Well-Known Member
because of the recession, i think we should be investing in vital programs that will help get more jobs right now. i think we should keep entitlement programs, but find ways to save money in doing so. we should be investing in building bridges and fixing our roadway problems. we should be thinking of newer and more efficient ways of doing things. i think by doing these things, we would get a jump start in job creation. a guy thinks of an idea, then they get together with more people and make a plan. then we hire people to build it. also, the companies involved in making the materials would benefit. i think these would be a lot better than giving it to the koch brothers. idk if that answers your questions lolI agree 100%, let me ask you a couple questions if you dont mind... see if I can zero in on your thinking: Are you a proponent of Austerity NOW or are do you favor a more long term approach? If Austerity is a long term problem to you, than are you opposed to infrastructure stimulus spending in the short term to deal with unemployment? And if Austerity is an immediate problem in your eyes, aren't you worried about the effects of spending cuts on the already fragile recovery, specifically the prospect of even more increased joblessness?
also i think we should put a tariff on items made outside of the US. make it so that stuff is more expensive than american made. this creates demand for american made things, which then leads to companies and factories being made here to make those products. sure, the products are going to be more expensive than cheap shit made in china. but at least we know its not made out of poisonous materials, the workers who made it were treated/paid fairly, and the money stays in OUR economy.
the reason the stuff is cheap in china is because they pay the workers like shit, and the government controls the economy with an iron fist. how can we beat that? force china to treat their people fairly? ignite a workers revolution maybe(higher pay for them makes it easier for US companies to make products here)? or refuse to buy their products until certain humanitarian demands are met?