Panic Attacks??


Well-Known Member
I often get panic attacks and I am sure its to do with cannabis, however the only cannabis I have ever smoked has been from the street and im guessing it has been tampered with maybe with other drugs added or something just to pack out the deal bag. I am currently about to plant a northern lights seed to see if I still get them from a home grown. It usually happens like two days after I have smoked it and they last about two weeks and go.

Does this happen to anyone else?
No, you're just probably prone to them, and cannabis might just exacerbate that.

P.D: I remember answering a thread of yours which you said that one strain made you have paranoid thoughts, or something like that. Maybe you should see a psych? (I say it with all due respect).
No, you're just probably prone to them, and cannabis might just exacerbate that.

P.D: I remember answering a thread of yours which you said that one strain made you have paranoid thoughts, or something like that. Maybe you should see a psych? (I say it with all due respect).

Yes i think i remember that too. Maybe dope isnt for you bro.
No, you're just probably prone to them, and cannabis might just exacerbate that.

P.D: I remember answering a thread of yours which you said that one strain made you have paranoid thoughts, or something like that. Maybe you should see a psych? (I say it with all due respect).
I have to agree entirely with every thing this guy says.
I strongly urge you to view this science report on the negative effects some people experience with cannabis.
The good news is that cannabis with a high CBD content is showing promise as an anti-psychotic medication.
Anxiety and Panic Attacks can be cause by certain strains of Marijuana. As resinousflowers said, do your research and look for some strains that help with anxiety.

I doubt the marijuana you bought off the street was tampered with or laced. In 18 years of smoking I have never seen laced or tampered Marijuana. Just think of it like a business man. Why would you lace Marijuana with another drug for free? Whatever drug you would use to lace the Marijuana with, you would either have to charge more for the Marijuana (losing you business) or lose money on every transaction. Both of which are bad ideas for the entrepreneurial street marijuana salesman.

Find strains that contain a higher amount of (CBD) as this particular chemical in Marijuana helps to alleviate anxiety and paranoia.
So is nirvanas northern lights high in CBD ?

The biggest factor in the CBD content is when the bud is harvested. Northern Lights that is harvested a week early won't have that much CBD. If you grow it yourself, you can get EXACTLY what you want. Good luck man! I hope you find a way to enjoy cannabis as much as I do. If not, don't fret. It's not the biggest thing in life.
Well i wont be touching cannabis for about 3 months now. All i need to do is flush all the thc out of my system to stop this from happening.
I think you will go back to normal if u detox for 3 months, sound good. There are growers who grow for enjoyment/profit and never smoke the shit, you could do this and still be involved with weed growing.
I just loved the days where i could smoke it and always feel fine afterwards. I would love to go back to them days and I hope i will soon! These panic attacks are only recent, maybe they will go after 3 months. Fingers crossed!
I just loved the days where i could smoke it and always feel fine afterwards. I would love to go back to them days and I hope i will soon! These panic attacks are only recent, maybe they will go after 3 months. Fingers crossed!
yeah probably, I suffered from panic attacks once, the source was depression I found out.
I tend to have more anxiety when I'm not eating a clean diet. Caffeine and sugar in particular increase anxiety in me. The highs are much better for me with a clean diet.
I tend to have more anxiety when I'm not eating a clean diet. Caffeine and sugar in particular increase anxiety in me. The highs are much better for me with a clean diet.
I love coffee when I'm high, I found it reduced my anxiety that I got smoking Haze for the first time.
I get anxiety right before I smoke, it juices up my body so I start to smoke faster. Then the anxiety follows me through my high. If your having panic attacks don't listen to anyone bs about weed not being for you, Weed is for everyone so just tell them to f off. You just gotta smoke more in one day or smoke an eigth over a couple of days. You'll be a stoner in no time, just keep smoking.
I think i will cut down on the fatty foods in my diet as thc is fat souluble and it takes along time to be released from the fat. I hope the 3 months off will enable me to enjoy my next joint. I also have just brought a bong off amazon so i will do it again but I have to wait!!
If you ask me getting anxiety and having a panic attack is all about your chi being unbalanced and then you focus it on your heartbeat, then you end up increasing your heart rate with every beat that goes by because your getting scared. In my opinion I feel more in sync with my body and as long as I notice my high heart rate and I breath slower and tell myself to relax I always end up relaxing enough to take a nap.

Caffeine is a nasty drug, it dehydrates you and leaves you feeling drained as soon as your under the sun. I'd stay away from coffee in any type of warm drinks(Cold drinks with caffeine don't make you feel like shit under the sun) stick to monster, red bull, full throttle, and even starbuck's cold selection.

Cigarettes are fine by me, my dad told me that he got increased anxiety when he used to smoke cigs.

Buying weed off drug dealers mainly suggests that it was grown by someone just like you, then sold to someone else and packaged for you. Most people don't try to purposely poison or lace their drugs due to bad rep. But occasionally it does happen(accidents do happen). With weed being laced usually it happens with someone who deals other drugs and they like to lace their weed so they can stay high without doing lines, popping pills, ect. Bag mix ups are extremely rare, the only time it is even possible if when a dealer gets two or more orders at the same time they get yours(Thus the mix up occurs when they hear the knock on the door). Usually getting laced weed doesn't happen unless you live in the projects or compton where they sell crack and e as fast as weed is sold in your neighborhood.

About being anxious... Just be glad your not hearing imaginary people yelling at you while your high. Breathe and relax. Taking a 3month break will just bring your tolerance down making you more likely to get anxiety. You just gotta be really stoned for a long time to get rid of that shit. Keep smoking man, your getting there.:leaf:
I think i will cut down on the fatty foods in my diet as thc is fat souluble and it takes along time to be released from the fat. I hope the 3 months off will enable me to enjoy my next joint. I also have just brought a bong off amazon so i will do it again but I have to wait!!
Pop your bongs cherry bro, trust me. Just get an eigth and a gram of some earwax and smoke to your dome. Keep puffing right before you go to the store, or to talk to your parents, or friends, just do activetys while your stoned. Anxiety comes from your body being unprepared or unexperienced in something and your nervous about it.
I am a health professional, and some of the BS you guys are spouting is really ridiculous. Leave the responses up to people that actually know something!

Anxiety is often related to marijuana, although it does seem odd that you have the reaction so long after smoking. There is no way it is due to laced drugs, people don't "fill out" weed, because weed is the cheapest drug there is. People "lace" weed for different effects, like turbo (crack), wiggles (PCP), etc.. Definitely see a physician and/or psychologist about your condition. You can easily get prescribed a benzo like Xanax or Klonopin that works for a LOT of people, and it actually has a synergistic effect with marijuana, so when you want to, you can smoke up anxiety-free. If you are convinced it is the marijuana, then you should definitely do as you say you are doing and abstain from it. Marijuana has been proven to have bad reactions with a lot of people. Right off the bat, over one seventh of all people have a medial allergy to marijuana, and the majority of people have a minor allergy to it. I think that marijuana is a godsend, but I have seen it do TERRIBLE things to people's brains, simply because they have different brain chemistry than the average user. One guy I know will never again leave the house because he smoked half a pound in a week or two, and I had always noticed it had a bad effect on him. The poor fuck's life is over at the age of 23, and he started with just panic attacks and severe ADD episodes. Don't let yourself go that way.