What Would You Have Chosen For Yourself? Cut Or Uncut

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
I am uncut and have no idea why (never wanted to ask), my wife doesn't mind it (because i am clean) so why bother with it. In high school i contemplated having it removed because i had a few girls think it was gross or weird...but fuck them


Pickle Queen
god i love this women!!!!!!
And I luv u muffin!!!

Oh and i just remembered my brother got his circumsized when he was 15, not sure why it was needed but i do remember him sitting in his bed for 3 days with a bowl over it lmfao. Then i tried to make him diner (chicken pot pie) but tripped on the stairs and dropped it, sooooo i scooped it up and told him i pre mushed it lmfao, hey it was the thought that counted right? poor guy looked like he was in pain!!! worse part was after the 3rd day he had to return for an extra snip, guess dude had left some?? lol i dunno


Well-Known Member
I'd choose cut, and mine is, but the reason is a friend of mine, had to get his cut at 13, because of some type of complications or infection or something, and thats way to fucking old to get it done, i wouldn't want to risk that lol... cut it off as a baby not a man lol.


Well-Known Member
they look the same hard. i don't particularly care for looking at a penis.

what kind of "issues"? like one testicle?
you know for a kinda weird thread it beasted 14 pages rather quickly....
but yah i got a friend with one ball.... "Tru Story"..LOL
his nickname was Anthony One Nut

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Im uncut, sex is defintly one of my favorite things.
What girls dont like about it is that their alot of skin at the tip.. LOL..
I dont have all that skin, mine just covers my dick perfectly.
1. Girls arent freaked out when the give me head.
2. Everything feels much better.
3. And its more natural.

Overall I like having the old fashion dick, might not look as big but hell the females will feel it eventually.


Well-Known Member
Any one ever heard of REgrowing it? saw it on some news thing once.... some guy was trying to sue his doctor for giving him a circumcision when he was a baby. and he somehow grew it back?? lol weird


Well-Known Member
and correct me if i'm wrong mongo, but isn't the procedure not even performed by a dr, but rather a rabbi?? i'm pretty sure i'm right on this, and it's a called what a briss or something along those lines??
i'd be damned if at the age of 13 i'm walking into my dr's office and allowing him to lop off a chunk of my junk, but i'm sure as hell not walking into my rabbi's office and letting him do it while drinking, lol...
first off thats crazy that you got circumsized at 13 and it wasnt by a doctor..
- a jewish brit milah or "bris" only happens when your a baby when your a week old.
- its not a rabbi that performs the "snip" but a Mohel who is medically trained to perform the surgery.
- yes there are people drinking and eating and watching but not the mohel (hell be plastered after he cuts the dick) the baby might be drinking too(but just a thimble full i mean wouldn't you be..Lol) its a party a celebration and by no means for 13 yr olds.
- they also use special tools that make it almost impossible to screw up the procedure takes 30 sec. nd thats it.
- so mongo i dont know what happened to you but it wasnt a bris.. and you should of been in the hospital OR at your age its just not bris its an actual surgery.


Well-Known Member
Any one ever heard of REgrowing it? saw it on some news thing once.... some guy was trying to sue his doctor for giving him a circumcision when he was a baby. and he somehow grew it back?? lol weird
i have no idea how anyone can rgrow it..
i mean its not a lizard.... i never needed to get re-circumcised...lol
are they gonna start marketing fore-gro pills.... re-grow your foreskin in 3 easy steps!! only 5 one time payments of 49.95!!

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
I'd choose cut, and mine is, but the reason is a friend of mine, had to get his cut at 13, because of some type of complications or infection or something, and thats way to fucking old to get it done, i wouldn't want to risk that lol... cut it off as a baby not a man lol.
Infection is common with un-cut. that why i stressed that i am clean, i have never had Segma (dick cheese if you will) build up except when i hit puberty but that was quickly resolved.

On a side note i believe masturbation is easier un-cut because of the skin.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
i have no idea how anyone can rgrow it..
I mean its not a lizard.... I never needed to get re-circumcised...lol
are they gonna start marketing fore-gro pills.... Re-grow your foreskin in 3 easy steps!! Only 5 one time payments of 49.95!!