Will you vote for Obama in 2012?

How do you prefer in 2012?

  • I prefer Obama.

    Votes: 15 32.6%
  • I prefer a Republican.

    Votes: 24 52.2%
  • I am undecided.

    Votes: 3 6.5%
  • I am not registered to vote.

    Votes: 4 8.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I will vote Obama..The Republicans of today are crazy as a rabid dog...All you Ron Paul fans need to email him and ask him why the phuck he won't run as a third party candidate..what he is doing right now is straight crazy..If he don't see that the Repukes will not give him the nod then his judgement cannot be trusted..
I vote for my Republican Congressman. He is one the more sane ones. I share a lot of values with True Republicans. There just aren't many left in the GOP these days. Hell, today's GOP would throw Ronald Reagan out of their party.

Hell, he'd be labeled an insurgent and shipped off to Gitmo or somewhere lol.

BUT, who really ramped up the war on drugs? Yeah, i don't side with him either in a lot of areas.
I will vote Obama..The Republicans of today are crazy as a rabid dog...All you Ron Paul fans need to email him and ask him why the phuck he won't run as a third party candidate..what he is doing right now is straight crazy..If he don't see that the Repukes will not give him the nod then his judgement cannot be trusted..

Maybe you need to ask yourself why the phuck you won't vote for him based simply on his decision to sleep with the dogs to get into the big game.
Maybe you need to ask yourself why the phuck you won't vote for him based simply on his decision to sleep with the dogs to get into the big game.
No I won't vote for him because of his views on Civil Rights Act of 64
...which has been already discussed in full detail...I'm talking about why he won't have a chance in hell of getting to the general elections as a Republican..
No I won't vote for him because of his views on Civil Rights Act of 64
...which has been already discussed in full detail...I'm talking about why he won't have a chance in hell of getting to the general elections as a Republican..

Well, we know that the debate has been had and you have decided.

What else is he supposed to do? He ran 3rd party and didn't get any media attention. And we also all know that the media dictates how the majority votes.
Dude he ran as in Independent 23 years ago...Times have change...hell the media has changes...he can use social media and garner all the freakin support he needs IF he is a true "movement"
I am unable to participate in the poll.

I can answer the question posed in the title. The answer is no, I will not vote for Obama in 2012.

But voting for a Republican is not a foregone conclusion, either. I voted for neither Obama nor McCain in the last Presidential election, but I voted.

None of the options apply to my position.

Had there been an option similar to "I will not vote for Obama," I would participate.

The Republican field has not even solidified as yet.

The Proggie media is busy Palinizing Bachman.

And Governors Christie and Perry are both lurking in the background.
you better pay attetion to that Texas budget and how he took that stim money...You know how those guys hated that stim money...lol
you better pay attetion to that Texas budget and how he took that stim money...You know how those guys hated that stim money...lol

i have recently learned that while put on the ballot, per his constituents wishes, RP then will vote against said ballot measure or law or act or.... if he disagrees.

Just because he does the bidding of his constituency does not make him a bad man imo. He votes his heart on HIS votes, not those of the people he serves.
i have recently learned that while put on the ballot, per his constituents wishes, RP then will vote against said ballot measure or law or act or.... if he disagrees.

Just because he does the bidding of his constituency does not make him a bad man imo. He votes his heart on HIS votes, not those of the people he serves.
Dude I was talking about Perry..The governor ....it was address to the post right before mine which was from JohnnyO
you better pay attetion to that Texas budget and how he took that stim money...You know how those guys hated that stim money...lol
Are you sure?

Because I remember Perry getting getting much grief from Proggies for REJECTING over half-billion dollars in Porkulus money at the time.


You are aware that half the jobs created NATIONWIDE are in Texas, are you not?

Have you considered that perhaps Rick knows something the Messiah does not?
Are you sure?

Because I remember Perry getting getting much grief from Proggies for REJECTING over half-billion dollars in Porkulus money at the time.


You are aware that half the jobs created NATIONWIDE are in Texas, are you not?

Have you considered that perhaps Rick knows something the Messiah does not?

and you do realize that most of those jobs are minimum wage..nothing to celebrate unless you like taking credit for hiring the cheapest labor and you better check your facts because he did oppose stim package AS he took it..I also pose a question to you is there a connection between Texas' jobs record and the fact that taxes are too low to support schools and other standards are too low to keep many working people out of poverty?
and you do realize that most of those jobs are minimum wage..
Really? MOST jobs? That would be more than 50%.

You have a source for that 'fact' or does it issue from your ass?

nothing to celebrate unless you like taking credit for hiring the cheapest labor and you better check your facts because he did oppose stim package AS he took it..
See, I posted a reputable source that said he rejected $555 billion. What did you provide?

By the way, I never stated an opinion on what Porkulus funds Texas accepted. I have no idea whether the state did or not. And all I have to go on is your word, which I find dubious due to your partisanship.

But I do know for a FACT he rejected a hefty chuck of Porkulus.

I also pose a question to you is there a connection between Texas' jobs record and the fact that taxes are too low to support schools and other standards are too low to keep many working people out of poverty?
My property taxes are plenty high. Ad valorem taxes support public education in Texas. As do 25% of state excise taxes on each gallon of fuel sold.

Public education is fully funded in Texas.

If it is spent badly, that is on the administrators.

Exactly which standards keep people out of poverty?
you don't want to know what i heard rick perry is fucking :shock:

perhaps if rick perry is elected he can pray us some jobs. :lol:

hell, it worked for the rain, right?

Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) has been making some noise about potentially entering the 2012 Republican presidential race, and if he chooses to throw his hat into the ring, it’s quite clear that he will point to Texas’ economy as one of his credentials. “In Texas, you don’t have to use your imagination, saying, ‘What’ll happen if we apply this or that conservative principle?’” Perry said earlier this week. “You just need to look around, because they’ve been in play across our state for years, generating real results like unmatched job creation, more exports than any other state and a balanced budget.”

That Perry has a stellar record on job creation is simply not true. As the Austin American-Statesman noted, “while the national unemployment rate is 9.1 percent and the Texas unemployment rate is 8 percent, some 23 states, including New York, have lower unemployment rates.” In addition, “jobs grew at about the same rate during Democrat Ann Richards’ four years as governor” as they have under Perry.

Between 2008 and 2010, jobs actually grew at a faster pace in Massachusetts than they did in Texas, and “Texas has done worse than the rest of the country since the peak of national unemployment in October 2009.” But as it turns out, Texas is leading the nation in one employment metric — the number and percentage of minimum wage jobs:
Additionally, Texas has by far the largest number of employees working at or below the federal minimum wage ($7.25 per hour in 2010) compared to any state, according to a BLS report. In 2010, about 550,000 Texans were working at or below minimum wage, or about 9.5 percent of all workers paid by the hour in the state. Texas tied with Mississippi for the greatest percentage of minimum wage workers…From 2007 to 2010, the number of minimum wage workers in Texas rose from 221,000 to 550,000, an increase of nearly 150 percent.

The Texas Independent added, “the median hourly earnings for all Texas workers was $11.20 per hour in 2010, compared to the national median of $12.50 per hour.”
In addition to these facts that Perry would surely prefer stay under the radar, he relied more on the 2009 Recovery Act than any other governor and faced a $27 billion budget deficit for the 2012-2013 budget, after assuring everyone for months that Texas had its fiscal house in order.

congrats on those 330,000 or so new jobs that pay $7.25 an hour, johnny :lol: