For The "Liberals" In The Forum ...


Well-Known Member
You are an F-ing tard
You make friends easily don't you? BTW how can one be a F-ing Tard if you do not explain to them WHAT makes them so? I mean exactly what part of Charlie's post do you disagree with? Do you have any ability to type out words in a meaningful discourse?


Well-Known Member
I think this pretty much sums it up:


1. a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
c. Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism.
d. Liberal Of, designating, or characteristic of a political party founded on or associated with principles of social and political liberalism, especially in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States.
Did you C&P this? I find it interesting that the 3 countries mentioned are afiliated to the british crown. " By our own design we shall shape the meaning of a liberal and it's motives" said the illuminati...


Well-Known Member
I have a love hate relationship with liberals. I hate a lot of their ideas and how they seek to achieve them but I love the fact some of those ideas would benifit me seeing as how I am poor.


Well-Known Member
I have a love hate relationship with liberals. I hate a lot of their ideas and how they seek to achieve them but I love the fact some of those ideas would benifit me seeing as how I am poor.
Beardo you should pay attention to who is trying to fuck you and who is trying to help you. Keep on the side of these Repukes and your asshole will be able to fit a baseball bat in...stop voting against yourself...Repukes are for big business and corporations that continue to fuck the little man..Not saying that Dems do everything right but at least most try to help the little guy


Well-Known Member
Beardo you should pay attention to who is trying to fuck you and who is trying to help you. Keep on the side of these Repukes and your asshole will be able to fit a baseball bat in...stop voting against yourself...Repukes are for big business and corporations that continue to fuck the little man..Not saying that Dems do everything right but at least most try to help the little guy
I wish 90% of everything would stop and people could just do real work and be left alone the law and govt should just be real basic. the public sector should resign.


New Member
MSNBC - NEWS FOR people who are scared of their neighbor
FOX NEWS - News for People who are scared of terrorist




New Member
did we ever hear about that utopia?

It would be like idk there would be new cops marathons everyday no more reruns

and we'd only be allowed to listen to elton john candle in the wind on repeat

and we would only have snap and throw fireworks no sparklers or anything that causes a flame.



Well-Known Member
Your damned right Bush rings a bell. Are you under the impression that Bush was some kind of conservative or a libertarian? Hell man, he was a "compassionate" conservative, remember? Bush was a Progressive. A NeoCon. Now stop with the Bush/Obama comparisons.

Now again, what does the Liberal/Progressive end game look like?

And thanks for the responses. Especially looking forward to mame posting here. :)

And Carne ... your description of a liberal is more a description of a classic Jeffersonian liberal and not the Marxist progressives parading as true liberals. Hey man, these people on the left fringe are totalitarians through and through.
You completely missed the point of that post. It was a counter to your "liberal" hating. It was to show that your "pile of rubble" example also extends to Bush AND the representatives that continue to get in the way of our recovery. I wasn't just Bush Bashing for the hell of it. The republicans in congress do call themselves conservatives. But like I said, I'm not really on one side or the other, i just tend to disagree with republicans more. Politics is a game that all politicians are playing with our future.

Actually, they are now the Obama tax cuts. He extended them, now he owns them. In all fairness...
I wouldn't say he owns them. I disagree with the decision to extend them, but I can understand why. He was trying to compromise, something republicans continuously bash him for, despite refusing to do so themselves. He caved, basically. But this is why everyone hates him. Some people hate his skin, some people hate his policies, a some people hate how weak he is. But the president can only do so much. This isn't a dictatorship, despite what some people may think.