How The Hell Did Al B Fuct Get Such Massive Clones?


Well-Known Member
i talked to al a while back and had the same ? when i was doing zero veg sog and he told me to use hps lighting instead of mh for mothers and this was how he got the stems so thick, i trusted his word..


RIU Bulldog
Too many people trying to help when they don't know wtf they are talking about

I don't have to know who albfuct is to know how to grow strong, healthy, vigorous clones. What does that^ have to do anything? I just wanted to see what you were talking about.
I know enough to know that there's no secret behind albdamned's or whoever's clones. Probably silicon additive if anything. He just a good grower with a lot of experience.

top of the forum, 3 of the 5 stickies are all al's work.
Ok. I knew I heard of him. Just didn't remember where.


Well-Known Member
no disrespect beansly but, as a grower we all can learn something from everyone. no one man knows it all and the bottom line is to grow without making the companies rich. thats what makes riu so good. now i do understand we have a lot of kids and assholes on this page but we need to learn from each other. when i started to grow i didnt know shi@ but now , i know enought to growby LOL. i would love to learn from you if u have anything to teach. we all make each other better


Well-Known Member
The thick stems are really all about having a HPS. He said he tried a conversion bulb, but saw a decrease in stem thickness and more leaf material. Not helpful for growing moms. I use a 250hps and have been cloning Al's stye for a couple years now ( clone box is even with made from a shipping crate and lined with 'borrowed' political signs):

Al stated not ALL of his clones had thick stems, just those with thick stems root better.
And just like Al stated, under an HPS they will have thick 9" branches again in 2 more weeks.
I water them twice a day, and use a digital scale to judge the water content (usually keep em between 20-30 grams).
Last time he stopped by and said he was having better luck using nothing but tap water for the entire cloning phase (no PH adjustment or H2O2 used) and got better results. I tried it too, I got better results too.


Well-Known Member
Ok. I knew I heard of him. Just didn't remember where.
ya man he is a nice guy when he is around and all his threads are packed with info, good stuff to thumb through when you got some spare time, anyway keep it green man.


Well-Known Member
The thick stems are really all about having a HPS. He said he tried a conversion bulb, but saw a decrease in stem thickness and more leaf material. Not helpful for growing moms. I use a 250hps and have been cloning Al's stye for a couple years now ( clone box is even with made from a shipping crate and lined with 'borrowed' political signs):

Al stated not ALL of his clones had thick stems, just those with thick stems root better.
And just like Al stated, under an HPS they will have thick 9" branches again in 2 more weeks.
I water them twice a day, and use a digital scale to judge the water content (usually keep em between 20-30 grams).
Last time he stopped by and said he was having better luck using nothing but tap water for the entire cloning phase (no PH adjustment or H2O2 used) and got better results. I tried it too, I got better results too.
nice clones pdillo, 9" clones are crazy, already full grown plants thats why al loves them so much makes for bigger better heavier product.


Well-Known Member
The key to keeping consistently large clones is changing your mothers out often. Al B would pull 30 cuttings every 2 weeks off of 8-10 mother plants...that's only 3-4 clones per plant...which makes it easy to take huge cuts, but he's done with them after about 8 weeks. The more cuts you take from a plant, the more it branches and the smaller the cuttings will be. I've been messing around with the MH vs. HPS for mothers for the last year and can say that the number of cuts you can get off a mother that is vegged under HPS is about double what you can get from a MH mother. The red spectrum in HPS bulbs promote plant stretching, creating more available cuts. The MH mothers, IMHO, produce a more quality cutting...but you can't get to high production levels.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
hmm so perhaps a 150 mh and a 150 hps for the mums for the best of both worlds effect? Glad I stumbled onto this thread never woulda thought about using hps for mother plants.


Well-Known Member
hmm so perhaps a 150 mh and a 150 hps for the mums for the best of both worlds effect? Glad I stumbled onto this thread never woulda thought about using hps for mother plants.
Yeah HPS really spits out some production. Granted I was using 1000w HPS for just TWO mother plants. If you're not cloning @ production levels and really only need to supply your own grow, I'd suggest using MH.

Grow Safe


Well-Known Member
I don't get it. He has the biggest, thickest clones ever. How did he get them?? Anyone have clones that look like his? Just thick ass branches I'm talking about... Mine are all weak, and scragly.
He uses a 400w hps and keeps the mums healthy . He says the hps creates the big thick stemed clones. These clones dont require spraying ,domes etc just temp,ph control.