2011 Furthur / Grateful Dead Tour

-St. Albert and the Alchemical Angel (artwork by Alex Grey) - Blotter Artwork
-BLUE Ganeshas (artwork by Alex Grey) - Blotter Artwork - [LOOK FOR THIS ONE!!! 180 MICROGRAM PER HIT! SHITS FIRE FLUFF]
-there is also good liquid going around.

-DONT BUY thick WoW tabs. they taste bitter and give effects like DOx.

-St. Albert and the Alchemical Angel (artwork by Alex Grey) - Blotter Artwork
-BLUE Ganeshas (artwork by Alex Grey) - Blotter Artwork - [LOOK FOR THIS ONE!!! 180 MICROGRAM PER HIT! SHITS FIRE FLUFF]
-there is also good liquid going around.

-DONT BUY thick WoW tabs. they taste bitter and give effects like DOx.

unless you like DOx's then buy them. ;)
man. i really hope they come down to texas on their tour. im saving my last 2 hits of fluff with that dream. that would be a line off my bucket list for sure. oh yea, that and finding more fluff of course. haha. I LOVE LUCY!
I ment the thick wow tabs that you said are like DOx's , if you like do'x then dont avoid them. ;)

The HUGE difference between DOxs is so astounding Id be afraid to take a risk. DOB isnt too great. I like DOI the most (felt like lsd + mdma, INTENSE BODY RUSHES AND MENTALLY INSANE.), DOC is the most visual, cant get DOM which is supposedly the fucking BEST, which is apparently why its illegal *cries* lol
some things are just way too ellusive *sneezes* needlepoint. haha. we gotta have things to dream for though, right hadd?

Right fuckign on. I swear on my life and soul that I will synthesize these compounds myself with enough knowledge.. I must work, but I have to.. Some of them are just so amazing you dont understand. DOM is supposed to take the fucking cake.
this compound, unbeknownst to me, was scattered widely and plentifully in the heyday of the haight-ashbury in san francisco, in mid-1967. It was distributed under the name stp, which was said to stand for serenity, tranquility, and peace. It was also claimed to represent super terrific psychedelic, or stop the police. The police called it: Too stupid to puke. Actually, the name was taken from the initials of a motor additive which was completely unrelated chemically. Incredibly, and sadly, one of the avowed experts in the area of the "sensuous drugs" actually stated that stp, the motor oil additive, was really one and the same as stp, the highly dangerous psychedelic. The motor oil additive, he wrote in a book of his, had properties somewhat related to those of lsd, mescaline, and the amphetamines. How fortunate that the love children of the time didn't do much reading, for they might have gotten into yet deeper pharmacological troubles with drug raids on the local gasoline stations.

Two complications became apparent during this first appearance and they led to serious difficulties. One, there was no equation made between stp and dom. No one knew what this drug was which had been distributed in a cavalier way throughout the city. There could be no educated guess as to the best treatment of overdose emergencies. And secondly, the initial tablets that had been distributed apparently contained 20 milligrams of dom per tablet; later, it was dropped to 10 milligrams. Either of these, in retrospect, is now known to be a thoroughly whopping dose. The overdose situation was aggravated by the slow onset of dom. The user may be aware of some initial effects at the half-hour point, there will be what might be called a
+ or ++ at the end of the first hour, and the full impact of the drug is not appreciated until some two hours have elapsed. But many of the recipients of the free handouts of dom were familiar with lsd which can show its alert in 15 to 20 minutes, or even sooner with a large dose, and there is already a deep and compelling intoxication felt at the half-hour point. They, quite reasonably, expected this familiar activity pattern with stp and assumed, when there was little if any activity noted at the half-hour point, that the potency was less than expected. They took one or even two additional dosage units. Thus, some of the overdose victims of that period may well have taken as much as 30 mg of dom. The slow onset of action, coupled with the remarkably long duration, caught many innocent users unprepared.
from pihkal
(with 4 mg) The first four hours were largely directed to the body. There was a shuddering, and a tight jaw, and I am not particularly motivated to talk to anyone. It is more arousing (like amphetamine) than depressing (like phenobarb). I am feeling just a little sick at the three hour point, but a bit of regurgitation clears this up. Then at the fourth hour, it went totally outside of me. I saw the clouds towards the west. THE CLOUDS!!! No visual experience has ever been like this. The meaning of color has just changed completely, there are pulsations, and pastels are extremely pastel. And now the oranges are coming into play. It is a beautiful experience. Of all past joys, LSD, mescaline, cannabis, peyote, this ranks number one. Normally I have no color effects with mescaline. A dynamic experience. Feels good, too.
INSANITY, please give thy
I'm getting some DOC, and i've taken DOI, i'd like to try DOM, just rarely have the time for such a trip.
DOC is eye candy, but not as much mdma rush feeling I like from DOI. But these chemicals are insane so your mileage will DEFINITELY vary. How was your DOI trip? Mine was INTENSE and fucking awesommeee I loved it