Can Anyone Tell Me WTF Is Happening To My Plant?


Well-Known Member
Totally healthy plant. Couldnt be much healthier really... Now do you see how everyone just starts throwing deficiencies at you and random guesses... Only to have your "problem" be just a simple fact of growing plants indoors.

Kudos on topping her.
Well i just thought upping the fert level and micros would be good, didnt look really deficient but i got the same bulbs and finish at that height in a more dense crowded room and dont loose bottom leaves to light loss. I dont know if i would recomend upping nutes after a chop but maybe soon as that things gona grow bushy. Funny enough your gona get less light to them bottom leaves when it fills out so lets hope its not a light issue, my leaves got to be real dark before they drop from loss of light and usually go bright yellow first, similar to nitrogen def and overwatering i suppose. Put any plant in the dark and it will probably yellow in time as it grows without light. Any way lets see how it goes, the fat lady hasn't sang yet, still a long way to tiperaire!lol! Peace


Well-Known Member
well im convinced now that its a ph problem, if i dont sort it soon, i suspect ill start to see severe lockout....

ive ordered ph up and down and a digital ph meter, soon ill order a ppm wand and a soil ph tester , i do actually have a soil ph tester but its a crap one, a probe and a needle, the needle shows 9, then 4, then 7, then 6, lol it was from the POUND shop lol

also, seeing as its been about 5/6 weeks since repot im also thinking the plant has munched everything good in the soil and has become more dependant on NUTES, ive got a bottle of bio essentials on its way to help out there.....can anyone suggest something better than a 3 1 2 ratio ?

and NOT miracle grow, as that is what i have been using.....


Well-Known Member
Don't obsess on the ratio so much. Many different ratios work. Can't really make a solid recomendation on flower nute schedule as I don't know what your growing in..and I am a hydro guy primarily. I have gotten great results form botanicare nutrients.

You don't need a soil ph meter. Measure the PH of some water before you flush, capture some runoff from flushing and test it.. That should give you a good indicator of the ph of your soil.


Well-Known Member
who is he ? lol

i hear yah buddy, its a bit of a minefeild out there for me currently, im learning tho....
It is that mine feild that makes you make bigger mistakes. Test your soil runoff but it is no indication to acidic soil and pH up and pH down do not change the soil pH one single little bit.

I got into the whole pH thing and then got straight back out, pH aint that big a deal, test soil runoff of soil out of the bag, use pH7 water to get runoff and if it is slightly acidic then you can add some lime, PH sorted.

Runoff just tells you the level of ferts in the soil and more fert salts equal lower pH runoff, flush them out and pH returns to normal!

If runoff is always too acidic and drops fast after a flush or a flush wont make the pH go up to normal then and only then might you have acidic soil.

I cant explain why so many people think you can read your soil runoff and get the accurate pH of the soil! B0!!0cks, totally. Peace


Well-Known Member
It is that mine feild that makes you make bigger mistakes. Test your soil runoff but it is no indication to acidic soil and pH up and pH down do not change the soil pH one single little bit.

I got into the whole pH thing and then got straight back out, pH aint that big a deal, test soil runoff of soil out of the bag, use pH7 water to get runoff and if it is slightly acidic then you can add some lime, PH sorted.

Runoff just tells you the level of ferts in the soil and more fert salts equal lower pH runoff, flush them out and pH returns to normal!

If runoff is always too acidic and drops fast after a flush or a flush wont make the pH go up to normal then and only then might you have acidic soil.

I cant explain why so many people think you can read your soil runoff and get the accurate pH of the soil! B0!!0cks, totally. Peace
an excellent post, all ive done is flushed and topped, and add a new extractor fan, ph meter arrives this week...


Well-Known Member
After any flush you need to add back the nutes lost from the soil. Runoff read 200ppm after a runoff! Not enough for the plant to live on. PPm reads 400 normally then up the nutes, that size of plant maybe close to 900/1000 ppm per feed. I think anyway. Peace


Well-Known Member
After any flush you need to add back the nutes lost from the soil. Runoff read 200ppm after a runoff! Not enough for the plant to live on. PPm reads 400 normally then up the nutes, that size of plant maybe close to 900/1000 ppm per feed. I think anyway. Peace
she had 1.5 litres of nuted water the next day ;)


Well-Known Member
i have like a little scoop thing that comes in the box, small end for 1.5l, and the big end for 4.5, i just make up 4.5l add a big end scoop, stir it in wait a day stir it again and would i up the ratio ? use a big scoop and a little scoop in 4.5l ? effectively enough for 6l but in 4.5l ?


