Never Flowering

I have a bunch of marijuana plants currently growing in one pot. I started growing marijuana, or rather, it started growing in the soil in November. Throughout that time, I had 6 pots with about 40 plants with several different strains of marijuana. I do not know the types of the strains as these were simply seeds filtered from swag that managed to grow. However, I have never seen any reach the flowering stage.

What happens is that these plants grow to a decent height, around 4ft and then nothing happens. The leaves slowly fade from yellow to brown and fall off throughout weeks, going into months, and there is no result; nothing has been produced. I have learned to separate the males from the females and although the males slowly grow to produce the "balls" of pollen, the females never flower.

I am in the state of Gujarat, India which now has an estimated 13 hours of sunlight and 11 hours of darkness daily. Monsoon season is currently underway although these plants are about 5-6 weeks old. The temperature is around a minimum of 25
°C to a maximum of 38°C. The median temperature is about 30-32°C. I do not supply my plants with anything other than tap water and occasionally, several teaspoons from a bag of Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant Food. I do not provide the plants with this fertilizer routinely. Once or twice every 2-3 weeks would be a rather accurate representation. There are no instruments at my disposal to check the PH of the soil or the availability to purchase and introduce other, more productive fertilizers, strictly composed of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

I do not know the reasoning for this behavior since at least one of these 40 plants should have flowered. Amongst these 40-something plants sprouted, there was only one plant which achieved the flowering state but was pollinated into producing seeds. The plants which are now growing are the offspring of that pollinated plant. That was in early April, this is now July. Please advise me so I can do further to provide specified information regarding the growth of these plants as to guidance upon mediating this conflict of producing naught.


New Member
At the very least you should be feeding your plants more than 1 time every 2 - 3 weeks. Modern Marijuana strains have evolved to eat a lot of nutrients, and require feeding at least once a week for most strains.

You should order some supplies off of the internet if you can't get them locally to you.

PH Meter, or PH Test Strips is a necessity as well.
A Nutrient Level Meter will help to not over fertilize your plants

At least that will give you a start into diagnosing your plants.

I see you are growing sativa strains, so you will want you PPM to be under 1000 for sure, possibly less than 800.

You also want you PH to be 5.5 - 6.5.


Active Member
However, I have never seen any reach the flowering stage.

I am in the state of Gujarat, India which now has an estimated 13 hours of sunlight and 11 hours of darkness daily.
Most need 12 continuous hours of darkness. You should try and get some autos ... probably solve your problem. Oh, and some good nutes and you'll be blazin' in no time.:blsmoke: Cheers!
Alright. I have two proposed solutions: measure the PH + give necessary nutrients and to give it an extra hour of darkness. Any elongated responses as to why exactly this may be occurring? Would imbalances of PH and deprivation of adding proposed measures of nutrients be the precise indicator of these plants not flowering?
i honestly dont know what advice ican give that would help other than maybe buying seeds for an auto flowering strain

thats a very peculiar situation


Well-Known Member
That looks almost like a pure Sativa, they generally take a lot longer to show signs of flowering and can take up to four months to reach full maturity.


Active Member
I do not supply my plants with anything other than tap water and occasionally, several teaspoons from a bag of Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant Food. I do not provide the plants with this fertilizer routinely. Once or twice every 2-3 weeks would be a rather accurate representation. There are no instruments at my disposal to check the PH of the soil or the availability to purchase and introduce other, more productive fertilizers, strictly composed of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

So you use "several" tbl spoons of MG All-Purpose huh? I understand you don't do this all the time, which is good... You really should at least go by the directions, and you'd be better to probably go half strength, I've seen the best results from half feedings when using MG. It's possible all this Nitrogen has delayed flowering. I have to say though, I have heard from other people that their bagseed strains sometimes don't flower... Maybe it has to do with their equitorial nature, and need of 12/12... If you are in India though, most likely it came from there? All of our seeded crap here, (for the most part), comes from Mexico.

Sorry I couldn't help you more man.
So you use "several" tbl spoons of MG All-Purpose huh? I understand you don't do this all the time, which is good... You really should at least go by the directions, and you'd be better to probably go half strength, I've seen the best results from half feedings when using MG. It's possible all this Nitrogen has delayed flowering. I have to say though, I have heard from other people that their bagseed strains sometimes don't flower... Maybe it has to do with their equitorial nature, and need of 12/12... If you are in India though, most likely it came from there? All of our seeded crap here, (for the most part), comes from Mexico.

Sorry I couldn't help you more man.
Yes, the thing is that before this group of plants, none of the others received regular dosages of MG. I thought that perhaps growing the plants in natural soil, natural light cycles and tap water would lead to at least a certain development in the flowering stage. It has never happened. These seeds are local, possibly from Nepal or Uttar Pradesh but it is definitely from surrounding regions.
Ok. Now I have been providing half the accompanied spoonful of Miracle Gro consistently for about a week now - a maximum of 2 days between feedings. I will post pictures as the plants grow and hopefully it will flower this time.


Well-Known Member
I have a bunch of marijuana plants currently growing in one pot. I started growing marijuana, or rather, it started growing in the soil in November. Throughout that time, I had 6 pots with about 40 plants with several different strains of marijuana. I do not know the types of the strains as these were simply seeds filtered from swag that managed to grow. However, I have never seen any reach the flowering stage.
Not sure if anyone brought this up, but 40 different plants in 6 containers?.. thats like 8 plants a container... unless you're growing them in 100gallon containers you've already fucked this whole thing up imo.

