Problems In Coco Please Help


Well-Known Member
If the plant is getting water and oxygen at the same time it can grow faster and bigger, quicker wet and dry cycles increase growth up to a point, basically hydroponics and aeroponics do this and hence the increased growth, is this what coco dose by watering every day and the medium never becoming waterlogged due to the vast amount of air pockets?


Well-Known Member
If the plant is getting water and oxygen at the same time it can grow faster and bigger, quicker wet and dry cycles increase growth up to a point, basically hydroponics and aeroponics do this and hence the increased growth, is this what coco dose by watering every day and the medium never becoming waterlogged due to the vast amount of air pockets?
yep that's pretty much it.


Well-Known Member
I always wanted to try coco, am very tempted by the preferted and pre cal/mag stuff but for some reason am sticking with soil. The cal/mag issue scares me, is hard enough to manage in soil let alone a medium that sucks it up. Peace


Well-Known Member
in my last grow, 3 coco plants, two in soil. the coco yielded 80% of the yield. calmag was only a problem until i started adding some epsom salt in veg. very easy to fix and no other issues. check it out in my sig.


Well-Known Member
So is the cal/mag manegment easy, do you just ppm water to a certain ppm with epson salts and thats it for the whole grow?

How are ferts in coco, easy to ppm and give?

I am tempted by coco but the problems i have had with soil over the years make me reluctant to try, i need problem free stuff that makes it easy not soil mixes and fert issues the whole grow.

Also can you just water the coco like soil, every few days?


Well-Known Member
So is the cal/mag manegment easy, do you just ppm water to a certain ppm with epson salts and thats it for the whole grow?

How are ferts in coco, easy to ppm and give?

I am tempted by coco but the problems i have had with soil over the years make me reluctant to try, i need problem free stuff that makes it easy not soil mixes and fert issues the whole grow.

Also can you just water the coco like soil, every few days?
then yes, it is exactly what you are looking for. no more pH headaches and unwieldy soil full of salts. ferts are very easy and so is pH. and yes it works like that with the ppm, you just give what you want to a ppm they can handle. i would give 50-100ppm of magnesium to correct or prevent a deficiency, and didn't have any calcium shortages despite RO water. it's hydro in every sense. and yes, you can treat it like soil (but they say it likes more water). in my grow I sometimes watered every week even in flowering. you should read about it, there's much info online.

it can also be mixed with compost, i'm interested in trying that.

another thing you can do of course is hydro all the way, dwc or the likes. why don't you? the problems you've had in soil are exactly why you should.


Well-Known Member
So plain coco in pots gives no ph problems, i am tempted.

One down side i see to coco is bugs love it?


Well-Known Member
yeah it's a bit problematic with the fungus gnats, they are not extremely harmful and can be controlled somewhat even with sticky traps. also muskito dunks, and other repellents work.


Well-Known Member
I always get bugs, impossible to stop im afraid, my mate did a coco grow and even the beneficial springtails that we get in the soil he had lying around populated the coco big time, was like more springtails than coco, they were everywhere, this part is the downside i guess. I would definatly get bugs, would be looking to eradicate them from the start of the grow, in soil they are more manageable. Peace