White Fluffy DMT vs. yellow lab DMT

I have had two different DMT powder/crystals before.... some yellow shit I got from a friend probably made in a lab somewhere. and white fluffy stuff I made myself..

Does anyone know which is stronger? I feel like the yellow stuff was from trip experiences, but I didn't get to experiment with my batch of fluff like I wanted. My friend did however and had great trips.
Well then obviously you can't do a comparison.

From what I understand yellow stuff should be less potent by weight, only just so from colour impurities.

I don't really want to guess how the impurities could effect the trip.
Lol they were probably both made in someone's house.

Sticky yellow D generally wasnt freezer preciped which means it still has some of the fat's and oils.

White fluffy yellowish/white/beige deams is the best, def more potent.
Best Deem i ever had was rock hard and look like quartz or a milky crystal, 100 for a tenth it was very pure but to spendy for a real trip, dose's were in hundreths
Doses for DMT are 20-60mg.

I don't doubt it was like a rock, but if your suggesting the dose was in the 0.00x g then it very likely wasn't DMT.

EDIT: Sorry, hundredths. :D
Yeah you got some good Deems then... But 100 for 100mg? That's way way way way to expensive!

People shouldnt sell deams.. They should just give it away!
Best Deem i ever had was rock hard and look like quartz or a milky crystal, 100 for a tenth it was very pure but to spendy for a real trip, dose's were in hundreths
Yeah, a gram of DMT goes for 800-1000 around here. That's insane. I really need to make some DMT. That is some fast cash!
The yellowish DMT has fats in it and other alkaloids. I was told the yellow DMT is a more "earthly" feeling. I only had the yellowish kind though so this is someone elses information :)
How much mhrb do you need to yeild a gram on a first time extraction.... Also how many doses on average in a gram?
I've heard 1% is average, but either my math is off, or that's wrong, because it just doesn't seem right. That would mean 100 grams mhrb would yield approximately 1 gram, which can't be right. Maybe it's .1%? Meaning you would need a kilo?

As far as doses go, I'm thinking you could have 200+ off a gram, assuming 50mg doses.

Edit, 20. LoL, my math sucks.
How much mhrb do you need to yeild a gram on a first time extraction.... Also how many doses on average in a gram?

"Our resources cite numbers ranging from .31% - .57%. There is one reference to 1% DMT content in Trout's Notes which simply states that there is a persistent counter-culture rumor that 1% DMT can be found from some sources, but no reference or verification has been found for the rumor." Citation: http://www.erowid.org/ask/ask.php?ID=75

Here's one of many tek's for extracting DMT. There are many variations and one of the simplest I would look up is called STB. Straight to base. SUPER simple and if you keep doing "pulls" from your mixture you can get AT LEAST 3-5 grams of DMT from 1lb of MHRB. (mimosa hostilis root bark).

Definetly surf around on the above linked forum if anyone is interested in extracting DMT. It will have ALL the info necessary to do so in many different variations.
I have had two different DMT powder/crystals before.... some yellow shit I got from a friend probably made in a lab somewhere. and white fluffy stuff I made myself..

Does anyone know which is stronger? I feel like the yellow stuff was from trip experiences, but I didn't get to experiment with my batch of fluff like I wanted. My friend did however and had great trips.
Damn you've got two diff types, luck you!! :)
How much mhrb do you need to yeild a gram on a first time extraction.... Also how many doses on average in a gram?
Yields from mhrb seem to generally be 0.5 - 1.5% so 200 grams of mhrb should yield 1-3 grams.

A gram will give you 20 x 50mg doses, 25 x 40mg doses etc..