sativa smoker

I don't hate you, I just think your thread is fucking stupid without pics!pics not possible right now ,i now its not cool with out pics iwant to see if anyone else has had this and to show me pics of bud coming out of the leaves,dont hate on me , pics on my computer of my plants could get me busted ,in scotland its very illegal to grow the good stuff ,
Wow, not nice. Flag!pics or STFU
hi folks,im growing sweetooth from barnys ,two out of the four that are nearly finished have buds cumming out the fan leaves,is tjis normal for this strain or are they mutant,never had this wuth any other strain,its so cool,has anyone else had this if so what strain,i would post pics but the wife wount let me becuase when igot rid of my last lap top the shop who bought it saw my old pictures and nearly called the old bill.i was lucky that time, i should learne to delete the hard drive next time,time for a smoko