Herman Cain Says We Can Ban Mosques


Well-Known Member
i bet i could fit the constitution onto the back of a box of cereal.
Oh fuck, I hope Limbaugh's people don't read this thread. He already is marketing tea. It's called 'Two If By Tea' in homage to the Teabaggers.


I can see it now: Constitutional Crunch.

That's not a bad idea, actually. bongsmilie

could almost put the first amendment on a fortune cookie.
You might be forced to omit the lottery numbers on the back, but it could be done.


Well-Known Member
No, i keep my things to myself... I believe what i do is no one's business and whatever anyone else does none of my business.. If im not in school, im out in the woods doing what i love best, hunting!

camelfuckerville is my generic term for any place that practices a theocracy as opposed the the type of government we have here in america.

how about you? are you for allowing people to peacefully worship here in the land of the free and home of the brave? or would you rather deny them, or any entity for that matter, their deserved first amendment rights?