Please help asap


My plants are about 3 inches tall and planted in rockwool cubes....i introduced root66 to the water batch and the leaves started folding downward and curling around the edges...i started using regular water but am about to set up an ebb and flow....does anyone have experience with BC nutes


Well-Known Member
yeah the leaves are wilting cuz you keep watering. the plant is suffocating in water, let it dry maybe you should squeeze some h20 out of it idk sorry good luck. msg me i'll help you


Well-Known Member
Just use the "Vegetative Stage" formula, you really don't even need root66 AND like dirtysnowball said, "don't water it too much, and squeeze some out". If it is wet to the touch, should be good (maybe every 2-3 days give it a glass full).


Well-Known Member
P.s. This is my first grow
I gathered that. Bro if your using tap water with no ph adjusters then get some and have the ph 5.8 (not 7-8 like your running now.)Also get some high str conc h2o2 35% or 50% grade add at 1- 1 1/2 ml per litre. You will need these products for flood and drain anyway so get them now.