Sass, thought it was just bangin e


Well-Known Member
soo i just found out after being tested at a bunk tent that the bangin e pills i have been taking were actually sass. i have never even heard of this drug until doing a little research, i thought i just had really good e. Someone feel free to drop information on me about the drug, how it effects you as apposed to molly etc.
Sass in my past experiences is mostly MDA which is a more psychedelic form of MDMA. It's missing the methyl so I always presume it's not going to get you the rocket speedy feeling. Usually comes in an amber shard form but I have seen moon rocks the size of fists.
i was told they were e at $10 ea.. i had the time of my life off of these glad someone gave me sass instead. blew away any e pill i have ever even heard about
i wish i had a couple of those. its been forever since ive had a good roll. and the missus has been on me about wanting sum good mdma lately.
went through 20 of these with my girl and a friend at camp bisco, still got some left for future festivals. everyone that tried them said it was the best e they have ever taken
hells yea. ive had to just settle with sum methylone. havent tried it yet but hear good things.

Man if you dont eat Mdma often id be willing to bet you wont be able to tell to much of a difference between methylone and Mdma... You will notice it is a little less intense but to be honest it's kinda nice because of that...

Fuck i want some MDA... Lucky fuckers..
haha i wish a batch of this made it to everyone who enjoys molly or e cause its just too damn good

Im really interested in it for the fact that i dont enjoy Mdma to much these days, kinda get's me feeling down. Im curious though considering this is different if i would be able to enjoy the roll like i used to..
I've always wanted to try sass. That's awesome that you got some! I wonder if my friends who went to bisco got there hands on these. What press where they?