Late Start (Still Determined)


Well-Known Member
I think that's why your lower leaves are turning yellow like that. It starts at the tips and works its way in until the whole leaf eventually turns yellow and dies. Make sure the soil is dry before watering. You can't really control the rain, unless you move it onto the porch or something, but you can control how much you hand water. The best way is to do the lift test. It takes a little practice, but once you get the hang of it, you'll never have to worry about over/under watering again. Dry soil is fairly light, so every day pick up the whole container and take notice to the weight. If it still seems relatively heavy, then the soil still has plenty of water since water is fairly dense. Now I'm not saying wait until it's bone dry and wilting, but you don't want to keep the roots saturated all the time. What's your current watering schedule? If you are watering every day or even every other day that is most likely too much. Cannabis is a plant that tends to prefer a dry/wet cycle.
I check it every day and if the top soil is rather dry and beginning to crack ill water it some, wich is like everday/ every other day where i live cause its so hot. too much you think??


Well-Known Member
So it is in the ground now? Dont really worry about bugs unless you see a problem, remember these are plants and grow outside without plastic and shit around them all the time.
It's in a cup that's buried in the ground (in-case i need to move it), and there's really only black ants that are around it. are those a problem or a threat at all?? if not ill take the plastic off.


Well-Known Member
It's in a cup that's buried in the ground (in-case i need to move it), and there's really only black ants that are around it. are those a problem or a threat at all?? if not ill take the plastic off.
Ants have never been a problem for me and it definatly looks like the pot needs better drainage if you can i would just plant in the ground if not then thats okay just make sure your not overwatering and make sure there is good drainage in the pot.


Well-Known Member
Also if i were you i would top the pot off all the way to the top with soil. What kind of soil are you using anyways? If it is inground soil and not potting soil that could be the reason the plants are turning yellow and not draining properly.


Well-Known Member
Ants have never been a problem for me and it definatly looks like the pot needs better drainage if you can i would just plant in the ground if not then thats okay just make sure your not overwatering and make sure there is good drainage in the pot.
In that case ill probably just get rid of the plastic until there are signs of problems, I opened the holes up on the bottom of the cup and made sure it was all drained and a little water did come out (right after I watered), so that will hopefully fix the problem.


This is a bit of a stupid question...but you are planning on taking them out of the pot you have now right? I mean planting them directly in the ground, or at the least a much bigger pot? With the pot size you're currently using...I don't see them getting bigger than 2 feet if that tall. If possible, you should plant her (hopefully) directly into the ground.


Well-Known Member
This is a bit of a stupid question...but you are planning on taking them out of the pot you have now right? I mean planting them directly in the ground, or at the least a much bigger pot? With the pot size you're currently using...I don't see them getting bigger than 2 feet if that tall. If possible, you should plant her (hopefully) directly into the ground.
Yea I plan to transplant it into a much bigger pot this week, but after i get this problem fixed, i dont want to put stress of transplanting on it while its not healthy.


Well-Known Member
I check it every day and if the top soil is rather dry and beginning to crack ill water it some, wich is like everday/ every other day where i live cause its so hot. too much you think??
That is too much. I realize the first inch or two might seem dry because of the sun beating on it all day, but there is more than likely still plenty of water in that soil. It's impossible to say "water every x days" so that's why I suggested lifting the entire container to see how it feels. It should feel fairly light before you water again. With a plant that small, I can't imagine having to water it more then every 3-4 days. Then when it does dry out give it a very thorough soaking.

How big is that container? Next time I would fill whatever you are using to the top.


Well-Known Member
Also if i were you i would top the pot off all the way to the top with soil. What kind of soil are you using anyways? If it is inground soil and not potting soil that could be the reason the plants are turning yellow and not draining properly.
Scott's potting soil. I think it was my drainage holes, upon further inspection they were somewhat closed so I opened them all up decently


Well-Known Member
That is too much. I realize the first inch or two might seem dry because of the sun beating on it all day, but there is more than likely still plenty of water in that soil. It's impossible to say "water every x days" so that's why I suggested lifting the entire container to see how it feels. It should feel fairly light before you water again. With a plant that small, I can't imagine having to water it more then every 3-4 days. Then when it does dry out give it a very thorough soaking.

How big is that container? Next time I would fill whatever you are using to the top.
The container is only like half a foot tall, I plan on transplanting it, but do you think thats a good idea with the leaves yellowing?


Well-Known Member
I dont know why I didnt think of this before but i was just thread browsing and came across someone who said to water daily and give nutes weekly (guy was growing in desert) and it hit me that maybe i shouldnt be using eggshell water everytime I water it and only use it about once a week. Is this correct???


Well-Known Member
I would transplant as soon as possible and make sure there are no time release nutrients in the potting soil just because its already looking sick and you dont wanna burn it up more. Also when you transplant make some big holes in the bottom of the pot and only water when the whole pot is fairly dry not just the top.


Well-Known Member
I would transplant as soon as possible and make sure there are no time release nutrients in the potting soil just because its already looking sick and you dont wanna burn it up more. Also when you transplant make some big holes in the bottom of the pot and only water when the whole pot is fairly dry not just the top.
I was going to transplant tonight, but is it bad that every time ive been watering it its been with egg shell water, should i only use that occasionally


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what egg shell water does, i just use plain water straight from the tap. I would just do the same if i were you.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what egg shell water does, i just use plain water straight from the tap. I would just do the same if i were you.
I've researched it thoroughly and it's rather popular with some people, its supposed to help balance your ph because of the lime in it. But I think too much of any noot isnt good for a plant.


Well-Known Member
Oh i see i guess i have just never had any ph problems so i have never worried about it. If it aint broke dont fix it


Well-Known Member
Ok I've successfully transferred to a much bigger pot (so far so good atleast) witch should be good for the rest of the grow, and lemme tell you the pot makes the plant look like a new seedling lol, so hopefully its new environment will encourage lots of growth. Now I had to do this transplant at night and know the importance of watering after transplanting so I did but what I'm NOT sure about is if its ok to water at night or not. Also I checked the soil of the old container and know exactly why it was yellowing the soil was so damp and clumpy I feel bad for waiting so long to transplant. Hopefully It'll adapt nice and smoothly, nothin now but to sit and wait to see what happens:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Just checked on her and everything went smoothly with the transplant, not sagging or droopy in any way and is thriving in her new enviroment, will try to get some pics up this weekend but might not be till monday.


Well-Known Member
So I went to check her out today and there were black ants everywhere in and on the soil as well as some other type of black beetle like things(only a few) I dont know what I should do, None were on the actual plant itself but im worried they could ruin the roots/ and or soil itself. I read online that ground cinnamon mixed water works against them. please help!!!:sad:


Well-Known Member
So after doing some thorough research on the cinnamon efffect towards ants, and mj I decided it was my best/ most convenient option. And after a day there are no ants what so ever in the pot :clap: . Although I recently discovered that the soil im using IS in fact time release (up to 5 months) and understand this is not good, but not sure how UNGOOD it is can someone be more specific, cause the plant is looking ALOT better after I transplanted and not showing any signs of stress. So should I really worry about getting new soil or what?? :?: