Can You Smoke It?


I recently chopped one of my ladies because I think it was a different strain and it totally looked different then the other two. I realize now that I shoulda waited a couple more weeks, but it is what it is and its not to bad. After the drying for about 5 days i put the buds in a paper sack for a few. this morning I put them in some jars and at the bottom of the bag is a bunch of them red hairs. can i smoke those? I sure hope it smells like bud after the curing. it smells like pot when i smoke it.


Well-Known Member
yeah, you can do whatever you want to do man.

good luck with it.. lol.

But, it sounds like your fairly new to cannabis/growing cannabis.

Do some research man.. because smoking the red hairs (they're called pistils) isn't going to do anything to you.. nothing at all. The pistils don't contain THC.. if they do happen to have any.. its going to be on such a small scale that its not going to do anything to you.. your wasting your time in other words my friend.

Trichromes are what contain and store THC... this is what gets the smoker high. If you were to smoke a bud that had absolutely ZERO trichs on it... your not going to get high.. period. I mean, you MIGHT get a little bit of a head change.. but that would be the most you would get from it.

Good luck with smoking those pistils.. LMAO.



LOL. haven't smoked them yet bro, lol. I thought Trichomes grow on everything. The reason I ask this question is because it looks like shinny shit all over the read hairs, like crystals and shit when you look at it through that cheap fkin microscope i got from the rat shack. and yes i have alot to learn, this is my first successful grow.well almost if i can make sure i cut them down at the right time.

by the way, your so good learn how to spell Trichome, LMAO



Active Member

Don't let him bother you. You can smoke them, I have. It won't be an incredible buzz, or give you a very good idea as to what the bud will be like, but you should get some kind of buzz. There's no trichs, perhaps, but likely some other cannabinoids. If nothing else, and I am wrong, there should be a small-scale placebo, lol. Basically, I got a tiny buzz when I did that, so go for it.

Don't let the "cannabisgurus" of the world put you down.


Active Member
They don't look too bad, are you using bagseed? You should have a little more frostiness now, mine usually are. A lot of that is in the strain, I feel. You got buds though, gotta be happy for yourself you didn't have to buy it from some greedy prick, you're not smoking pesticides/seeds/stems, and some douche "cannabis god/guru (sleeps half way up mothers pussey every night) isn't taking your money. (If that faggot actually grows, a lot of these guys just pretend).


Well-Known Member
Do some research man.. because smoking the red hairs (they're called pistils) isn't going to do anything to you.. nothing at all. The pistils don't contain THC.. if they do happen to have any.. its going to be on such a small scale that its not going to do anything to you.. your wasting your time in other words my friend.

Trichromes are what contain and store THC... this is what gets the smoker high. If you were to smoke a bud that had absolutely ZERO trichs on it... your not going to get high.. period. I mean, you MIGHT get a little bit of a head change.. but that would be the most you would get from it.
^ canabisculture mag article on pot potency and enviromental influences......

You can smoke them, I have. It won't be an incredible buzz, or give you a very good idea as to what the bud will be like, but you should get some kind of buzz.
at this point the plant has produces very small trichomes, which means the THC is very immature (and not THC at all). the plant develops terpenes in a cycle, it starts as THCV, then degrades into THC over time. if left for too long it will degrade into CBD, which is what gives you couch lock.......... your buds will be packed with THCV. the "high" will be a total head high and last like 15-20 mins.........

Edit: marijuana produces Polyterpenes. many terpenes that chain together. you have to know how to make the plant produce them, then know when to harvest @ the right time.


Active Member
Corbat, I didn't mean to insinuate that it would be the best buzz, I think everyone is agreeing it wouldn't be. Any one who really grows has had to at one point or another take a plant early, especially outdoors, for a number of reasons. Did you guys throw this out? I would understand if you did because of mold or something like that, but no, most don't. It will be a lowsy buzz compared to what it could be, but it's still a buzz, right?

Ideally, you should wait until the buds are done, (done being a relative term, some people prefer different highs associated with different stages of bud/cannabinoid production).

You are right spot on though, corbat, at least, from my reading.


Well-Known Member
Trichromes are what contain and store THC... this is what gets the smoker high. If you were to smoke a bud that had absolutely ZERO trichs on it... your not going to get high.. period. I mean, you MIGHT get a little bit of a head change.. but that would be the most you would get from it.
This cant be true. I have smoked vegatative plant material with zero trichs and got stoned. You should not spread misinformation if you dont know what your talking about. BTW you always come off as a know it all ass, you might want to tone it down a bit.

Gary Busey

New Member
Let me get this straight.... You chopped a plant (early) because it looked different (as in different strain) than the others?