Well-Known Member
right well shes not looking too much worse, or better, going to double flush , ph the water and check the run off until it reads 6.5 , add some 20 20 20 nutes and add some micro nutes ....wish me luck !

hows that sound ?

my minds set now after reading so much on here.


Well-Known Member
It sounds to me like you keep wanting to go the cheap shit route. Your fertilizers are the most important component of a grow. Why the fuck would you be dumping tomoright on it? 20-20-20 sounds like an awefull combo for veg. Even worse for flower.



Well-Known Member
It sounds to me like you keep wanting to go the cheap shit route. Your fertilizers are the most important component of a grow. Why the fuck would you be dumping tomoright on it? 20-20-20 sounds like an awefull combo for veg. Even worse for flower.

well to be honest, despite trying hard to learn as much as possible it seems as if everyone has a different opinion on what might be wrong, im looking right now for my camera, and i have asked about changing nutes but ive been advised not to, so if you can suggest a liquid form brand of nutes, im more than willing and happy to offence guy but i am trying hard here to find the right answer, or at least as close to it as possible...

i went and got this today, in the hope that it can be used to help improve my plants general health once she starts to improve...

 Bio Essentials

For all growing methods: hydroponics and soil

An essential complement for all fertilizers

Bio Essentials is a unique product: it is a comprehensive concentration of micro nutrients in a chelated form, plus essential sub micro particles and an organic buffer. It is used as a complement to the nutritive solution in soil and water culture, as well as in foliar spray.
Micro and sub-micro nutrients are essential trace elements a plant needs, in conjunction with primary and secondary elements, for a comprehensive and harmonious diet. Some of them are required in such minute quantities (the sub-micros) that they are not included in most formulations. However, laboratory tests have demonstrated an important overall improvement in plant's health and resistance to pests when those elements are added.
All the elements included in Bio Essentials are chelated : a chelated element is released to the plants only when it becomes less abundant in the nutritive solution.This way, the chelate not only maintains a stable level of the nutrient, but also it protects the plant from an unwanted accumulation of harmful salts.
When plants are rapidly growing, they absorb a lot of elements from the solution, and they destabilise its pH. The fastest the growth, the wider the imbalance. This is why it is essential to have a good quality buffer that helps stabilise the pH. In the same process, the buffer will
also help control the level of calcium in the solution. An important feature in case of hard water.

Use as a foliar spray to give strength to your plants
2 ml / litres (10 ml = 1 cap of 1 or 1/2 L bottles)
In Hydroponics: 5 ml/L
In Soil: 3 ml/L

Soon as i have a bit of charge ill show you my plant.

Would be nice if you popped back for a peek ?



Well-Known Member
Where did you get that bioessentials from dude? Do they stock any weed ferts? If you grew that plant on MG ferts then some better ferts ought to take care of the problem, tomorite is chemical crap and not for weed really. If you were to flush and add some decent ferts and those bios i think youd be on the right track, decide organic or chemical and go for it with a decent two part fert and feeding schedule, these feeding schedules really do seem to work strangely enough. Peace


Well-Known Member
Spray that on the plant using the foliar application rate. Spray it on NOW, like tonight. if you have some dish soap put two drops in the foliar spray bottle with it.

I would suggest botanicare pure blend pro line of nutrients. Broadly accepted as quality nutrients, organic, and not too expensive. Grow for now and bloom for when you flip to 12/12. Only feed every other watering. Let them dry out fairly well in-between waterings.

Make sure your not running 24 lights on cycle. Not going to debate it, but it is stressful on a plant and not worth the electricity.

Throw everything fertilizer related you bought at the hardware store in the garbage. (unless you bought your superstring there)

Get to reading bitch... This ain't preschool. :)