Second of all, you're growing from swag...doesnt this hint to you that thats probably the reason why you don't have any buds?
Hemp, which is marijuana grown year after year after year... after about 6 years the plants don't even grow bud anymore its just a damn plant waiting to be cut down, maybe you just got some bunk ass seeds?


yeah i think your plants are kicking each others ass in those containers and using all their energy fighting for water and any nutes and dont have any energy left to produce buds. If your supplys are limited than just use a 2 liter soda bottle for container.. also i have grown buds using mg soil and water nothing else.
Not sure if anyone brought this up, but 40 different plants in 6 containers?.. thats like 8 plants a container... unless you're growing them in 100gallon containers you've already fucked this whole thing up imo.

Second of all, you're growing from swag...doesnt this hint to you that thats probably the reason why you don't have any buds?
Hemp, which is marijuana grown year after year after year... after about 6 years the plants don't even grow bud anymore its just a damn plant waiting to be cut down, maybe you just got some bunk ass seeds?
Well first, I am in India. I get my bud from surrounding regions. Perhaps it is from Nepal, perhaps from elsewhere. Nevertheless, the strain obviously grows here as hinted by Mupphet.Man. You are able to view the pictures which means you do get a sense of how I am working with these plants. Should I grow them one at a time to discover if I have a male or female? I have simpler resources unlike you. I am not interested in exorbitant spending for very specified fertilizer, growing in a perfect cycle through artificial light or purchasing stronger strains of seeds. I work with what I have. If I need something, I attempt to get it but if I can't then I can't. I have grown several single plants in a container. The result? Nothing.

Secondly, swag is determined by potency and quality. The potency deteriorates if the female plant is pollinated as does the quality in poorly cured/ dried bud. It does depend on the strain but only for greater yield and potency. I label it swag as it is poorly dried and cured, there are seeds and branches in it and the color as well as the taste have dissipated to an unfavorable extent.

How would I be hinted at that growing the offspring available with the bud means I am growing only hemp? The rationalization of that statement does not appeal to me in terms of insight or revelation of what my problem is. I am having conflicts with my plants regarding their inability to flower. I would like advice on how to possibly resolve this problem with the ingredients at my disposal or some remedies I may be able to try such as providing certain nutrients but certainly not hubris commentary on how I am fucking up by not growing compared to your own personalized conditions and experiences.
yeah i think your plants are kicking each others ass in those containers and using all their energy fighting for water and any nutes and dont have any energy left to produce buds. If your supplys are limited than just use a 2 liter soda bottle for container.. also i have grown buds using mg soil and water nothing else.
That's quite interesting. How would I go about doing this? Cut the top off the bottle, germinate the seeds and place them in the water? It sounds interesting so please elaborate more.


That's quite interesting. How would I go about doing this? Cut the top off the bottle, germinate the seeds and place them in the water? It sounds interesting so please elaborate more.
yeah just cut the plastic 2l bottle in half or any plastic cup, poke holes in the bottom for the water to drain and you have a pot to grow in. I think that you will really see improvement in growth with only one plant per container and it might just solve your problems. And remember weed is a plant thats been on earth long before any kind of miracle grow or such was available so it is possible to grow with just water and soil and you can produce buds but they wont be like the ones you see on the internet, they will be small light and fluffy but your growing brick weed anyway so who cares it will do the trick. well good luck and take care


Well first, I am in India. I get my bud from surrounding regions. Perhaps it is from Nepal, perhaps from elsewhere. Nevertheless, the strain obviously grows here as hinted by Mupphet.Man. You are able to view the pictures which means you do get a sense of how I am working with these plants. Should I grow them one at a time to discover if I have a male or female? I have simpler resources unlike you. I am not interested in exorbitant spending for very specified fertilizer, growing in a perfect cycle through artificial light or purchasing stronger strains of seeds. I work with what I have. If I need something, I attempt to get it but if I can't then I can't. I have grown several single plants in a container. The result? Nothing.

Secondly, swag is determined by potency and quality. The potency deteriorates if the female plant is pollinated as does the quality in poorly cured/ dried bud. It does depend on the strain but only for greater yield and potency. I label it swag as it is poorly dried and cured, there are seeds and branches in it and the color as well as the taste have dissipated to an unfavorable extent.

How would I be hinted at that growing the offspring available with the bud means I am growing only hemp? The rationalization of that statement does not appeal to me in terms of insight or revelation of what my problem is. I am having conflicts with my plants regarding their inability to flower. I would like advice on how to possibly resolve this problem with the ingredients at my disposal or some remedies I may be able to try such as providing certain nutrients but certainly not hubris commentary on how I am fucking up by not growing compared to your own personalized conditions and experiences.
hahaha yeah fuck that guy is a hater just do what you can do. people everywhere not just in india cant afford top of the line products but we still want to smoke the plant that god gave us, hey if you can find any plastic cups or 2 liter bottles you should probably start over with the pots you have but this time put just one seedling in at a time. I cant afford anything special either but still managed to grow some good buds that had me laughing my ass off so way to go keep trying sooner or later your going to get some good buds dont give up!!