Price of lsd


Hey, SWIM knows how to get a hold of acid, but would like to make sure he is not getting ripped off. SWIM was wondering what the prices of a 100 sheet of Blotters would be in Colorado. Also SWIM also want's to know what he should ask the dealer he is buying from, such as about what its cut with and should he take a black light to Guarantee real LSD?


Well-Known Member
swimming in colorado? isn't it to cold there? you shouldn't swim on lsd. wierd you and your drug dealer go swimming together, of course lsd will do odd things. depends on quality and how much your willing to pay. 500 isn't unheard of, 400 isn't bad, 300 is pretty good, 250 is great. any cheaper and it could be shit, or a really good hook up you never want to let go of. dont swim with lsd in your pocket, it will ruin it.


Well-Known Member
Tell swim to try a couple before he goes buying 100 bunk blotters. Thats the only way you'll know if your getting ripped or not.


Well-Known Member
swimming in colorado? isn't it to cold there? you shouldn't swim on lsd. wierd you and your drug dealer go swimming together, of course lsd will do odd things. depends on quality and how much your willing to pay. 500 isn't unheard of, 400 isn't bad, 300 is pretty good, 250 is great. any cheaper and it could be shit, or a really good hook up you never want to let go of. dont swim with lsd in your pocket, it will ruin it.
but the fishies will love it! :)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
swimming in colorado? isn't it to cold there? you shouldn't swim on lsd. wierd you and your drug dealer go swimming together, of course lsd will do odd things. depends on quality and how much your willing to pay. 500 isn't unheard of, 400 isn't bad, 300 is pretty good, 250 is great. any cheaper and it could be shit, or a really good hook up you never want to let go of. dont swim with lsd in your pocket, it will ruin it.

ive swam on lsd

i just wouldnt get in deep waters

like an ocean or a lake

but a sunny pool is fine

i agree with darth... but 300? 250? shit man... 400 here is great... little less than 500 for a sheet of some fire needle point

80 a ten strip for some local gel tabs
Yeah, I'd say less than 350 is sketchy. You never know though. Lol one time me, and three friends (two girls) ate L and walked through the woods by myself. Then we all saw what appeared to be a UFO landing, and ran. When we got back to my house we all swam naked. It was a great time.


Well-Known Member
ive swam on lsd

i just wouldnt get in deep waters

like an ocean or a lake

but a sunny pool is fine

i agree with darth... but 300? 250? shit man... 400 here is great... little less than 500 for a sheet of some fire needle point

80 a ten strip for some local gel tabs
Verde you must be the best person to ask about this!

I`m planning some skin diving on L but I remember being warned about cramps in the past. I heard L can cause muscle cramps and such. I mean I don`t feel particularly scared of cramps because I`m going to have flippers and a mask, in a warm climate with still sea but I was planning on going 5-10m depth possibly with a buddy or two.

I know your the diver around here so whats your opinion on this? Avoid rough sea and currents and I`ll be fine? Also is L does some weird things to my throat and propably sinuses and ears too. Would this be okay whilist diving or should I go on how I feel and see?

Cheers bud! :)


Well-Known Member
well for one sheet 250 is really low, but that makes it great deal (if its good acid), also if you buy more than one sheet there is price drop, so i included those prices.

but 300-400 is pretty good, i'd pay up to five if only option.

I've seen good sheets go for 250... couldn't buy less than ten though.

i've bought hits at 15 bucks apiece also lol, take what you can get, while you look for better.


Well-Known Member
They go for $350-500 in my area. Get a sample if you can. Blacklight won't really help you, lots of things react under a blacklight.


Well-Known Member
yall are crazy. swimming during the night on a large amount of lsd is super fun. just thinking about all the sharks swimming around you is intense enough....... seeing who can stay in the water longest is fun....... gah living on the beach...... i've done everything.

and yeah prices vary. i wouldn't buy a sheet right off the rip from a new source. maybe a 10 strip. but 500 a sheet is decent. 600 is okay too if you can't find any. any higher is a little pricey for a sheet..... but i'm paying high price at the moment =\

Who usually sells lsd? White stoner looking kids or black thug gangbangers?
Definitely white people. Black thug gangbangers are the ones selling shitty quality coke and shitty x pills...... and shitty weed....... shitty everything. buy from white people! (I'm not racist)
It can be stored forever if you do it right.... 500 is the normal price around me (NORTHWEST USA). you just gotta know the right people...

get into the family and youll get your shit basically free. but you also know its not about the money if you made it that far.


Well-Known Member
Hey, SWIM knows how to get a hold of acid, but would like to make sure he is not getting ripped off. SWIM was wondering what the prices of a 100 sheet of Blotters would be in Colorado. Also SWIM also want's to know what he should ask the dealer he is buying from, such as about what its cut with and should he take a black light to Guarantee real LSD?
LSD blacklights are bullshit.
so is keeping your ACID in tin foil... it oxidizes it.

but anywho.
most sheets in CO are 325-400 dollars

325 is family prices
400 is custy prices

i can get a ten strip of FLUFF for 35 bucks.


Well-Known Member
It can be stored forever if you do it right.... 500 is the normal price around me (NORTHWEST USA). you just gotta know the right people...

get into the family and youll get your shit basically free. but you also know its not about the money if you made it that far.
and YOU WILL KNOW if you made it that far.


much love and keep on POKING AROUND


Active Member
yeah swim has his way , i would say 300 - 400$ is on average a decent hook up above that much amount is not worth it for a sheet