KushXOJ's Rubbermaid Outdoor Grow (Multi Strain)


Well-Known Member
Anybody else in the bay area feel like your plants are being robbed of precious sunlight/veg time right now ? or is it just me lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah I woke up this am and was pissed that I didn't have that morning light! Made me put on a jacket before checking on them! LOL


Well-Known Member
Anybody else in the bay area feel like your plants are being robbed of precious sunlight/veg time right now ? or is it just me lol
Trust me we want the sun more in October, the end of September my plants are doing great. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Trust me we want the sun more in October, the end of September my plants are doing great. keepem green dirrtyd
yeah true but your plants are monsters already so a couple days of cloudy weather wont do much to them ..
mmost of my clones are still under 13" so they need ALL the veg time they can get lol


Well-Known Member
took some pics but im too high at the moment to upload them lol
just know they're coming soon


Well-Known Member
OK i just confirmed that all my plants are females
i didnt know if the platnum og was male or female but it just showed its first pre flower the other day
so im pretty juiced about that :) (now ill transplant it into a larger pot before it goes into flowering.











Well-Known Member
Just it all my girls except the Gods gift and SSH with their first shot of max sea today..
hope they liked it


Well-Known Member
Thanks Meta
I see them everyday so itspretty cool to look at the pics and see the growth spurts that they have done. The sun is finally out and shining bright today the girls are loving every bit of it too. O yeah i stopped by your thread and saw you were talking about indoors again and it made me take a few clones that i want to run indoors now DAMN YOU META!!! i hadnt planned on running the indoors until december but i guess itll be up and running as soon as these clones root (GDP,PURP KUSH,Dank Bag seed,PlatinumOG)


Well-Known Member
its been 6 days since i took the last pictures, like i said
i hit all my girls with maxsea 16-16-16 they seemed to have liked it.
Lots of new growth

I also sprayed them down with some bug defence hopefully that helps keep those little critters off my girls

Not much else to say ..oh yea i painted the pot that the purple kush is in white, hopefully this helps keep those roots cool. It does seem a lot cooler to the touch.
If anybody out there is growng in black pots outdoors, paint them white cheap fix

Here they are at sundown

Platinum Og Kush

Dank Bag Seed Clone Reveged

Purple Urkle

Super Silver Haze

God's Gift

Purple Kush


Dank Bag Seed (in the ground)
the leaves and stems on this thing are huge
if i dont go with huge smart pots next year ill definitely be going in the ground !!

Group Shot

First sign of tomatoes :D i guess im doing something right

Big shoutout to DoubleJJ for refering me to Maxsea and the white paint trick :)

Th-tha-thats all folks *porky the pig voice* Until next time


Well-Known Member
its been a week days since an update so ill go and take some pics
they dont look like they grew to much to me (but then again i see them everyday)


Well-Known Member
jealous of your tomatoes. I have 6 huge plants in the ground and cant get a single one. The damn squirls eat em
aww man that sucks ..try and get a cage of some sort or barrier around the base of the plants that might help ,,id just hate to see all the effort put in to growing them and then you dont get to enjoy the fruits(vegetables in this case lol) of your own labor ..
mine are still fairly small because i got a late start on the season ...


Well-Known Member
Plants are all either flowering or preflowering. The plant in the ground is the furthest behind just now showing preflowers. I'm on my phone so I can't label them like I want to.I transplanted the bagseed into a bigger pot ,when I pulled it out I noticed green algie on the roots I scraped off what I could and it looks like it will bounce back nicely. Loving this masses very easy to work with and its definitely not burning my ladies *knocks on wood*

Here's my girls you should be able to see the strain in the names of the pics when u open them



Well-Known Member
Here's some flowers
Hit them with some maxsea and molasses again

