i know what the feeling is like..... i ordered an awosome pressure cooker from europe, its on a boat because i didn't want to spring $70 for the air mail.... gets here this week
i cant wait to see your tent set-up. the way the rest of the grow looks its going to be saweet.
Dude- I love my pressure cooker- I use it every week. Hopefully you got a stainless one and not aluminum- the aluminum ones are unhealthy because the pressure causes it to leach more. One of my favorite things to do is make beans from dry organic ones.- Everyone that tries them says they're the best they ever had...
2lbs pintos washed (and check for little rocks)
1 medium yellow onion chopped
1 fresh Jalapeno or serrano
2 medium cloves of garlic (I'd use more- but for some reason the garlic in beans under pressure adds a metallic flavor if you use too much)
3 strips of organic bacon cut into small pieces (the little bit of fat it really adds substance to the end result- and makes the beans much more satisfying and tasty)
Handful of sea salt (it's really important to salt before cooking- otherwise you get salty water and bland beans- it needs to cook into the beans- but u can err to the lighter side and you can adjust final amount after they're cooked by adding to taste)
a good amount of fresh ground black pepper
Every pressure cooker is a little different, but mine I cook on the highest pressure setting (some have variable pressures, some are just always on high) for 1hr, 13 minutes timed from the start of full pressure and steam starts bleeding off. Once the timer goes off, I just turn off the burner and let it sit there for 20-30 minutes till the pressure bleeds off (they continue to cook for that time). They will be really good, and you don't want to soak the beans overnight or anything... Another great twist is to follow the recipe but use black beans, when serving- top with fresh red onion, cilantro and a dollup of sour cream- it's the best "black bean soup"... Hope you try it...