College textbooks are gonna bankrupt me


Well-Known Member
well whos designing these cars? or the architect that planned out the house? who takes care of you when your sick? whos teaching your children?...educated people....some people just strive to be better then the middle class.
Since when are these not professions that earn a middle class level income? ^^^
Are any of the feilds you listed hiring or expanding?
Being better than other people is super important and we all know going to college and getting a degree makes you better than middle class people and definatly way better than someone who didn't go to college.


Well-Known Member
fine you win, we willl live in a society filled with mechanics and garbage men....few handymen as well...that will jump start this economy


Well-Known Member
fine you win, we willl live in a society filled with mechanics and garbage men....few handymen as well...that will jump start this economy
I will take farmers and miners over buisness executives or psychiatrists any day-I think it is more likely to improve the economy.


Well-Known Member
Chegg. For everybook you rent they plant a tree and you get to choose where! (plus its cheap)

too bad everytime you rent a book they don't put a marijuana seed in the ground.

heir proctor

New Member
Don't go to college and get a job doing real work, people need their cars fixed and their houses fixed people need their trash emptied they don't need someone with a degree to do it.
Are you seriously implying that those simpleton jobs are more worthwhile and important than, say something in the science or medical field?

I hope your only kidding.


Well-Known Member
The thing about renting my textbooks is that I need workbooks that I have to fill out. And the workbooks match up with the textbooks... Its just simpler to go to the college and buy their books...

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Are you seriously implying that those simpleton jobs are more worthwhile and important than, say something in the science or medical field?

I hope your only kidding.
What is a doctor going to do when his shitter gets clogged or when he has to install a new sump pump? Is that fucker going to build his $500 000 house by hand himself? I wouldn't say they are more important, but they definitely are necessary. They also pay well and don't require 4+ years of university. You can get paid while you learn, it is a good option for some people. My father makes more money then many people with a university education and that fucker didn't even make it through high school. You can't say that his job helps more people then a doctor or scientist, but would any of those cunts want to move in this godforsaken area of the world to help people if they had no pipelines bringing gas to heat their homes during the winter?


Well-Known Member
I think there should be a balance. In our culture a person is considered a loser if they dont go to college, but, not everyone is made to go to college. Perfect example me and my twin brother. He isn't stupid, he just hates school. He problably wont go onto college. Yet, he has enough brains to get a job doing physical work, and excell. He was a landscaper for a while, and it was something he was good at. And it does take intelligence to do that well.
As for me, other than my laziness Ive always been very academic... a job where I work with my hands or as a service worker isnt practical for someone like me, so Im heading off to college to get an education to get a decent job some point in the future

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Since when are these not professions that earn a middle class level income? ^^^
Are any of the feilds you listed hiring or expanding?
Being better than other people is super important and we all know going to college and getting a degree makes you better than middle class people and definatly way better than someone who didn't go to college.
It's not about rising above the middle class but not have to be the one working in the heat or covered in grease, but only if that's what you want to do. The world needs mechanics, plumbers, carpenters, farmers, teachers, doctors, and engineers. I have a degree but I tend to hang out with more people that don't. Not so I can feel better about myself but because a college degree has a way of turning some people into pretentious assholes.

And listen to the people that have been there: Don't buy books from the bookstore unless is something the school prints itself, nothing you can do then, but otherwise you can get them tons cheaper off of the net. And ask around about the teachers. I can't count how many times I had a "required" textbook that we were told to read but never used in class or was needed for information that I didn't already get in lecture or could otherwise find online. College textbook sales are run like organized crime.


Well-Known Member
Are you seriously implying that those simpleton jobs are more worthwhile and important than, say something in the science or medical field?

I hope your only kidding.
Yes I sure am, I have more use for my garbage man than a scientist or doctor, I am not saying those aren't important just not nearly as important as people act as if they are, Look at Cuba they have the most doctors and i'm not trying to move their.
Also realize that during recession and depressions the college degree jobs are the ones that see the most lay offs pay cuts and unemployment- When times get tough you stop going to a chiropractor you don't stop having your garbage picked up, When times are tough the city lays off teachers but they wont lay off matienence men- All i'm saying is the job market is supply and demand-keep that in mind when you go to school and pick your majors or career choice- I would hate to be graduating with a degree in liberal arts or philosophy right now.


Well-Known Member
College as a whole is a broken process, especially the more advanced the degree you want. The PhD programs in this country are ridiculous.

Talk to people a year ahead of you and see if they have any books you can buy. Some classes change the book every year, but I'll let you in on a secret... they do this for your money! Some revisions to text books are just fixed typos or fixed examples. I took a math class that REQUIRED us to buy the newest book and there were three changes in the whole text book. All three changes were typo fixes. It's ridiculous.

You mentioned you were applying at places like pizza hut, and other minimum wage jobs. Fuck that! Apply to places above and beyond your expectations. Don't let someone convince you that you are only going to get a shit job. Apply for every possible job you can. Waitress (don't you dare let your own fucking mother tell you you're too fat to get a job as a waitress. FUCK THAT!), secretary, receptionist, whatever.

Search for jobs in call centers, and telemarketing. They get lots of college students through school, and most don't require any experience they just want you to be able to speak well.

Of course you can always whore yourself out. Big chicks are great at sucking D.

Edit: dropping out of school was the best thing I've ever done for myself. Fuck college.


Staff member
shitty im going through the same thing 1,800 for a hairstyling kit FOR FUCKING SCISSORS MAN


Staff member
get used to it. it's worse than u imagine probably too. i live a very kushy life but i used to live in the real world and it was depressing.
its not that BAD, im buying my way through college, work, renting a house, paying bills and living fine


Well-Known Member
its not that BAD, im buying my way through college, work, renting a house, paying bills and living fine
It may not be bad for you, but what happens if you lost your job (hypothetically speaking, couldn't find another). Would you still be renting a house, paying bills, and living fine? That's where Urca's at without a job. So it's hard to say it's not that bad, when you have a different situation.


Well-Known Member
its not that BAD, im buying my way through college, work, renting a house, paying bills and living fine
yeah i guess it's not so bad. i just hate slaving away at a desk all day, wishing i was somewhere else. missing all the beautiful days - being outdoors in the fresh air. worrying about the next bill and not saving a penny, never getting ahead. i am done with college and i live in a really awesome historic home in the center of a city. i love it here. i wouldn't be happy if i were working all the time though. the life of get up, go to work, get home, eat, watch tv, sleep, repeat doesn't appeal to me at all.


Staff member
well hypothetically speaking i work at a call center so i could get EI (canadian unemployment) if you get fired or quit from a call center its easy to get ei, i always put away 50$ into savings i mean it could be bad, but i live i enjoy my days off, i dont like being stuck at work allt he time but who does? and when im done college ill have a career!