

Well-Known Member
i heard you can dilute your urine 1 part urine 9 parts water, just a thought.... but i wouldnt do that unless I couldnt afford fertilizer or something


Well-Known Member
yeah urine does has nitrogen in it, not sure how much you have to dilute, but its alot.

Also Fish Emulsion works very well for nitrogen, and its organic. They sell it at most wal marts, I believe its rated at 4-1-1.

Good luck to yeah mate. Why you need nitrogen anyways? Plants yellowing?


Well-Known Member
oh, and if they are flowering and some of the fan leaves are starting to yellow, they dont need nitrogen that is just natural becuase the plant is using up the energy to make the flowers.

Not sure if that is the case, but figure just in case, better tell ya.

Goodluck mate <3