Hustla's latest, widow & rhino in soil


New Member
looks good bro, here is my rhino, pic was taken yesterday. yours seems alot more stretched. this is only just over 4" now bro.



Well-Known Member
its coz im just uzin 1 flouro tube lite bro... wish i had enviros or a small hps say 250w.

after upstairs has finished i will be able to rig the house so i dont need to pay for growin costs. and then i can get as many lights as i want lol... all free.

gona run a line frm main cable into loft sumwhere b4 the meter under the floor lol.. but dont wory its not me thats doin it. ide blow myself up man.. me n electricity dont get on man..

its one ov uncle G,s pals n he is a sparky so will be done right with no worries bout gettin caught coz the meter will still run for the normal house cost but there will be a seperate line goin straight in2 the loft to power all the lights pumps n extractors..

all for 100 quid or an oz of weed.. ide rather give him the coin for doin it but when the time comes n if ive got extra weed then i will just give him it n then were all happy.


New Member
hey hustla...I see you got your
hi bong, yea finally lol. it took ages to activate it man, there was a problem with the funds lol. i sent it but they never collected it. its sorted now thankfully. thanks for coming by.

thats a strong looking plant good job
hi bwinn, yea its looking better now than it did last week, it had a touch of nute burn so its had just plain water for a few days and its alot better now. it really doesnt like even half strength nutes. thanks for stopping by.



Well-Known Member
lookin good hustla im sure that rino will be fine now that you know what she likes:) If its a girl are you gonna clone at all?


New Member
hi kaya, i wont be cloning them this time round, mainly as we are hoping to be moving house in the very near future and i dont want to have any plants on the go when we do move. after we have moved i will get set up again but with seperate rooms for flower and veg. i wil also keep a mother for clones so i dont have the same problems ive had already this year with all males.



New Member
hi guy's, i trimmed the life out of the large male plant lastnight in order to keep it small. ill post pics when the lights come on if its still alive lol. the other 2 were doing fine yesterday, the rhino had something at one of its middle nodes but im not sure what, it looked like a hair but im not certain ( too small to see properly ). i'll try and look with the scope when i get the chance. the small widow is really starting to smell good now lol, i hope these 2 are females. pics will follow shortly.



New Member
hi guy's, here are some more pics taken today.

pics 1-3 are of the male widow that i pruned right back last night. its still alive lol and still growing.

pics 4-8 are of the small widow, its getting very bushy and is looking very healthy. there are no signs of it showing sex yet so i have my fingers crossed.

pics 9-11 are the rhino, its got a little growth on one of its nodes but i cant make out what it is yet, it looks like the same as the male plant started out but its too early to tell. otherwise its growing well and getting alot bushier. there is no sign of the nute burn now so im going to re-introduce the nutes at a lower dilution.




New Member
hi bwinn & bong, thanks for stopping in again guy's, all is well in the growroom at the moment lol. i just had a look at the rhino and i think it has a ball sac on it, its also got a hair type thing growing on a different node now but both are way too small to get a good look at. i just hope i dont end up with 3 males again because that will be the last 3 grows that have been wasted, not to mention the money ive spent during this time. wish me some good luck guy's.
