Revolutionary Facebook Event Calling for the End of Cannabis Prohibition

Hey folks, I've created a Facebook Event entitled "Call for Cannabis" a bit ago. It was created under the direct advisory of several people on NORML's pages, in association with the Coalition for Cannabis Policy Reform. With this event, on August 15th, 2011 at 1:00 PM, we must call our representatives (follow the link on the page for your local rep's number) and share with them your stories of how marijuana prohibition has negatively impacted your lives, and why you believe prohibition should end. On 8/15/11, representatives all across the US will be BOMBARDED with telephone calls pertaining to marijuana. It's time we stopped being so submissive. We need to finally take a stand. We can do it, let's start the momentum.

Here's the event page:

(P.S. I'll be posting fliers around town for the event, I'd encourage some of you to do the same)


Well-Known Member
ill pass, three posts in 2 years... now you want everyone to hit you up on facebook at which point you will know my name and what I look like....
yah ill pass :)

but good luck with getting marijuana legalized with your facebook page and all 26 people who like it .. I think you got a real good chance ;) :hump: :clap:
I'm sorry, I'm just looking for support. It was only created early this morning, it now has 60 attendees with 310 people waiting for a reply.

And by the way, yeah, I have three posts on here. Sorry, I don't live on's forum. I only came back to post this.


Well-Known Member
damn, love how people burn down a dude for trying to keep the movement going for ending MJ prohibition.


Pickle Queen
I fuckin hate facebook, seriously all people do is post their feelings and emotions, or like i found out today people will read random comments from people they know nothing about and decide to start talking shit about u, so i just remove them , logout until the next text comes and i deleted another fuckin drama queen who needs to get out of mom and dad's basement, loose about 100 lbs, brush her hair and teeth, exfoliate that nasty skin and mind ur fuckin business, lol . I hate facebook, only have it because i have a huge family all over canada, lol i don't even have 200 friends lmfao And my grandma does not need to see me supporting weed stuff lmfao she's old and i respect her too much, but anyways rant over, thread jack over ;)


Well-Known Member
damn, love how people burn down a dude for trying to keep the movement going for ending MJ prohibition.
At the time of posting, the op had Three posts, 2 of which was asking for personal info.. most people have their real name linked to their facebook, their location, all their friends.. Im all for the legalization movement... but Im also for common sense and security as well. ;) I know common sense ain't that common anymore.. but jeez man

I mean his other posts he is farming for personal info and asking for people to meet up with him who sell pot... now if that seems like a good idea to you.. well I dunno what to tell you

Do you really think a facebook group is going to be in anyway responsible for the ending of cannabis prohibition.. Im sorry but its going to take a hell of a lot more than a facebook group.. with 60 followers, or 600 or even 6000..

but the common sense aspect of giving someone your personal info, who only has 3 posts and two of them are farming info... is why I "burn down the dude"

jesus fcking christ on a motorcycle

heir proctor

New Member
Just strengthens my idea that facebook is secretly controlled by the government to keep track of people's movements.

Kidding. But seriously this seems fishy. Stay away.


Well-Known Member
i didnt go to the facebook or anything, but didnt realize he was just farming for peoples information.


Well-Known Member
well you commented about people trying to burn him down.. He only has three posts, it took me about 30 seconds to check and see what he is about.. ;)
Jesus Christ. I was 16 when I posted those, I didn't know how to properly use marijuana related forums. You got me, I'm a scammer looking for personal info. Jesus man, people do dumb things when they're younger. I posted that, found out it was a bad idea, and proceeded to rarely touch this again. I guess 9/11 was also an inside job.

I've grown up, become more passionate about the cause, I know H.R. 2306 is making its way through the legislative branch of the US, hopefully Rep. Lamar Smith will allow it to have a hearing. That's what this event is about. I'm not a fucking scammer, nor am I trying to get people in trouble or steal their personal info. I did something dumb when I was a kid, we all do dumb stuff.

You don't have to join the page, but there's also no reason to be hateful.
I'm not afraid to post my personal info because I haven't made it clear that I'm doing illegal things. I also didn't ask anyone in this post to provide any info. As if people on Facebook will know you're on here too.
Nevermind. Sorry I made you guys paranoid. I'll delete my account. It's not very important to me. Besides, this isn't the only site I posted it on, nor did I only post it on drug related websites.