the means and the rights of the individual are secondary to the whims of both the state and the mob. you endlessly cite the failures of government to protect its citizens as the very reasons why we should allow the state to interfere in the lives of the people and you seem incapable of understanding the idiocy of that rationale. you don't seem to mind the racism inherent in programs like affirmative action simply because somewhere in the past there is a chance that government failed to do its duty to protect the ancestors of those it now tries to illegitimately send to the head of the line. that each individual should be free to do with his own belongings whatever he wishes should be considered of paramount importance to anyone who respects individual liberty, but i don't suppose that is taken into account when those individuals wish to do something that the statists in the room dislike. or is it? is it the very concept of the individual that you despise?
Aslo did you directly get told you got denied cause your color? i doubt it unless it was quite some time ago, sounds like a card is being played again to me and your assuming that's why you got denied and that's racist.

what that tells me is just how young and unlearned you are....if something happened in my life time I won't forget and for the record I'm in my mid 50's and be damn if I let it you keep telling me I play the race card and I say FUCK YOU I play experience....
You are not a member because you have not paid. Why don't you try harder? You weren't denied because of your race. Stop making redundant stretches in order to avoid the point.

even if i wanted to pay, they could deny me for any reason they want. they could disallow me because i was black, or white, or male, or whatever else they wanted.

point is, as a PRIVATE organization, that does not advertise as being 'open to the public', they are legally allowed to do such.

the gas station and the grocery store can't do that (anymore). and when they were able to do so, many did disallow blacks and did just fine. and it caused harm to others.

in america, we allow people to do what they want as long as it does not harm others or infringe on their rights (in theory). well, blacks were harmed by segregation.

end point: your right to be a bigot is not greater than the rights of others not to be harmed by bigotry.
You did say that you don't like his abortion stance, I agree with you at that, luckily it's a non issue because he support letting the states makes those laws, which is kind of the joy of having 50 states, if you don't like one's laws you just hop over to a state that reflects your opinions. Feel me?

in america, the SCOTUS has ruled that abortion is legally allowed.

if you don't like it, you can hop on over to another country that reflects your opinions. feel me?

see how fucking stupid that argument sounds?

let's try it again. suppose ron paul is elected, and by some miracle he turns cannabis re-legalization into a state's rights issue. your state does not adopt and prohibition remains. well, all you have to do to overcome this injustice is uproot your entire fucking life. sound fair?

get fucked.
so you are essentially saying that two wrongs make a right, the ends justify the means and the rights of the individual are secondary to the whims of both the state and the mob. you endlessly cite the failures of government to protect its citizens as the very reasons why we should allow the state to interfere in the lives of the people and you seem incapable of understanding the idiocy of that rationale. you don't seem to mind the racism inherent in programs like affirmative action simply because somewhere in the past there is a chance that government failed to do its duty to protect the ancestors of those it now tries to illegitimately send to the head of the line. that each individual should be free to do with his own belongings whatever he wishes should be considered of paramount importance to anyone who respects individual liberty, but i don't suppose that is taken into account when those individuals wish to do something that the statists in the room dislike. or is it? is it the very concept of the individual that you despise?
making things right due the the wrongs of others...I guess we should not help those who got treated so unfairly and unjust in the past...nope just let them find their own way...FUCK I said in my life time I have seen the cruelty and injustice done to people of color maybe after I die and the next generation that did not have to go thru it you can try to have an argument...but for now FUCK YOU