For The "Liberals" In The Forum ...


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul fucks turtles. Since I fuck Ron Paul, does that mean I fuck turtles, too?
I usually reserve quote bastardization for trolls. And not the garden variety ones, either. The really nasty ones.

I don't think you are a troll, Buck.

But obviously your milk and cookies kept you up and made you miss your nap.


Well-Known Member
I usually reserve quote bastardization for trolls. And not the garden variety ones, either. The really nasty ones.

I don't think you are a troll, Buck.

But obviously your milk and cookies kept you up and made you miss your nap.
ronnie and i once had an elaborate orgy involving some shelled friends of ours. it took me days to recover.


Well-Known Member

we the people find this to be adorable.


Well-Known Member
"Spite voting is mostly a white male phenomenon, which is why a majority of white males vote Republican. It comes from a toxic mix of thwarted expectations, cowardice, shame, and a particular strain of anomie that is unique to the white American male experience."
Saying it twice still won't make it true. In fact i f i didn't know better I would say you were a raging out of control RACIST!!


Bush a Progressive? not! I am a progressive. Bush was/is an egotistical, self centered deserter. An overgrown, overfunded fratboy.

This country has one big problem; the class war being waged on the middle class.

"We must ask the question; "Is our children learning?""


Well-Known Member
Bush a Progressive? not! I am a progressive. Bush was/is an egotistical, self centered deserter. An overgrown, overfunded fratboy.

This country has one big problem; the class war being waged on the middle class.

"We must ask the question; "Is our children learning?""
And Obama is a Democrat. Sure he is. No, really, he is.

Btw LOVED the Bush quote!! It only goes to show that even mildly retarded people can be president, as long as they continue to be the scapegoat.


No unfortunately Obama should be considered a good Democrat in these times. Which means he's a centrist. Slightly to the left of Clinton. Too bad he is attached at the hip to Wall Street.

Oh and for anyone that cares; as a progressive I think there should be a couple dozen CEOs, CFOs and other bank officers in federal pens right now. You break the law you get prosecuted.

As a progressive I believe the Glass-Steagall Act should be restored to its' rightful place with Gramm-Leach-Bllley repealed.

Glass-Steagall was part of the New Deal. Passed during the Great Depression it walled off commercial banks from investment banks. Phil Gramm pushed through legislation demolishing that wall. Leading to among other things the invention of the term; Too Big To Fail.


Well-Known Member
No unfortunately Obama should be considered a good Democrat in these times. Which means he's a centrist. Slightly to the left of Clinton. Too bad he is attached at the hip to Wall Street.

Oh and for anyone that cares; as a progressive I think there should be a couple dozen CEOs, CFOs and other bank officers in federal pens right now. You break the law you get prosecuted.

As a progressive I believe the Glass-Steagall Act should be restored to its' rightful place with Gramm-Leach-Bllley repealed.

Glass-Steagall was part of the New Deal. Passed during the Great Depression it walled off commercial banks from investment banks. Phil Gramm pushed through legislation demolishing that wall. Leading to among other things the invention of the term; Too Big To Fail.
i like you.


Well-Known Member
Bush a Progressive? not! I am a progressive. Bush was/is an egotistical, self centered deserter. An overgrown, overfunded fratboy.

This country has one big problem; the class war being waged on the middle class.

"We must ask the question; "Is our children learning?""
Apparently not; considering your lack of proper grammar in that question.


Well-Known Member
nothing wrong with being young...I had a hell a lot more energy 25 something years ago, but I also was not as wise...did not take the time to really pay attention to all that was around me...Wisdom comes with age ...Saw you arguing this point recently...did not say anything then for I did not want you to take it the wrong way...You speak for Ron Paul but had no clue that he ran as a Libertarian ( in which he should run that way again) actually said that he did not...most young people don't take the time to do the research and if you did your research on Ron Paul this you would have known..again when that quote was just made you should have known that he was mocking Bush..I bet the "old heads" did..experience is the best teacher and you only get that with time...again nothing wrong with being young, but I think its better to be wise..