Does this look like lockout or def to you?


Active Member
It looks like n defi but im unsure the water had a high ph around 7.5 before so im thinkn running a DWC with 2 airstones and a 400 watt mh using flora nutes from general hydro.i used the suggested amount at first and now im in week 3 so i up'd the dose but not a bunch.I changed the water last night and up'd the nutes then they had been in high ph water for a week but the roots didnt hit the water til mid week then thats when i seen a change at first it was just 1 plant so i didnt worry but now its both plants that have roots in the soup so i changed the water and got the ph down to 5.7.I havnt seen improvement yet but i figure it could take a week to bring them back.I was thinkn def because the veins are all still green but the leaves are yellowing and not burning.if you know whats up please let me knolw as im worried bout my gerls :neutral:


Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i dont know that nuit line very well, and i dont do hydro, i like inert soil mediums, but they are definetly def of something, how long nuites been mixed, should be changed weekly by-weekly depending, but your plants look very small for 3 weeks in the "soup", i thought PH was supposed to be arount 6.5 to 7 otherwise N cant be taken in right. My SD mother had a similar look and i flushed it and gave it a 1/2 dose of my nuits and it recovered, Coco simulates hydro so shouldn't be to different, i use Canna though too


Active Member
i dont know that nuit line very well, and i dont do hydro, i like inert soil mediums, but they are definetly def of something, how long nuites been mixed, should be changed weekly by-weekly depending, but your plants look very small for 3 weeks in the "soup", i thought PH was supposed to be arount 6.5 to 7 otherwise N cant be taken in right. My SD mother had a similar look and i flushed it and gave it a 1/2 dose of my nuits and it recovered, Coco simulates hydro so shouldn't be to different, i use Canna though too
ph is lower on hydro than thinkn they were locked out and couldnt get the nutes due to high they look def but im not sure.the plants are 3 weeks old not 3 weeks in the soup.theyve only been in the water for 5-6 days so their actually growing good but they were meesed up plants frow the get-go. they lookd retarted and were deformed then they looked great and grew out of it and now they look like this so thats what leads me to think nute def.


Active Member
hydro pH should be like 5.8 or somthing right? if you were at 7 you def lockin em up
yeah thats what i figured cause they werent showing stress until the roots sank into the water then they locked up I was top feeding them b4 an were fine but soaking in the high ph water must of locked them is my guess.but im unsure so its just my best guess.


Active Member
it's magnesium i think
the dark streaks say not nit
plus i think ph needs to be higher to lockout nit
mag locks out over 7 (lower in hydro)

lower ph
foliar spray with epsom salts or supplement of choice

i think

dint see you lowered it to 5.6...
that WILL lock out n
but i think you were mag deficient
balance ur ph n foliar some mag
if that doesn't clear it up, THEN add some n
it's a lot harder to overfeed mag than nit


Active Member
it's magnesium i think
the dark streaks say not nit
plus i think ph needs to be higher to lockout nit
mag locks out over 7 (lower in hydro)

lower ph
foliar spray with epsom salts or supplement of choice

i think

dint see you lowered it to 5.6...
that WILL lock out n
but i think you were mag deficient
balance ur ph n foliar some mag
if that doesn't clear it up, THEN add some n
it's a lot harder to overfeed mag than nit
If you look at the illustration cowell postd then its n def.and hydro ph has to be lower than soil and i replaced my water again cause it got foamy and now my ph is sitting around 6.2


Well-Known Member
i agree with shag. MG def. for certain...time to go invest in some cal mag. if it was N your lowest leaves would be yellowing.


Well-Known Member

A good read to help you figure it out for sure.. I can see why shag says mag... just looks more like N to me, but I've been wrong before :)

ya...havent we all...hope you figure it out, and i still believe it to be MG. only because the interveinal chlorosis is to uniform. in every N deficient leaf ive ever had on a plant starts at the bottome leaves, and the tipe begn to yellow, and progress inward untill the whole leaf is yellow...color is to uniform, and typically seen as MG...but again we could both be doing the bad call dance we try.


Active Member
ya...havent we all...hope you figure it out, and i still believe it to be MG. only because the interveinal chlorosis is to uniform. in every N deficient leaf ive ever had on a plant starts at the bottome leaves, and the tipe begn to yellow, and progress inward untill the whole leaf is yellow...color is to uniform, and typically seen as MG...but again we could both be doing the bad call dance we try.
well im using flora nutes from general hydro and it says to up the dose at mild growth stage and im unsure at what point that starts but im thinkn they just needed more nutes so hopefully this last water change will correct the problem.I did put a little epsom salt in the soup also just for a kick of mg.thanks for the help guys


Active Member
so my tips are starting to burn so by looks of that chart im going to say its zinc def.prob caused by the high ph keeping my gerls from being able to take zinc and other vital nutes up so hopefully it willl all work out in a week or so.ill post pics when they start coming around.thanks for the help folks! I know you smoke weed but we gonna get you high today...cause its a day ending in y,you might have a job,and you know you dont have any betr shit to do bongsmilie :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I know your getting alot of conflicting answers but a sure way to clear it up is to foliar feed with an organic vegg food. Or at least semi organic