Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends


Well-Known Member
There are many others doing very well considering their parameters, you just have to find them. I will go out on a limb though and say that I think LEDBUDGUY and his website is directly connected to the magnum 357 company in a financial way.


Well-Known Member
your a pissing contest fucking ass hat got check out irish boy thread and knock him i fuckin dare ya he yeilded as much off a 600w led unit as a 1000w would produce on average somethin like 19 ozs off four plants.......
I'm not trying to have a pissing contest,just tryin to figure out what LEDs actually yield...why does that bother you so much? Irishboys grow so far is 1 in a million tbh but it is extremely impressive.

Gary your result was pretty damn decent too,and thank you for answering.

Newworldicon,I'll hang on for youre next grow,it'd be unfair to judge based on what you said was a mistake addled grow.

Gary Busey

New Member
I will document this current grow a little better than the last, not so much to prove anything in my behalf, but to educate people on LEDs and answer question people may have. Pics speak a 1000 words. I will have plenty.

your a pissing contest fucking ass hat got check out irish boy thread and knock him i fuckin dare ya he yeilded as much off a 600w led unit as a 1000w would produce on average somethin like 19 ozs off four plants.......
I'm not trying to have a pissing contest,just tryin to figure out what LEDs actually yield...why does that bother you so much? Irishboys grow so far is 1 in a million tbh but it is extremely impressive.

Gary your result was pretty damn decent too,and thank you for answering.

Newworldicon,I'll hang on for youre next grow,it'd be unfair to judge based on what you said was a mistake addled grow.


Well-Known Member
Gary,can you give me the make/model of the 133w units?

Do you think the light from a 600w HPS would damage the diodes of the LED?I know that probably is a difficult question to answer,just my experience with any light emitting diode is that they are VERY sensitive.

As I said to you before I want some sidelights and those 133w results are actually very good. I think the raw power of the HPS with the PAR spectrum of the LEDs would pwn pretty much anything else.


Well-Known Member
Gary,can you give me the make/model of the 133w units?

Do you think the light from a 600w HPS would damage the diodes of the LED?I know that probably is a difficult question to answer,just my experience with any light emitting diode is that they are VERY sensitive.

As I said to you before I want some sidelights and those 133w results are actually very good. I think the raw power of the HPS with the PAR spectrum of the LEDs would pwn pretty much anything else.
How is your 600 housed? wouldn't the 2x 133W be merely covering the sides, I am struggling to understand how you will place your light sources?

Gary Busey

New Member
They are the Blackstar 240s. There are better LEDs out there though. And there are way more worse panels. HTG for one.

I think a combo of HPS and LED would work fine without interfering with each other.

Gary,can you give me the make/model of the 133w units?

Do you think the light from a 600w HPS would damage the diodes of the LED?I know that probably is a difficult question to answer,just my experience with any light emitting diode is that they are VERY sensitive.

As I said to you before I want some sidelights and those 133w results are actually very good. I think the raw power of the HPS with the PAR spectrum of the LEDs would pwn pretty much anything else.


Well-Known Member
Well either hang the 2 LED units vertically on two sides of the tent with the HPS hanging normally or just the three lights hanging side by side, I hang all my lights in the standard overhead position usually.


Well-Known Member
Well either hang the 2 LED units vertically on two sides of the tent with the HPS hanging normally or just the three lights hanging side by side, I hang all my lights in the standard overhead position usually.
The thing is will the two panels cover the center zone of the canopy directly below your 600 because of the fact that it has to be placed somewhat to the side, the core saturation is what on it...2x2 so is it enough or is it an even blend throughout the canopy.


Well-Known Member
Iv 5 plants in a 80cm x 80cm x 160cm...it's like 2.4 x 2.4 feet. A slight tilt on opposite sides of the panels towards the centre maybe? What sorta optimum canopy distance we talking?

200 potential grams extra per grow is cost effective,hence why Iv changed my tune btw. They'd pay for themselves in one grow (well in theory) and the 600w would still be doing it's thing too.


Well-Known Member
Iv 5 plants in a 80cm x 80cm x 160cm...it's like 2.4 x 2.4 feet. A slight tilt on opposite sides of the panels towards the centre maybe? What sorta optimum canopy distance we talking?

200 potential grams extra per grow is cost effective,hence why Iv changed my tune btw. They'd pay for themselves in one grow (well in theory) and the 600w would still be doing it's thing too.
I would think a panel like mine would do as well as a 600 in your size tent, it's kinda small so perfect for a larger single panel.
I would not buy from them..seen these...http://www.blackdogled.com/products
Those look good but I'm not trying to spend 649 at all. I know these lights are not cheap but im trying to just get something that can flower 4-6 plants in 3x3 area for at most 350-400. because it's my first time and I don't want to spend that much cash at this moment. I narrowed it down to 3 choices. The pro grow 180 from hydro hut,the blackstar 240 and htg starship 120.All three of these are around what I want to spend. If you have any site that has good lights in that price range I'll be glad to look at that.

Gary Busey

New Member
I'd eliminate the HTG 120 from that list. You'll be disappointed with it. The Blackstar 240 is like $20 more, but with more than 2Xs the actual output.

You''ll like the Blackstar 240 or the Pro Gro 180. Either would be a good choice. Not sure which is better though of the 2.

Those look good but I'm not trying to spend 649 at all. I know these lights are not cheap but im trying to just get something that can flower 4-6 plants in 3x3 area for at most 350-400. because it's my first time and I don't want to spend that much cash at this moment. I narrowed it down to 3 choices. The pro grow 180 from hydro hut,the blackstar 240 and htg starship 120.All three of these are around what I want to spend. If you have any site that has good lights in that price range I'll be glad to look at that.


Well-Known Member
Is there a main dealer or whatever that ships the Blackstars internationally?I know if I buy it over this side of the pond it'll probably be double the price!
I'd eliminate the HTG 120 from that list. You'll be disappointed with it. The Blackstar 240 is like $20 more, but with more than 2Xs the actual output.
You''ll like the Blackstar 240 or the Pro Gro 180. Either would be a good choice. Not sure which is better though of the 2.
Thanks for the reply I think that I will do just that. I'll see if I can get the blackstar 240 or the pro grow. The pro grow I was leaning more to.
I even look into the 300 I think it is.