Hmm Drug Test Advice Please


Well-Known Member
Have a drug test coming up in like 3 weeks time.. I only smoke weed no other 'drugs'

Any advice? Somebody told me they got stoned on the day of a drug test and downed a bottle of vinegar and then passed it (negative result).. hmm.. I'm not sure whether to risk it.


Active Member
youll still have it in your system by then even if you dont smoke, get a detox drink they taste like shit but apparently they work. if its for something important dont risk it just wait it out


Well-Known Member
cop some synthetic urine and a whizzanator, grab a flush drink, stop smoking work out drink plenty of fluids and tea. there are plenty of options....alot of things that people claim i feel are bs(but ive never tested anything), i couldnt imagine dowing a bottle of vinegar, prob make you shit your brains out if u can stomach it


Well-Known Member
Don't be a fool. Don't smoke for the next three weeks and during that time try to cleanse your body as much as possible. I'm sure not passing your drug test will have negative impacts on your life somehow, and you need to ask yourself if it's worth it. best advice is be clean and stay away from tricks that may or may not work. If all else fails buy synthetic urine.


Well-Known Member
Have a drug test coming up in like 3 weeks time.. I only smoke weed no other 'drugs'

Any advice? Somebody told me they got stoned on the day of a drug test and downed a bottle of vinegar and then passed it (negative result).. hmm.. I'm not sure whether to risk it.
lmfao I know someone who did that with vinegar and nearly died cause he was allergic to it.


Well-Known Member
yeah but im a hardcore every day smoker.. like erm.. medication? I need to 'medicate' :(

thats the hard part about it man, either smoke on and get in to trouble or stop and enjoy your life in 3 months again, rather than never again.


Well-Known Member
Or if you don't like our advice so far...look up the blue mountain state oil change as that may work for you



Active Member
i had to pass one about 2 months ago, im in the same boat ( everyday toker ) i had to get someone clean to pee in a condom, and wore tighty whitey's and kept a HotHands packet pretty much under my nuts till i got there ( i would remove it to let it cool so it wouldnt get too hot ) and went to the test stoned and passed ( the temp was 94 degrees when it went in the cup ). thats how i beat it.

now, for you(if u dont wanna do that ) , if u got 3 weeks man just abstain. work out to get yourself tired enough to sleep and to drain some of the THC off your fat ass body ( just kiddin )


Well-Known Member
your gonna fail < how's that for advice. lol.

stop smoking and drink plenty of fluids. work out, get the blood pumping. good luck.


Well-Known Member
You can also buy one of them 50 dollar cleanse drinks from GNC.I know they work just dont get no cheap one


Well-Known Member
I live in the UK dude... well thanks for all the replies guys I think im just gonna go cold turkey I know everyone is against cigarettes including me but I guess thats going to have to be the substitute for a while! :( ..

I guess ocean spray cranberry juice works as a detox drink it says on the carton.. hmm.. Synthetic piss seems like a bit of an effort.. somebody elses clean wee in a capri sun pouch sounds like a decent enough idea? If i fail to stop blazing that is.. haha

do they put you in a room, or behind curtains? I've never done it before.. how long do they give you to do it?!


Active Member
im in a similar boat herbzman, ive got a job interview in about 2 weeks. they piss test the day of the interview, im about 6'1 180 lbs, and even though im a daily toker i just decided to go cold turkey, i hit a detox drink and im jogging everyday while downing a ton of cranberry juice, cranberry pills, smaller dosages of niacin, and a ton of water and gatorade lol, but by the time 2 weeks is up i should be clean.

it would also be helpful for you if you buy a couple home thc tests so you can find out for sure if your clean before the test, they go for about 10 dollars here in the states... hope i was somewhat helpful, PM me if you have any other questions about detoxing, i had to do it for 2 years after i got outta jail and was stuck on probation, and i got a piss test every 2 months.
Hey man i was an everyday toker too when I had to go quit for a month or two for a job test, after the frist three or four days man, you don't even have the mental craving.... at least for me. I thought it was gonna be hard, but i figured it's better to wait and get really high when i get to smoke after the tolerance break rather than just keep smoking and test positive.

and for the testing, here in California all the did was make me go into a bathroom and piss in a cup and bring it back out. That would horrible if they watched you tinkle your trinket because then it would be near impossible to sneak in fake piss. As for detox? My friend tried a "Tried and True" method and failed. So unless you're gonna be exercising like crazy and drinking diuretics and other things to cleanse or speed up metabolism, or unless you actually have a method that can pass a test(In my experience nothing has worked); then you're going to get tested positive more than likely.
this is just from my basic understanding of how the body gets rid of THC, if I'm wrong and there are methods of detox, then my bad for the misinformation....


Active Member
Hey man i was an everyday toker too when I had to go quit for a month or two for a job test, after the frist three or four days man, you don't even have the mental craving.... at least for me. I thought it was gonna be hard, but i figured it's better to wait and get really high when i get to smoke after the tolerance break rather than just keep smoking and test positive.

and for the testing, here in California all the did was make me go into a bathroom and piss in a cup and bring it back out. That would horrible if they watched you tinkle your trinket because then it would be near impossible to sneak in fake piss. As for detox? My friend tried a "Tried and True" method and failed. So unless you're gonna be exercising like crazy and drinking diuretics and other things to cleanse or speed up metabolism, or unless you actually have a method that can pass a test(In my experience nothing has worked); then you're going to get tested positive more than likely.
this is just from my basic understanding of how the body gets rid of THC, if I'm wrong and there are methods of detox, then my bad for the misinformation....
very true, atleast in my case, the first day or 2 kinda sucked cuz you go out of your normal day to day things, but you just find something else to do for the time being and you will be fine lol


Well-Known Member
Oh shit.. its been a little while.. well in the end I somebody to pour piss in a little drink pouch and kept it next to my crotch to keep it warm, as in the end I was sent to the toilet to wee in the little container. so i just poured it out of the pouch and passed the test... :hump:

I got fired a month later lol! :clap:


Well-Known Member
THC stores in your fat cells. Best way to help getting rid of THC in your body is to work out, make yourself sweat, drink plenty of water.

When I took drug tests they would simply take you in the bathroom, I had a guard watching me, he turns on the water faucet and says, go. I act like I'm peeing in the urinal, but instead a cup with a temperature meter is waht you would pee into.

Good luck!


New Member
whats up i noticed your post about the drug tests and i was wondering if you would pleas give me some adive on how to detox before the test i have three weeks and im going to stop i would prefer just to have my own clean piss without drinks or anything(i figure if i work now then i might be good) but if it comes down to it i am more than willing to go synthetic or some one elses piss but again id rather be clean by then and i am going to stop please help


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Stop smoking now and the day of the test make SURE you are not losing weight. Eat a good breakfast and make sure you drink a decent amount of water.