Plants full of seeds


Well-Known Member
i went to a friends house to check out his grow and his girls got pollenated and has seeds popping all over the place. he plucked all the males as soon as they showed sex. this is his first grow and i think he did it when he rolled a joint from some seeded bag weed then went to playing with his plants with dirty hands. has anyone came across this before? :peace:


Well-Known Member
Clearly a male flower jizzed all over his grow, there is no other logical explanation.

T Ray

Well-Known Member
IMO there is no way some bagweed magically pollinated those plants. Either a male was left in the room too long or A stray nanner is somewhere amongst the ladies and you guys aren't spotting it.


Well-Known Member
IMO there is no way some bagweed magically pollinated those plants. Either a male was left in the room too long or A stray nanner is somewhere amongst the ladies and you guys aren't spotting it.
Yup, my guess would the latter.

I've had plenty of feminized plants with a few seeds here and there, never found the male flower that did the deed. But I know it was there somewhere...


Well-Known Member
If he got the males out of the room before they released their pollen, then he got seeds because his plants hermd. You might think that they didn't, but get in there real close, get a magnifying glass or a jewelers scope and check things out. I bet you find balls, or at least old balls that have popped open. Balls are always huge and out in the open, they hide in the bud, they can be tiny.

I highly doubt that he got his girls pregnant by rolling a joint. That's like saying your gonna get pregnant from the toilet seat, lol. Unless his bud was sugar coated in pollen.

Think about it... the bud that was seeded was pollinated at least 5 weeks prior to harvest. Since it was originally pollinated, the bud has grown at least twice it's size. Assuming there was absolutely no air flow in the grow room and the pollen just sat on top of the bud. Then the pollen would have to hang on through harvesting, trimming, drying, curing, packaging, shipping, handling, the nug being broken apart to be rolled, hang onto your hands or clothes, then get blown off of your clothes or if it was on your finger tips and you physically touched your bud. I think that it's much much more likely that he's got a hermie or two. Either from genetics, stress, or light stress during the dark period.


Well-Known Member
so how'd a male jizz on them when no males or hermies are even on the same property? it's got to be from dirty hands from the bag weed then touching the plants.
Then you just answered your own question ... They tried to help:joint:

T Ray

Well-Known Member
A plant does not have to be a full blown hermie it can simply throw out a few nanners. Problem is you need a trained eye to find them b/c they can even be in the bud itself. For example: (Pic is not mine from internet)

View attachment 1685962


Well-Known Member
why couldn't there be some pollen in the bagweed that gets on his hands then tranfers to his plants when he handles them?

IMO there is no way some bagweed magically pollinated those plants. Either a male was left in the room too long or A stray nanner is somewhere amongst the ladies and you guys aren't spotting it.

T Ray

Well-Known Member
How could some FEMALE SEEDED bagweed contain pollen to contaminate the plants? It's quite a far fetched idea. IMO its way more likely is that nanners are present or the males pollinated earlier then you thought.


Well-Known Member
the few friends that i allowed to check out my plants before are cut off now. it would break my heart to mess up my grow like this.


Well-Known Member
the few friends that i allowed to check out my plants before are cut off now. it would break my heart to mess up my grow like this.
how would getting some seeds ruin your grow? you the idea of having free seeds to plant in the future? yeah, I know I would hate to have free seeds from some stuff that smoked really good. during the drying and curing process a lot of the seeds will fall out anyway, so you wont even have many seeds to pick out of the buds.


Active Member
I think you can safely say that it doesnt really matter where the pollen came from, the fact is, the plants are seeded. When a plant is making seed, guess what it is NOT making? Yes, you got it, BUD!!!!!! You want a decent crop, dont grow from bagseed. Get good genetics and kill hermies. Late hermies can be tolerated since they are mostly sterile but those that go before 6 weeks should be killed IMO. It makes me laugh when someone tries to brush off seeded weed as if nothing matters. Seeds weigh more than bud, so they add to the weight but they wont get you high, so the only people who like seeded weed are one hit dealers. You buy a Q from them, it is full of seeds, you dont get what you have paid for and have to get more because you actually bought a load of hermie seeds, not smokeable bud!!!! You grow those seeds, you get more hermies. BURN HERMIE SEED. Dont grow it! W


Well-Known Member
I think you can safely say that it doesnt really matter where the pollen came from, the fact is, the plants are seeded. When a plant is making seed, guess what it is NOT making? Yes, you got it, BUD!!!!!! You want a decent crop, dont grow from bagseed. Get good genetics and kill hermies. Late hermies can be tolerated since they are mostly sterile but those that go before 6 weeks should be killed IMO. It makes me laugh when someone tries to brush off seeded weed as if nothing matters. Seeds weigh more than bud, so they add to the weight but they wont get you high, so the only people who like seeded weed are one hit dealers. You buy a Q from them, it is full of seeds, you dont get what you have paid for and have to get more because you actually bought a load of hermie seeds, not smokeable bud!!!! You grow those seeds, you get more hermies. BURN HERMIE SEED. Dont grow it! W
I guess this is good advice if you like to order seeds online from other countries with no gaurantee that the seeds will even make it to you, let a lone in a reasonable amount of time. If you are growing for your own personal smoke and not to sell it, then there is nothing wrong with seeds. Hermies are fine for your own personal smoke, they are just as good as females. People bash hermies because they hear a lot of things but they haven't actually tried growing their own and seeing how potent they can be.


Active Member
I'm confused, /or maybe I'm just high :)
I don't wanna steeling this thread, but I was reading it because yesterday I've seen that my bud has rounded leaves (this is my first grow and it's in a PC case), I made a post on my thread to ask about it, nobody cared. anyway, today I found out that these rounded leaves are SEEDs.
My plan was to make a harvest then to rejuvenate it then to make clones and maybe a second harvest, but I am not sure if these is still a good idea. Nevertheless, Today I just made my harvest in way to keep all my options open, The lights are back to 18/6. I'll take a rest and then I'll upload the photos.
The plant had many stress (nuts/PH/Temp) so, the herm. is maybe because of the stress not the genetics. if anybody can I advise what to do at this point (continue with my plane/cut it and start from new seeds) I'll be grateful.