Club 600


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna lol because you use twitter :lol: :p encounter of the third kind is a good one though :D
What u talkin bout Tip Top? lol. No really, what's wrong with twitter? I know there's a lot of morons on it but I use it a lot for news sources, politics and keeping up on the groups that interest me. The other thing I find with twitter, and dealing with strangers, as opposed to facebook and dealing with friends and family is that, Whenever I tried to start an intelligent and stimulating conversation on facebook nobody wanted to bite. It seemed like nobody wanted to say something they'd normally say if they were sitting right across from me because there's so many other people on their friends list that they may offend, like Gramma or Auntie Jen. All anyone ever wanted to talk about was mindless dribble and their dressed up wisdom using copy and paste fortune cookie crap. That doesn't happen in a virtual room of strangers and that is great. Anyway, to me it's a great tool. Don't get me wrong TT, I totally get where your coming from. Just looking over at the trends column speaks volumes about your point of view. It is ridiculous what people find interesting and important.


Well-Known Member
I have not really got into the twitter thing, in fact I have totally not got into twitter. But then it's like tape, lps' cd's, mp3's....we all get there in the end, lol. or most of us do. I think the only thing I would use twitter for is business marketing purposes which is something I don't and need to start doing.


Well-Known Member
However, if you are ever out with me having a puff, drink, or a coffee or whatever, and you start Tweeting, will be punched, hard, and square in the beak!!! I promised myself that after my mate started doing it in the middle of a bar....twat(ter)


Well-Known Member
I have not really got into the twitter thing, in fact I have totally not got into twitter. But then it's like tape, lps' cd's, mp3's....we all get there in the end, lol. or most of us do. I think the only thing I would use twitter for is business marketing purposes which is something I don't and need to start doing.
It can be a fun toy but even more it can be a powerful tool. But like any tool you need to learn it.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm just a bit of a weird one :p facebook started out ok and then within no time at all just became in my mind, a joke and a gimmick, i rather liked the southpark episode about it :D twitter to me just silly and a bit pointless. Although i guess it can be looked at as a means of accessing all things from just the one site. But the character limit just, no, no thankyou! I'm not that great at keeping things short and concise as some may have noticed :D


Well-Known Member
google+ is where its at... ;)

lets be honest here, I just want a way to talk share fart jokes with my mates without it being mined so it can be used as a credit score, insurance score, loan application score, job interview score etc...


Well-Known Member
google+ is where its at... ;)

lets be honest here, I just want a way to talk share fart jokes with my mates without it being mined so it can be used as a credit score, insurance score, loan application score, job interview score etc...
I've been on there for a week now. It's a combo of facebook and twitter with all the tools of Google packaged into it and with a lot more self control over what you put out there. I do like it much better. No farmville and all that third party crap.


Well-Known Member
I just tried to sign up but they are 'full' at the moment.

I've been on there for a week now. It's a combo of facebook and twitter with all the tools of Google packaged into it and with a lot more self control over what you put out there. I do like it much better. No farmville and all that third party crap.


Well-Known Member
yeh when i signed up for facebook the first thing i said was wouldn't it be nice to be able to group people into categories to privatise information being shared... i don't want my mom/boss/teach/whatever knowing i'm about to go get wrecked tonight guys! yay!

was part of the reason i closed my account 4 odd years ago... that and that fact that i had amassed over 1000 "friends" of which i knew personally a couple of hundred and actually wanted to be in contact with about 10 of those... i would find somebody and be like OH WOW MIKE!! have about a a 5 min convo with him and then realise why i haven't spoken to mike in 5 years... cos he's a fucking cunt... good ol mike hunt...

I've been on there for a week now. It's a combo of facebook and twitter with all the tools of Google packaged into it and with a lot more self control over what you put out there. I do like it much better. No farmville and all that third party crap.


Well-Known Member
I just tried to sign up but they are 'full' at the moment.
I believe they are still in field trials and it's by invite only. Even then, with and invite, it may take a day or few to get in. They're rolling it out slow to work out the bugs. If you'd like you can PM your email and I'll send you a message. Once your in you can drop me like a cheap date if you like. My feelings wont' be hurt. lol


Well-Known Member
yeh when i signed up for facebook the first thing i said was wouldn't it be nice to be able to group people into categories to privatise information being shared... i don't want my mom/boss/teach/whatever knowing i'm about to go get wrecked tonight guys! yay!

was part of the reason i closed my account 4 odd years ago... that and that fact that i had amassed over 1000 "friends" of which i knew personally a couple of hundred and actually wanted to be in contact with about 10 of those... i would find somebody and be like OH WOW MIKE!! have about a a 5 min convo with him and then realise why i haven't spoken to mike in 5 years... cos he's a fucking cunt... good ol mike hunt...
I know that guy! You're right, he is!


Well-Known Member
You guys mean this guy?

Introducing.. MIKE HUNT. A friend to all in times of need, which helps them get past his bad smell and desperate need to shave. He's warm and deep and sometimes dark, which adds to his enigmatic presence.
Mike Hunt enjoys rough play and is available at all times of day. Mike Hunt likes all the Richards out there. Please visit Mike Hunt as often as you can. It's really appreciated.

I know that guy! You're right, he is!


Well-Known Member
haha i feel like kip jordee on google+

just as well..

You guys mean this guy?

Introducing.. MIKE HUNT. A friend to all in times of need, which helps them get past his bad smell and desperate need to shave. He's warm and deep and sometimes dark, which adds to his enigmatic presence.
Mike Hunt enjoys rough play and is available at all times of day. Mike Hunt likes all the Richards out there. Please visit Mike Hunt as often as you can. It's really appreciated.