Silver! Who Is On This Train?


Well-Known Member
Silver is a good investment, but i tend to think that land is an even better investment.
I agree, that's why I own a farm. My land fed me and my family today and it cost less than 1/100th of one penny, and a post 1982 zinc penny at that.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I agree, that's why I own a farm. My land fed me and my family today and it cost less than 1/100th of one penny, and a post 1982 zinc penny at that.
Do you happen to live in the Midwest USA? Lots of farms and thousands of acres are underwater due to the flooding. Some will not see a crop in two to three years depending on how much topsoil was lost and how much contaminated silt was deposited.
And all the rural ground wells that are flooded...I don't think that land will hold it value after this.


Here is a chart of the gold volatility index GVX and gold that is GLD.
Rising price and rising volatility, in short that means look out.
This thing is a beast, who the hell knows what it is going to do next. To make money off it you have to trade it accordingly.



Well-Known Member
Neither the GVX or GLD are precious metals, they are paper assets. Gold isn't volatile, its the most stable asset in the entire world and has been for 5000 years.


Undercover Mod
If its going to drop again it will around 50 dollars thats when the selloff begins and floods the market like everytime. If you are investing in silver its a good idea but be in for the long haul. It's a good idea to put away some money for the future especially if it was made through non legitimate purposes.


I am one of those people who turns profits into silver - since the government does not see silver or gold as 'currency' you can get away without taxes. As well, I also agree if you are selling Ebay will pay 2 or 3 dollars over spot value and you can include shipping costs to be paid by the buyer. Granted, ebay and paypal take fees but on a 50 dollar sale your talking about 4 bucks - worth it to me.


Well-Known Member
oh and the best way to sell is ebay. you will get top dollar not like at the pawn shop or a dealer.
You are forgetting about the E-Bay and Paypal fees plus the shipping charges and your investment in time. E-Bay is not always the best place to sell. A dealer should be giving you spot price, if they aren't go somewhere else. Pawn shops and gold buyers will give you jack shit, don't ever sell PM's to them.


Well-Known Member
I am one of those people who turns profits into silver - since the government does not see silver or gold as 'currency' you can get away without taxes. As well, I also agree if you are selling Ebay will pay 2 or 3 dollars over spot value and you can include shipping costs to be paid by the buyer. Granted, ebay and paypal take fees but on a 50 dollar sale your talking about 4 bucks - worth it to me.
on a side note, when you sell your gold and silver you will be taxed at the collectibles rate of 42%. By law there can never be a federal tax on Gold and Silver (you cannot tax money) and if Gold and silver weren't money then why does the USA mint gold and silver coins that have a legal tender value minted right on them and they are not taxed when you sell gold and silver eagles(can't tax money), but there is a substantial premium when you purchase them.

You will be taxed on bullion at 42% of your capital gain, save your purchase receipts.

Sell less than $9K of PM's per month and you might escape the tax man.


Well-Known Member
Do you happen to live in the Midwest USA? Lots of farms and thousands of acres are underwater due to the flooding. Some will not see a crop in two to three years depending on how much topsoil was lost and how much contaminated silt was deposited.
And all the rural ground wells that are flooded...I don't think that land will hold it value after this.
A small percentage of the land in the midwest is flooded. My land is too high to ever be flooded, the river would have to come up several hundred feet and basically flood the entire state 80 feet deep before it got to my land. My well is perfectly fine also, if its flooded than its got more water in it. River water isn't bad water, it supports a huge amount of life.


Well-Known Member
If It reaches 35 again, i'm dropping money for some 10oz bars.
And if it NEVER goes to $35? What is more valuable? 10 silver ounces or no silver ounces? I buy every Friday most weeks regardless of the price. The more silver I accumulate the more wealth I have. The cost averaging method works for me.

I just hate to see people set a low buy in price and then never see it realized and then when silver is at $400 you will just kick yourself for not getting it at $40.


Well-Known Member
this thread doesnt get the attention it deserves. it's a great time to buy silver. just ordered two rolls of silver eagles. i'm putting it away not for me but a son and grandson who when silver becomes the new gold will live more comfortably than i ever did. friggin gov't and it's fiat curreancy. don't get me started. i want to quote somthing i read today...."inflation (created by the fed) comes to an end with the breakdown of the currency; it comes to catastrophe, to a situation likr the one in Germany in 1923. On August 1, 1914, the value of the dollar was four marks and twenty pfennigs. Nine years and three months later, in November 1923, the dollar was pegged at 4.2 trillion marks. The mark was worth nothing. It no longer had any value....Ludwig von Mises, 1958, economist


Well-Known Member
How is this debt ceiling credit rating propaganda going to affect the price? It has to make it rise right? Or will stock crash bring paper down along with spot and phisical prices?