My First Legal Medical Grow

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Well-Known Member
looks like a winner bro, im liking that 9 count being that young. very even node length n secondaries are establishiung themselves well too. will be interesting to see what it does.


Well-Known Member
looks like a winner bro, im liking that 9 count being that young. very even node length n secondaries are establishiung themselves well too. will be interesting to see what it does.
I have a female that will be ready to be pollinated in a week or two, and then in 6 weeks the f1's should be ready :)


Well-Known Member
i need some new skills, i want to take pics like that... n then have the savvy to post it too lol, right on bc99. nice job!!!


Well-Known Member
i need some new skills, i want to take pics like that... n then have the savvy to post it too lol, right on bc99. nice job!!!
Thanks man, I was just playing around with the scope and my camera, I use picasa to crop and edit my images, works really well and I highly suggest it!


Well-Known Member
You can really see the Grape Krush in those Grape Kush leaves. I will post a pic tomorrow of one of my grape krush plants, the noding is tighter, but the leaves are almost identical. I actually made an accidental Grape Cough seed with my last Grape Krush batch, I have a seedling in my veg room right now, lol, funky ass grower, we will see how she turns out but I bet it's going to grow like a bitch. Lol.


Well-Known Member
node ing seems to be from the other side of the gen pool

very sturdy strong structure

try resting the cam on sumtin and sqeeze shot off not snap
try to keep cam steady i sumtime hold my breath if im holding cam use two hands and pull elbows into body to steady as much as poss
very close ups really need trypod or they got these omni pods one leg thingys
also got these sand bag type thingys to mount on to steady
but for best must use sumtin



Well-Known Member
Still waiting for a trip back to the other grow site for pics of the Grape Krush. How's the weather? It's dandy as fuck up here.


Well-Known Member
bc99 i think my outside plants are not going to reveg, they just keep pumping out single leaves n these weard growths. not flowers but just wads of some type. ill keep at it but not very happy with them so far.


Well-Known Member
bc99 why is it in the male is always stronger n prittier in every species other than human? that is one fine looking geape kush dog. looking forward to the results on that.
the kimband has some serious wood goingb on, tight ass noding. me i love me some wood :) looking great as always...
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