So Get This Shit


so i just moved home from a city to my home town of 30000 people i start calling around to get bud so i call 300 for an o of good not crazzy then i call to get some reg and its 200-250 an o i keep calling and its the same every were. wtf


Active Member
i would just start growing if i were you lol, an Onion of good stuff around me goes for 350, but an onion of reg goes for about 110...
Man I have the same problem. I used to live in the city but moved to a city that has only like 7000 or 6000 people, and an o of dank is just like you said, right around 300 and the schwaggy stuff is about 150-200 and mids are 250....
Yeah just like HellaBlunts said, just grow your own, that's the only way to get cheap good bud that you know where it came from and what it was grown with haha. And the clinics in these rural areas are OUTRAGEOUS, I mean I've seen an O of some alright OG Kush go for freakin 500, and I got better shit in the bay area for 300....

but i guess too many people are in it for the money, we need to change that! My dream? CHEAP WEED WORLD WIDE


Active Member
If you're in the midwest man, it can be a bit of a pain to get a good hookup. But the good bud is here.

And yeah, grow it. That's what we're about.


Well-Known Member
Damn, it's all about location... I get mexican brick for $50 and oz... Nicely done home grown $300 an oz...


Well-Known Member
a friend of a friend a while back tried to charge me $580 for a zip..I was like lol what? her excuse was 'Well I'm a small time dealer so I only have 2 ounces on me at once I gotta make a profit you know' I said good luck and left lol. I mean I understand where shes comin from but cmon.


Well-Known Member
$50 will get me a LB, then again, everything is 10 to 20 times higher when it reaches where you're at.
Yea $ 50 an oz if you don't know the right people, I knew the middle man of the natives that knew you probably LMAO... YOu get a LB for 50... dude gets it here and sells it 100 a qp... I (*cough) I mean friend sells it 50 an oz...


Well-Known Member
Pretty crazy you can get the oz for 50 or the qp for 100... hmmm.... I havent smoked schwag in 8 months or so though now, and I'm damn proud of it!


Well-Known Member
shit I wish! second thought actually no shes like 22 so if she had a daughter shed be like 4 haha