Penyajos Papaya PC Grow Box. Flower Day 28. 104w Cfl Lst! Rep to All!

Well to tell you the truth. I have no plans for ordering seeds any time soon. I just got my big cabinet back up and running and will growing BLACKJACK from NIRVANA. I was growing this strain a few months ago. And man were they looking fucking fantastic. But then my father suddenly passed away. They were in a DWC system and I didnt get there in time to change the rez before they completly ran out of water. So I decided to get the big cab up and going and get a new BJ in there again. She is right at 7 days from seed and I will put the link in my signature today so you guys can all check it out!!!
aww damn dude I'm sorry to hear that man. grow the best bud ever in that bad boy in honor of him!
I'm reporting your cultivation of Marijuana to Officer Penya.

Good luck finding him I think I got him thrown of the force. I took his ass to court cause he did a shit ton wrong. Improper search and siezure. And he didn't read me my rights. I hate him lol.
damn dude i just spent the past 45 minutes reading through your entire journal haha your plant looks amazing!! in my thread i was telling someone where i got the idea for my LST setup but i couldnt remember where i found it and now i was your thread! hahaha im gonna use that litte "shelf" thing you're tying your plants to in order to LST my plant as well. im so stoked to see how much you yield off this plant +rep man gooood job =D
Nice, im lovin the results your getting from this pc grow. sub'd in to see what these buds lookin like at harvest...
Nice, im lovin the results your getting from this pc grow. sub'd in to see what these buds lookin like at harvest...

Hey man thanks for stopping by my PC grow. It's been a long road but it is going to be coming to end very shortly. She has really been packing on alot of weight and Trichs these last weeks. Can't wait to see how the bids turn out myself. STAY HIGH.
i would enjoy an updated photo!

Well since more than one person are asking for pictures I guess I will have to share some. The thing is I start work at six in the mOrning. The girl wakes up at 2am and goes to sleep at 2pm. So the only chance I get to see her is in the very early hours of am. So I can't take any new pics today. But if I am bot completely still asleep when I am watering my girl tomorrow I will snap a few pics for you guys to see
Hey Penyajo, not to just come out of no where but I got a quick Q. I'm gonna be leaving town Friday and won't be back till Sunday, what should I do about watering? Her soil gets very dry and I have to water her everyday.
Well since more than one person are asking for pictures I guess I will have to share some. The thing is I start work at six in the mOrning. The girl wakes up at 2am and goes to sleep at 2pm. So the only chance I get to see her is in the very early hours of am. So I can't take any new pics today. But if I am bot completely still asleep when I am watering my girl tomorrow I will snap a few pics for you guys to see

Yeah I had to set my timer so I would have a little time in the morning before work and a little time in the evening when I get home to play with them
Hey Penyajo, not to just come out of no where but I got a quick Q. I'm gonna be leaving town Friday and won't be back till Sunday, what should I do about watering? Her soil gets very dry and I have to water her everyday.

Well my friend. I have never been in ur position. But if I was I would buy a small fountain pump, a good timer that goes by min not every 15 min. Drip line and a dropper head. I did this for my garden out side. I made a reservoir. Put the pump down inside the Rez. Hooked the pump up to my timer. Then from the pump I ran the drip line. At the end of the drip line you can put a drip head. The heads I used dripped out 1 gallon per hour. But because of the pressure of the pump they dripped much more than that. Build your setup and test it before you go out of town to make sure it don't over water or under water. Good luck bro.
sorry 2 interrupt, im new here so i dont know how to even ask a question w/ out barging into somebodys conversation. Anyways, could somebody please help me out. Im wondering if old hps bulbs could diminish the quality of my buds. im having complaints that people arent getting as high as they did before. (i know, i know tolerance lol) anyway, i cant figure out what im doing differently, besides maybe the bulbs are old??????Any ideas?​
Yeah I had to set my timer so I would have a little time in the morning before work and a little time in the evening when I get home to play with them

Yeah man. The reason I set them at the times that I have them is because if I'm not home no one is there. When I am home and have visitors the lights are off. So none of my guests find a nice surprise in my cab or pC
Yeah man. The reason I set them at the times that I have them is because if I'm not home no one is there. When I am home and have visitors the lights are off. So none of my guests find a nice surprise in my cab or pC

That makes sence. Mine are in my room with a key lock on the door. The only ppl that get to see or ask questions are the one nighters I get about once a month lol
Yea it does suck cuz I got to cut down a bit or use the same one so every girl in town doesn't kno about it :D
Hey guys took some pictures of the girl this morning. Looks like a few of the smaller buds are ready. But I think I'm just going to let them ride out till I decide to chop the rest. She is looking great. All the big nugs are still shooting out plenty of white pistols still. Going to take a lil sample and look at it under the scope. Haven't looked at it under the scope in about a week and a half. Hopefully she will be done here real sOon. Cause I am getting excited. I'll post them when I got off of work this afternoon
Yea it does suck cuz I got to cut down a bit or use the same one so every girl in town doesn't kno about it :D

Yeah especially if you are growing illegally I would cut that shit out ASAP. And even if you are legal that bitch could cone back to haunt uu. Be careful.