Anyone else experiene a recent, strange desire for a Subway?

Ok samitch time
Spicy Italian. Lettuce Tomato Onion Green-Pepper. Pepperoni and Salami. Toasted. With Mustard Mayo Italian-Dressing Salt and Pepper.


2 Old Style Pilsner--aptly dubbed 'Saskatchewan Champange'. Featured in the movie, and its sequel 'The Wrath of Tron', FUBAR. This is an acronym that has grown popular in the headbanger sub-culture for 'Fucked Up Beyond All Repair', or 'Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition' depending on where Ye Hale From!!

1 Medium Blackberry Frozen Yogurt from TCBY 'The Country's Best Yogurt'.

Good times!

OMG!! I'm gettin some fuckin subway... TCBY ?!?! WTF We don't got that 'round these parts... Don't spill beer on your controller... I'm worried...

O I'm ripped off some awesome buds, got the mutha fuckin munchies, want some subway... but that would involve puttin on shoes and some other steps, wish they delivered... I want a beer
Nah!! Wood grain controllers are pretty resilient! :D

Do you live in Canada? If not, then you don't live in 'The Country.' If you do, I would be happy to send you some. ;)

I deliver beer by hand!
OMG seriously fuck you all!!!!

Im trying to fast and you blast all this deliciousness all up in my face... Damn you!!!!

Seriously i havent eaten a damn thing(literally not even a sunflower seed) in 2 days going on 3 in a couple hours... Im fine, just starting to get over my hunger and i get blasted with the dankness.

Enjoy hahaha..
My brother is doing the Master Cleanse right now too. If thats what your doing.

He's either day three or four.

He was mad a two days ago because it was my pops birthday!
No im not doing the master cleanse. Just more or less testing my will power and trying to re-arrange my eating habits. I have a tendency to sleep eat, really ill wake up with whole boxes of cereal spilled in my bed, half bowls of melted ice cream, chips, etc. Even a half eaten frozen burrito once lol. My body for some reason doesnt get hungry till 8-9PM and then after that it's almost impossible to get full. Which in turn i believe results in me sleep eating.

I have noticed it's a lot harder to fast when you set out the amount of time prior. That's why this time im really going to go as long as i can. My longest is 7 days. Maybe i will beat it this time... Who knows.

Damn that sucks for your brother. I avoided going to a birthday party last night for that same reason. Birthdays=Alcohol, Alcohol=food lol.
No im not doing the master cleanse. Just more or less testing my will power and trying to re-arrange my eating habits. I have a tendency to sleep eat, really ill wake up with whole boxes of cereal spilled in my bed, half bowls of melted ice cream, chips, etc. Even a half eaten frozen burrito once lol. My body for some reason doesnt get hungry till 8-9PM and then after that it's almost impossible to get full. Which in turn i believe results in me sleep eating.

I have noticed it's a lot harder to fast when you set out the amount of time prior. That's why this time im really going to go as long as i can. My longest is 7 days. Maybe i will beat it this time... Who knows.

Damn that sucks for your brother. I avoided going to a birthday party last night for that same reason. Birthdays=Alcohol, Alcohol=food lol.

:lol: were on the same page dude... I usually eat once a day.

I wake up to a phone call, and have to go get rid of some green... then I come back and smoke and eat :lol: then go sell more pass out somewhere wake up and do it again...

thats about the last few months for me
It's terrible isnt it? Sounds like your very similar to me in the idea that your so busy and stoned in the day that you completely forget to eat then once it's time to sleep you realize how fucking hungry you actually are..

Whats even worse is i put on an extra 50lb's when i broke my neck last year. Havnt been able to do shit up until about a month or so ago. Now that i can finally start to exercise again my goal is to drop the excess baggage and develop better eating habits all around.
Subway is all right, i like their sweet onion chicken and steak and cheese.
I usually eat better shit like home cooked meals. I am a chef and make excellent homemade healthy meals, Tonight on the menu is Organic baked potatoes topped with organic broccoli Also topped with a sharp cheddar cheese sauce, then a lemon basil, grilled chicken breast on the side
Mmmm Mmmm Delicious! Subway dont got shit on me..;-)
I absolutely do not have the will power to fast. I get hungry every 3-6 hours, which is usually when I eat. I start to not feel well if my blood sugar gets too low.

When I first got into smoking daily, I would get fast food 1-2 times per night! And I would always get a double burger or some loaded fries... basically greasy, nasty stuff. Delicious, none the less! But that lead to my ulcerative colitis exposing its ugly head! I went from 200 pounds to 165 in about 2 weeks. Now, I use my stomach condition to help with my self control; I still don't eat right, but I know that if I binge or eat too much fast food/fatty food, that I will end up pissing from my ass for a week!

I need to start cooking for myself, rather than buying food for every meal. Not only will I save money, but I'm sure I'll feel a hell of a lot better, and probably lose a couple pounds. I'm a skinny guy, but I haven't been active in a few years, so I feel like I should at least look fit, and not have a gut!

