hypothetically got shorted on a bag, what would you do?

just wondering what you guys would do IF you were shorted on a sack. lets say you picked up an ounce. quick transaction gets you driving off with a 13 grams. the guy you got it from is not willing to compensate you and says to bad thats the way the game is played. what do you do?

chock it up as a lose?
seek revenge?
anonymous tip to your police station?
try to fuck his gf?

now im a big fan of the last one and that option can go right along with any others :D


Well-Known Member
First of all take it as a lesson, when you are buying bigger weight ALWAYS make sure its weighed out in front of you unless you enjoy these types of things, secondly if the guy really screwed you that bad you need to find someone who is honest and reliable, not some shady asshole... you could seek revenge but if you need to come here to ask you are probably better off not doing anything because you are just setting yourself up for more trouble possibly, a dangerous situation. good luck to u with whatever u do...


Well-Known Member
lesson learned.. swallow your pride and learn from it.. not worth anything more then that.. why risk anything over that.
you was short 15 grams? was this done in the dark and blindfolded?
it was my female friend who hopped in the car and grabbed it payed and came back to me. it looked big till i grabbed a nug and relized it was wet at shit. it weighted 30 grams wet! he wouldnt do anything about it. i thought oh if i dry it ill still only loose a few grams maybe it will drop to 25 or 26... yea right, i put it in a paper bag and after a few days its now 13. im hypothetically pissed off lol


Active Member
You WOULD be pretty stupid to mistake 13g for an ounce. If you can't tell you shouldn't be buying an ounce without having someone weigh it first.

But ah, it depends on the dealer. If it's someone I'm cool with I'd explain and see if he wants to cooperate. If not, ditch the bud I have with a friend or in a lunchbox I'd buying in my yard, and call the cops. Fuck a dealer who doesn't want to sell on the level.


Well-Known Member
Turkey you will learn on this site.. lots of people are helpful and great to be around.. other people are just assholes or dumbfucks.. I can almost guarantee all of us at one time have been shorted or ripped off before we knew what we were getting.. but some people wanna talk shit and act like they are better then you just because they are informed and your not yet..

Just let it go... now your wiser and Know what not to do again.. If your in Cali Ill give you 15 grams lol!


Well-Known Member
Don't fucking "swallow your pride" or just "let it go"

Confront that motherfucker, if he fights back give him a fight. It doesn't matter if you don't get your weed or your money back. it doesn't even matter if you end up with broken bones laying in a hospital bed. Better that than letting some queer ass drug dealer take advantage of you. If you don't do anything you'll just look back and be remined how you got played like a bitch and didn't do a damn thing about it.

Man the fuck up.


Well-Known Member
OP i feel a bit of sympathy for you now because thats not actually getting shorted right there because it weighed 30, but one time i bought a zip off this kid i went to school with and we were bro's back then, 200 bucks for this average lookin shit so im like okay whatever, get home and open the bag and it feels wet almost, weigh it and it was 38 grams... so im like wtf, he give me the wrong bag or hook it up? whatever ill just let it dry out for a couple mins.. 10 minutes later i checked the open bag and had lost 14 grams. Quickly closed that shit and sold it asap lmao, but the point is that kid did the same thing and was like its how i got it, weighed out for me bro.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
it was my female friend who hopped in the car and grabbed it payed and came back to me. it looked big till i grabbed a nug and relized it was wet at shit. it weighted 30 grams wet! he wouldnt do anything about it. i thought oh if i dry it ill still only loose a few grams maybe it will drop to 25 or 26... yea right, i put it in a paper bag and after a few days its now 13. im hypothetically pissed off lol
damn. that sucks. at least you got a female friend cruzing with ya. takes away from the pain a little, lol
OP i feel a bit of sympathy for you now because thats not actually getting shorted right there because it weighed 30, but one time i bought a zip off this kid i went to school with and we were bro's back then, 200 bucks for this average lookin shit so im like okay whatever, get home and open the bag and it feels wet almost, weigh it and it was 38 grams...
yea it was some messed up shit. i talked to a few people who had exp. with growing and they said the bud doesnt loose that much weight after you harvest it. shouldnt loose over half its weight. could he have water cured it and just gave it to me water logged?


Well-Known Member
yea it was some messed up shit. i talked to a few people who had exp. with growing and they said the bud doesnt loose that much weight after you harvest it. shouldnt loose over half its weight. could he have water cured it and just gave it to me water logged?
your friends lied or there not as experiences as you though they are. IM JUST SAYINNNNNN

bout 75% ;) and that varies but under 50% haha rightttttttt.....

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
The better man in me says, cut ur losses, find a new "friend"....the revengeful asshole in me says try to fuck his G/F....make sure you get a pic or video to share with him...ohh and make sure she is willing...yeah don't forget that detail


Well-Known Member
The better man in me says, cut ur losses, find a new "friend"....the revengeful asshole in me says try to fuck his G/F....make sure you get a pic or video to share with him...ohh and make sure she is willing...yeah don't forget that detail
But dont forget if shes not.

50 no's and 1 yes means. Yes ;)