Anatomy Of A K-Hole

Ya ... I tend to not wanna play with anything dangerous like matches or lighters when I am on 200 + K
Perhaps if I could get someone to assist in this experience ?
Such task could be accomplished.

I am not sure if OUR powders would play together ...
But I will research this on paper ... first ... as to understand the receptors.
And if plausible ... I will experiment.
As a close friend is willing to share some of the D with ME.
Q did YOU get to OBE/k hole yet ?

P.S ... Q any new wobble Mixes in the works ?


well i had about a gram of K that I was experimenting with.
getting used to the substance.
i tried the combo of L + K and it was amazing.
really figured out how K can amplify other substances effects.

once i started getting really familiar to the kitty.
and got real comfortable.
Karma got the best of me.
or someones that is...

I dont know why but i kept my K in my wallet and when I had some UNfriendly visitors...
my beautiful SNAKE SKIN wallet containing $30, my ID, my visa card, and the rest of that beautiful substance....

i hope the person who stole my wallet thought that was cocaine....
so they got the "dark" side of K. ;)

its all good. I will SOON experience THE K HOLE.

everything happens for a reason.
Ya ... I tend to not wanna play with anything dangerous like matches or lighters when I am on 200 + K
Perhaps if I could get someone to assist in this experience ?
Such task could be accomplished.

I am not sure if OUR powders would play together ...
But I will research this on paper ... first ... as to understand the receptors.
And if plausible ... I will experiment.
As a close friend is willing to share some of the D with ME.
Q did YOU get to OBE/k hole yet ?

Not to offend anybody ... but please allow me to BE A ROBOT that I AM ...
Allow ME to SphongleEYE YOU at this junction !
(Please listen @ 5-45 ... as this is where this frequency picks UP and Gets me GOING MENTAL)


P.S ... Q any new wobble Mixes in the works ?


Yeah i hear yeah man, i kinda feel the same way about D to... Always trips me out to think about people heating up their machine with a blow torch...

Im curious to see how it would work... My guess is that the D would completely over power the K during the peak but once you hit the after glow shit would probably get unreal!

If you do some research please keep me posted lol..

Wow that is messed UP brother.

I hope you got your ID's and Visas blocked and what not.
That might fuck you over if not tended 2 promptly.
Powders and wallets ... are easy to replace.
Karma works in mysterious ways !

It could have been Your rent money in there ...
Adding that extra pressure ...
But in the end ... money grows on/in trees !

well i had about a gram of K that I was experimenting with.
getting used to the substance.
i tried the combo of L + K and it was amazing.
really figured out how K can amplify other substances effects.

once i started getting really familiar to the kitty.
and got real comfortable.
Karma got the best of me.
or someones that is...

I dont know why but i kept my K in my wallet and when I had some UNfriendly visitors...
my beautiful SNAKE SKIN wallet containing $30, my ID, my visa card, and the rest of that beautiful substance....

i hope the person who stole my wallet thought that was cocaine....
so they got the "dark" side of K. ;)

its all good. I will SOON experience THE K HOLE.

everything happens for a reason.

Damn that sucks im sorry buddy...

Ive always wondered that to... What if you accidentally dropped a bag of k, 2cp, 2ce, or anything like that. I know in my hood 99% wouldnt be smart enough to test it, they would just bust out a fat line and see ya buddy lol..
Wow that is messed UP brother.

I hope you got your ID's and Visas blocked and what not.
That might fuck you over if not tended 2 promptly.
Powders and wallets ... are easy to replace.
Karma works in mysterious ways !

It could have been Your rent money in there ...
Adding that extra pressure ...
But in the end ... money grows on/in trees !

but do not worry. those were blocked RIGHT AWAY once I lost the damn thing.

i know they are easy to replace but that wallet meant SO much. but like you said....
its all good. and Karma DOES work in mysterious ways. i love it.
even though it may affect me at times.

everything happens for a reason. and that makes me happy.

I NOW know that putting powders or anything in my wallet is NO GO!!!

Damn that sucks im sorry buddy...