Enough about me... it's very impressive that people are able to fast and exercise such strong self control! Good for you phelps, and to your brother, ellis.

Are you a vegetarian, phelps?
By the way, can someone resize a picture so that I can use it as an avatar? And could someone photoshop a subway version of it too, please? :) :)
i get cravings for subway too man. here's what i get:

12" steak and cheese
green pepper - lettuce - tomato - jalepeno's - swiss cheese - southwest sauce[chipotle or wtvr]
its tha fuckin whip!
No im not doing the master cleanse. Just more or less testing my will power and trying to re-arrange my eating habits. I have a tendency to sleep eat, really ill wake up with whole boxes of cereal spilled in my bed, half bowls of melted ice cream, chips, etc. Even a half eaten frozen burrito once lol. My body for some reason doesnt get hungry till 8-9PM and then after that it's almost impossible to get full. Which in turn i believe results in me sleep eating.

I have noticed it's a lot harder to fast when you set out the amount of time prior. That's why this time im really going to go as long as i can. My longest is 7 days. Maybe i will beat it this time... Who knows.

Damn that sucks for your brother. I avoided going to a birthday party last night for that same reason. Birthdays=Alcohol, Alcohol=food lol.

I've been sleep eating since I was in my late teens/early twenties. When I smoked, I actually had to keep them in another room because sometimes I would light cigarettes in my sleep too.
I think it is somehow related to my sleepwalking as a child.
I absolutely do not have the will power to fast. I get hungry every 3-6 hours, which is usually when I eat. I start to not feel well if my blood sugar gets too low.

When I first got into smoking daily, I would get fast food 1-2 times per night! And I would always get a double burger or some loaded fries... basically greasy, nasty stuff. Delicious, none the less! But that lead to my ulcerative colitis exposing its ugly head! I went from 200 pounds to 165 in about 2 weeks. Now, I use my stomach condition to help with my self control; I still don't eat right, but I know that if I binge or eat too much fast food/fatty food, that I will end up pissing from my ass for a week!

I need to start cooking for myself, rather than buying food for every meal. Not only will I save money, but I'm sure I'll feel a hell of a lot better, and probably lose a couple pounds. I'm a skinny guy, but I haven't been active in a few years, so I feel like I should at least look fit, and not have a gut!

Enough about me... it's very impressive that people are able to fast and exercise such strong self control! Good for you phelps, and to your brother, ellis.

Are you a vegetarian, phelps?

I guess it's just good self control, meditation helps a lot with it. Im not always successful on my fasts though, last time i failed miserably. This time i just know it's time and it needs to be done so ive had pretty good success so far. I also think it helps that i havent declared a certain amount of time im going to fast for. Rather then viewing it as not eating for 7 days, i just do it one day at a time, and generally after the first 2 days you literally loose most desire for food. Luckily though my stomach and everything is alright so im able to, i have a couple friends who have gastro problems such as yourself and the literally have to eat. If not they get really sick and life just sucks for them.

Damn that's gnarly though man. 45 pounds that quick? Wow. Glad your okay, a drastic change like that can only be brought on by serious health problems. Like the reverse situation when i broke my neck, except that was 50 pounds over 4-5 months. Again though i dont care, i couldnt even barely get out of bed, weight was really the last thing on my mind lol.

I mean i dont have an exercise routine per-say but prior to me breaking my neck i always made sure to get my fair share of physical activity. Im 6' tall and before i broke my neck i would fluctuate between 165-180 generally depending on whether it was winter/summer now im roughly 230.

Probably going to get a swim pass at the rec center pretty soon, for i absolutely love it and it's really healthy.

Yes i am vegetarian, i have been for just about 8 years now. Let me say this real quick though, in no way do i hate people that eat animals, i know a lot of vegetarian's have that holier then thou attitude but i dont. Ill sit down and eat with anybody eating a steak, burger or whatever. It doesnt bother me. I am a firm believer in the food chain. I just dont support all the fucked up shit that happens to animals on there way to the happy meal thats all.
I've been sleep eating since I was in my late teens/early twenties. When I smoked, I actually had to keep them in another room because sometimes I would light cigarettes in my sleep too.
I think it is somehow related to my sleepwalking as a child.

That goes the same for me. The first time i remember experiencing it was when i was 19 or so and i woke up with a bag of popcorn spilled all over in my bed with no recollection of ever making popcorn.

Damn that could be dangerous haha. Ive done some other random things like that to, waking up to half smoked bowls or sometimes ill wake up with all my paintings sitting on my bed up against the wall facing me.

I def did sleep walk and talk really bad as a child! I actually read into it and it said almost everybody that has either had brain surgery or some major head trauma suffers from sleep problems. I had my brain opp orated on when i was 6 so it makes sense.

Did you by chance ever have anything similar to that?