ADHD - who else?


Active Member
im not talking about just ADD but ADHD, and for those that dont know what that is.


now i know doctors gave half of americas kids this diagnose within the last ten years, but i consider myself one of the true cases. just wondering who else was in the same boat, cuz i find gods green medicine helps me out a ton with my adhd.:weed:


Well-Known Member
well sorry bro i know how that shit is when its true, my friend had that shit he couldn't.t even sit down and watch a movie unless he was stoned out his mind also only on kush, i am one of those with add so am not that bad but bud don;t help me but it helps me concentrate on things i enjoy


Well-Known Member
im not talking about just ADD but ADHD, and for those that dont know what that is.


now i know doctors gave half of americas kids this diagnose within the last ten years, but i consider myself one of the true cases. just wondering who else was in the same boat, cuz i find gods green medicine helps me out a ton with my adhd.:weed:
If you had been diagnosed with ADHD and done any research on it you would know that ADHD and ADD mean the same condition, one is just an older term,
Also if you had ADHD and had ever bothered to seek real treatment like group counseling sessions etc.. you would know that there is no "TRUE" ADHD and that it is only a descriptor for a spectrum of Attention related disorders which we dont know much about.

The sensory processor and information integrator are the causes of the ADD/ADHD spectrum, hyperactivity occurs with people whose problem seems to be based more in information integration,

The point being that you are trying to call yourself a "True" ADHD when in fact there is no TRUE ADHD because it is a generalized term used for describing a whole spectrum of disfunctions for which we still have no specific identifiable cause or malfunction.

Furthermore Your attempt to differentiate between ADD and ADHD as though one is not just as debilitating a medical condition as other is offensive and completely ignorant of the mechanics behind ADHD.

These are the Types of ADHD. right off wikipedia. You wanna talk about ADHD, how about figure out what it is first!

ADHD has three subtypes:[27]
Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive
Most symptoms (six or more) are in the hyperactivity-impulsivity categories.
Fewer than six symptoms of inattention are present, although inattention may still be present to some degree.
Predominantly inattentive
The majority of symptoms (six or more) are in the inattention category and fewer than six symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity are present, although hyperactivity-impulsivity may still be present to some degree.
Children with this subtype are less likely to act out or have difficulties getting along with other children. They may sit quietly, but they are not paying attention to what they are doing. Therefore, the child may be overlooked, and parents and teachers may not notice symptoms of ADHD.
Combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive
Six or more symptoms of inattention and six or more symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity are present.
Most children with ADHD have the combined type.


Active Member
I have a better term for your condition, TARD
so explain to me why its so hard for me to concentrate and focus on just about anything when im not medicated.... and dont try to explain it like the other assclown and say its too much sugar... if some people had a well working mind they would be dangerous...
dont listen to these people,my uncle has just been diagnosed with adhd,(adult form), i know that i have it,it is a heredatry disorder,which if not diagnosed as a child stays in the background and can show itself at any period of your adult life, he was given rittlin for his med
advise not to take,gave him 3 heartattacks, smoking good shit is about the best thing to slow yourself down, good luck pal


Well-Known Member
i know i have it. i a had like a 100% when i did a online test always losing keys starting ten things at once and finishing none when i smoke im way worse maybe i need to try different strains more sativas or somthing. when reading somthing if im not interested i have to read ten times to take it in. its depressing sometimes cuz i dont do the things i tell myself to do


Active Member
yeah i gotta re-read things a few times over to get it all in, mine has gotten a little better since childhood, but even now at 21 it still fucks with my sleeping and my focus pretty bad, but some good cheese strains or some northern lights always does the trick for a while, and ive found that sour D does pretty good for me too. i used to take adderall and rittilin when i was in grade school but they gave me really weird side effects so i stopped those when i was about 13.


Well-Known Member
im not talking about just ADD but ADHD, and for those that dont know what that is.


now i know doctors gave half of americas kids this diagnose within the last ten years, but i consider myself one of the true cases. just wondering who else was in the same boat, cuz i find gods green medicine helps me out a ton with my adhd.:weed:

my friend has that,


Well-Known Member
so explain to me why its so hard for me to concentrate and focus on just about anything when im not medicated.... and dont try to explain it like the other assclown and say its too much sugar... if some people had a well working mind they would be dangerous...
The point is that ADHD is a label given to people who show a variety of symptoms caused by differences in how they perceive information and how they organize information.
your ADHD is different from everyone elses ADHD, which is why ritalin works for one kid, meth works for another, and yet another just needs a special diet (cause occasionally ADHD symptoms have been linked to certain kinds of environmental and food allergies)


Active Member
The point is that ADHD is a label given to people who show a variety of symptoms caused by differences in how they perceive information and how they organize information.
your ADHD is different from everyone elses ADHD, which is why ritalin works for one kid, meth works for another, and yet another just needs a special diet (cause occasionally ADHD symptoms have been linked to certain kinds of environmental and food allergies)
what you said still hasnt proved your previous statements, mines still feeling pretty legit. :weed: all day


Well-Known Member
i was a straight f student pretty much(well mostly)ritalin worked wonders when i was a kid my i can remember my report card and my teacher commenting how much i improved i need sum more of that shit im 38 now


Well-Known Member
what you said still hasnt proved your previous statements, mines still feeling pretty legit. :weed: all day
No, Your Statement is entirely wrong, ADHD has three types of manifestations, your statement is flat out bullshit cause you dont know what ADHD is. so go fuck yourself. or back up your statement. cause ive already cut and pasted sources.

namely wikipedia, but here you go again

ADHD has three subtypes:[27]
Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive
Most symptoms (six or more) are in the hyperactivity-impulsivity categories.
Fewer than six symptoms of inattention are present, although inattention may still be present to some degree.
Predominantly inattentive
The majority of symptoms (six or more) are in the inattention category and fewer than six symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity are present, although hyperactivity-impulsivity may still be present to some degree.
Children with this subtype are less likely to act out or have difficulties getting along with other children. They may sit quietly, but they are not paying attention to what they are doing. Therefore, the child may be overlooked, and parents and teachers may not notice symptoms of ADHD.
Combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive
Six or more symptoms of inattention and six or more symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity are present.
Most children with ADHD have the combined type.
alright, i get what your saying,your talking about adhd in kids,which in my opinion most kids are hyperactive, and things levelout with age,adult form of adhd has nothing to do with your diet,


Well-Known Member
so explain to me why its so hard for me to concentrate and focus on just about anything when im not medicated.... and dont try to explain it like the other assclown and say its too much sugar... if some people had a well working mind they would be dangerous...
The tard part of your condition is that you dont know what the F ADHD is, MMJ is the best and safest treatment, and is one of several conditions for which I treat with MMJ. However id you are going to speak about medical conditions and want to use terms like TRUE you better back you shit up with science, cause Im not going to let some Asshole prance around like he knows what hes talking about,

oh and if you need further refferences try "you mean im not lazy stupid or crazy"