Ive always wondered that to... What if you accidentally dropped a bag of k, 2cp, 2ce, or anything like that. I know in my hood 99% wouldnt be smart enough to test it, they would just bust out a fat line and see ya buddy lol..

its all good my brother.
learned a few things with this one... ha!

but yeah man. the humor in that is very HIGH.
but at the same time it could be a very bad thing for the person who did it.
but then is THEIR choice to put some random powder up their nose....
so that makes it humorous !!!
and to Puffer on the PS....

i havent thought about making one since a new genre of music has been added to my list.

but perhaps I shall start a new one?!

ahhh Puffer Fish....ALWAYS inspiring me.
seriously though....NO ONE does that.
thank YOU. I appreciate it.

much love <3
and to Puffer on the PS....

i havent thought about making one since a new genre of music has been added to my list.

but perhaps I shall start a new one ?!

ahhh Puffer Fish....ALWAYS inspiring me.
seriously though....NO ONE does that.
thank YOU. I appreciate it.

much love <3

As always thank YOU for kind words ...
But in reality .... I have clocked at least 40 hrs spinning POI ... to Your first MIX !
It is that GOOD ... So here is hoping for PART 2 !

As an Artist ... YOU should not sell yourself short to 'Graphic Design alone'
The second YOU DO ... You have put yourself IN A Restrictive BOX ...
As they perceive WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU DO ...

You make great ART that stirs emotions ...

The media in use is not important.
I am sure if YOU tried ... BUT I am sure YOU could communicate YOUr ideas in paintings ...
Even if YOU had to use mustard and ketchup ... as you build ON that Canvas !
Realize ...


A Message from MuGATU !


Yeah me to Verde... Even recently all my bowls and shit to...

How many MG did you put up your nose buddy?

I don't know, I didn't weigh it :lol:

I did like a 20mg bump and followed it by another 20mg a minute later... still FUCKED me up, feeling a little hung over actually
just lay out a fat rail and just do it man.

i know you must be comfortable with the "kittie's semi-gentle stroke" now
I'm down man :) :lol: i've been building up higher and higher

going to give it a few days though while im busy with some things
I was at a Furthur show in PA and I scored a free bump off a kid in the lot. I luckily saved it for after the concert, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I bumped it about 10 minutes into the car ride. 5 minutes passed and I was just startin to feel it, and I told my friends, "it's alright, not that good," and all of a sudden it hit me like a fucking mack truck. I was riding shotgun, looking forward, but I couldn't see, everything blurred together until finally it turned into a full blown hallucination. I watched in horror as we went head on with an 18 wheeler. I felt no pain as it panned out in some kind of weird slow motion, watching as me and my friends were basically crushed on impact. It felt so real, but so out of body. I felt like I was watching it happen from a third person view, but from my eyes. And after that brief hallucination, it was just the fucked up come down, where after a while you say to yourself, "that was a wild and awesome ride, but I'm sure glad it's over."
I'm down man :) :lol: i've been building up higher and higher

going to give it a few days though while im busy with some things

Yeah give yourself some time buddy... I actually just read on erowid that it takes a couple weeks for your K tolerance to come back down.

Buddy i must not stress enough how important it is to be safe with the K, please if you do plan to do a fat dose be sure to weigh it out... 200mg from what i hear should be enough to completely spiral you into a hole..
I was at a Furthur show in PA and I scored a free bump off a kid in the lot. I luckily saved it for after the concert, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I bumped it about 10 minutes into the car ride. 5 minutes passed and I was just startin to feel it, and I told my friends, "it's alright, not that good," and all of a sudden it hit me like a fucking mack truck. I was riding shotgun, looking forward, but I couldn't see, everything blurred together until finally it turned into a full blown hallucination. I watched in horror as we went head on with an 18 wheeler. I felt no pain as it panned out in some kind of weird slow motion, watching as me and my friends were basically crushed on impact. It felt so real, but so out of body. I felt like I was watching it happen from a third person view, but from my eyes. And after that brief hallucination, it was just the fucked up come down, where after a while you say to yourself, "that was a wild and awesome ride, but I'm sure glad it's over."

Damn that's nuts! Def a OBE you had their...

I love myself some OBE's, Soo so good :D
Honestly man, just throw lines out there man. Unless you're being an idiot and trying to be a hard ass, it's very unlikely you're going to die. K is actually one of the safer hard drugs, believe it or not.