Low-tech CFL Grow


Active Member
I fed the plant today for the first time. I used 1/2 strength fish emulsion in the water N= 2.5 P= .5 K= .5 I also added a teaspoon of bat guano on the surface of the soil so it will slowly feed everytime I water.


Active Member
A little "pipe porn" while we wait. This is my little 5" Sherlock bubbler with silver fuming throughout that turns a nice electric blue color when used frequently. The latticino is orange and black, giving this pipe the nickname "Tigger" since it looks like the tail of the character from Winnie the Poo :)


Active Member
Getting very bushy for 18 days old from seed. The other plant is 4 days old...and I will probably flower them at the same time since I only have one grow space set up currently.


I should also let you know that I added a 23 watt 2700K CFL into the space about 5 days ago. The wider range of spectrum really seems to be making my plants grow MUCH faster. I might not have the funds for a 125 watt 2700K CFL like I had hoped, but I have a 45 watt 2700K CFL that I can add to the mix when I flower.


Well-Known Member
Looking good. My advice, forget about the 125W CFL. I bought a 105W+hood for like 90 bucks. Then i got a 150W HPS for 80 bucks. I wish I had just done that first. Look it up on ebay. You'll be happy. And its not too hot either.


Active Member
Looking good. My advice, forget about the 125W CFL. I bought a 105W+hood for like 90 bucks. Then i got a 150W HPS for 80 bucks. I wish I had just done that first. Look it up on ebay. You'll be happy. And its not too hot either.
Trust me, I have thought about it and would like to go HPS, but I literally have no extra funds...I am just scraping by as it is. But I do see an nice 6x6 foot growroom in the future when the economy improves.


Active Member
20 days and 6 days old. The biggest plant already has a light spicey/lemoney smell when the leaves are brushed. Fingers crossed that both are female, but the biggest one is probably going to a smelly one!



Active Member
Started LST on the 21 day old plant today...hopefully get some extra light to the rapidly growing internodes. The stem is very strong since I have a decent fan blowing, so I had to be very careful when giving it a gentle bend with twine. I am thinking I will have to adjust the plant daily to train it properly.


Well-Known Member
Perfect. Look at my thread to see how yours will look. Mine was exactly like that when I LST'd. You will probably have to LST a couple more times and then you can let her explode upwards with bunches of bud sites.


Active Member
And my little 11 day old plant. I had some leaves burn a bit and dry out on both plants since I was away for a few days, but I am not too worried.



Active Member
15 day old transplant into bigger pot after being in 16 ounce cup.


And some immediate LST after being put in the new 1.6 gallon pot.