I recently chopped one of my ladies because I think it was a different strain and it totally looked different then the other two.
Umm... Why? Help me wrap my mind around this. Was the plant healthy? And you just chopped it because it looked like a different strain?



well, i was looking through that cheap microscope from the radio shack and i thought it was done. the top of the Trichomes, around half was cloudy, and i thought i was suppose to chop. i know now it was to early. thanks for helpin a newbie grower like my self, from the big guys who think they know it all. it was one of those guys who said chop it.


this is to funny. placebo or not, i haven't been medicated in 6 months. i'll probably get high on stems right now,lol. fuckin harsh bro


Active Member
Not worth going back to this, but, I have smoked early stuff (what serious grower has NEVER HAD to take a plant early?) and it's gotten me high/buzzed - whatever. Happened a few times, different degrees of done, and, yes, I got something.

I won't argue against placebo, you shouldn't argue for it, neither of us know. There aren't just cannabinoids, (from my understanding), in the trichs, but also the plant matter as well. Is the buzz better? Nope, I don't think so, but it exists. For what reason? Who the heck knows, besides god, and maybe some people at the University of Missippi.


Well-Known Member
FOAF had to chop his plants early few times. we normally had to smoke a lot more of the stuff but i agree you can get high even from early leaves (but you will have to smoke lots and lots of them) and this comes from experience not some uni papers. To Corbat420 - please respect what others have to say from their experiences. Not everyone who has different opinion than you is wrong. Who do you think you are? God?? hope not :)


Well-Known Member
i know man.. i HATE people acting superior like they've grown every plant in the world all the time ever. furthermore, people snapping at somebody for not knowing something they're new to is ridiculous. we all joined here to share our experience as WELL as learn. if somebody thinks they have nothing to learn from the world is missing out. but hey, im not here to waste time on people who don't want my input.
damn fine plants man. i applaud ANYBODY with the stones and the initiative to grow cannabis for personal or medical consumption. fuck people trying to prophet off of large scale grows - treating the plant like money or drugs to be profited from.

the cannabis plant is amazing, and throughout almost all but the earliest stages of growth, contains some sort of cannabinoid. however, if you are used to smoking good pot, the lack of the potent psychoactive cannabinoids in underdeveloped buds will not compare.
however, they most certianly can be smoked! they are nowhere near as good as they would have been, but hey, you grew it man! id say the fact that we are able to grow something as amazing as cannabis is a gift all in its own.


Well-Known Member
FOAF had to chop his plants early few times. we normally had to smoke a lot more of the stuff but i agree you can get high even from early leaves (but you will have to smoke lots and lots of them) and this comes from experience not some uni papers. To Corbat420 - please respect what others have to say from their experiences. Not everyone who has different opinion than you is wrong. Who do you think you are? God?? hope not :)
no im not God, not your god anyways.... seeing as "god" is a personal opinion as i said before, when one of you with a horticulteral degree comes alond and corrects me then your right, untill then...... remember.....

. i have a horticultural degree from malaspina U, what do you have?
from naniamo, BC, canada. i DO have a horticultural degree.....

need a little more time. but you can still smoke if you reeeeaaaallllly want to haha
this is what i;ve been saying the whole time.... but the newbies on here (yourselves......) wont take the advice.

heres a fact. i;ve been on this forum for 3 years. i've taken a 9 month colledge course on gardening, i've read LITERALLY hundreds of books on marijuana alone..... dont want to listen? then dont listen. go on learning your own way... but the fact is your weed wont be as good as if you listened to the MANY more experienced growers on here.

oh and just for good measure.....
thread #1
thread #2
Thread #3
Thread #4

EVERY thread says the EXACT same thing and were posted, one per day basically. wait another 3 weeks. if your not going to listen just chop them allready and see for yourself.

i applaud ANYBODY with the stones and the initiative to grow cannabis for personal or medical consumption. fuck people trying to prophet off of large scale grows - treating the plant like money or drugs to be profited from.
would MEDICAL GROWING not dictate that you have to get the MOST and HIGHEST QUALITY weed? your statement is completley redundant. think before you speak??

medical growers NEED alot and they NEED quality.... comertial growers dont care..... you have shit backwards there man, medical growers are the ones who actualy know..........


Active Member
Hahaha, once again, everyone seems to think they are in disagreement, while in reality, they are all on the same page, (in more ways than one), welcome to RIU!

Corbat, everyone else; you guys are talking about the same thing... Same thing I said, same thing Corbat said, same thing all around.... Incredible how this bullshit happens.

Basically, YES IT WILL GET TO YOU BUZZED (MOST LIKELY). I say that because I have had to take some plants early in my past, and I don't waste shit. Not the best, but it should.
