These Are Female Right?


Well-Known Member
On the right hand stem in pic 4, are those buds or male flowers? Cant see with the flash but they look rounded at the top, could be man bits, but need a better photo...

See like the balls on this?

EDIT: Tis not my plant btw, I Google image searched it so I cant answer anything about it specifically.
Yeah that's what I'm worried about, those are like little balls but I'm not so sure as there is white pistls growing out further up


Well-Known Member
On the right hand stem in pic 4, are those buds or male flowers? Cant see with the flash but they look rounded at the top, could be man bits, but need a better photo...

See like the balls on this?

EDIT: Tis not my plant btw, I Google image searched it so I cant answer anything about it specifically.
Alri Harrekin,
That plant looks exacly like two of my plants iv flowerin now their about 4 weeks into flowerin, is that a hermie?
They had white hairs at first but now theres a loada balls comin up. Cant get any pictures up on this but its identical to that picture you just showed.


Active Member
Jogofien, im afraid that you have two male plants. you better eradicate them before they pollinate your girls.


Well-Known Member
Ah serious? Iv only got two plants, i started with 3 and the other showed balls straight away i was sure the other 2 were female because they had white hairs and took longer to show their sex.


Well-Known Member
Id be inclined to say its gone herm...but the pictures really arnt clear enough for me to tell you to kill it.

The plant in the pic I showed above is a grade A lady-boy tho, so if yours does have the balls and buds shown in the picture, you can make the judgement call yourself...its easiest to take its life quick tho,pruning sheers on the stem as low to the soil and you can go and bang, snip and into the point getting extra time if caught for hermies laying around.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Id be inclined to say its gone herm...but the pictures really arnt clear enough for me to tell you to kill it.

The plant in the pic I showed above is a grade A lady-boy tho, so if yours does have the balls and buds shown in the picture, you can make the judgement call yourself...its easiest to take its life quick tho,pruning sheers on the stem as low to the soil and you can go and bang, snip and into the point getting extra time if caught for hermies laying around.
A fine example of a hermie. Kill it. You growing bagseed? Not knowing what went on, I'd say the dark period got interrupted a few times. When the lights are out, they need to stay out. MJ is extremely sensitive to that. Get some good, stable genetics.