Diablo OG In Dual Monster Plant System


Well-Known Member
YO Jin, approximately how much did your entire set up cost you? Just curious.
Cabinet = free
tub = can't remember, cheap
pumps = 100.00
light = 250.00
air cond = 125.00
ducting and fans = prolly around 250.00
chiller = 300.00
air pump and stones = around 120.00
Timers = around 250.00 (Got a really good outdoor multifunction unit in addition to a couple regular dial kind).
Putting it all together = back-breaking


Well-Known Member
Quick book report update.

I'm on a good pace to finish, Kids. Hang tight. Almost done! Thank you, Diablo OG Kush! Lol.


Well-Known Member
for a 1000wat light i think u should do more plants imho 1000wats carys a 6x6 area at least im doing quite well at a 6x7+ on one. also i think if u want them shorter u should use metal halide cuz as i hear hps is stretching n mh is bushiness but damn i like ur hydro set up im ditching soil for next grow probably those plants ae mindblowingly dense its like a forest


Well-Known Member
tga genetics are the craziest ever dude especially if u wanna get high they r like the best out there almost. tga genetics.com if ur in sandiego
1295 University Avenue
San Diego, CA 92103


Well-Known Member
for a 1000wat light i think u should do more plants imho 1000wats carys a 6x6 area at least im doing quite well at a 6x7+ on one. also i think if u want them shorter u should use metal halide cuz as i hear hps is stretching n mh is bushiness but damn i like ur hydro set up im ditching soil for next grow probably those plants ae mindblowingly dense its like a forest
Thanks, dude. I know the concentrated light in the tight space creates monster growth, but it comes with its fair share of problems too. I really do want to expand to a 5x5 tent, but I want to burn 2000w in there when I do. Sounds crazy again, but that's how I like to grow!

There's that damned idea again of using MH throughout to control height. Fuck, there is just so much theory and technique that it's hard to keep up sometimes. Now the plants staying shorter makes sense, but how will the quality of the flowers be impacted by maturing in a blue as opposed to the ideal-for-flowering red spectrum of HPS? If anyone can offer an in-depth scientific analysis, that would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Cabinet = free
tub = can't remember, cheap
pumps = 100.00
light = 250.00
air cond = 125.00
ducting and fans = prolly around 250.00
chiller = 300.00
air pump and stones = around 120.00
Timers = around 250.00 (Got a really good outdoor multifunction unit in addition to a couple regular dial kind).
Putting it all together = back-breaking
Thanks dood. So you know that drip hydro setup that I was going to do this fall? I'm probably going to be using this instead: http://cgi.ebay.com/HYDROPONICS-SYSTEM-BUCKET-GARDEN-AEROPONIC-DRIP-BUBBLER-/120745310729?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c1cfb3a09#ht_7240wt_905

It should be legit.. I'll link you my journal once I get it started :3


Well-Known Member
Thanks dood. So you know that drip hydro setup that I was going to do this fall? I'm probably going to be using this instead: http://cgi.ebay.com/HYDROPONICS-SYSTEM-BUCKET-GARDEN-AEROPONIC-DRIP-BUBBLER-/120745310729?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c1cfb3a09#ht_7240wt_905

It should be legit.. I'll link you my journal once I get it started :3
Hey, that' doesn't look half bad at the price. I've seen the same thing for significantly more elsewhere. Yeah, that's solid, bro. You'll have good success with that I'm sure.

edit: Kinda makes me want one now... see what you did?

edit again: It's a drip/return. I thought it was some kind of dwc so was gonna suggest bombing each bucket with its own stone, but will now modify my suggestion to adding another air pump to the control bucket. It's a nice kit, and it appears the seller has some other cool stuff too. You can make most of that stuff, but the prices aren't too bad for the convenience of ready-made.

edit again: For example, this cloner kit I might actually buy. If you bought all that stuff separately and made it yourself, I think it would cost the same or more and you would have to cut holes and stuff. And will a ghetto home-made cloner have a clear root observation bottom with roll away light curtain? I don't think so. See, it's the little details that do it for me. That is a cute kit. And if you get two, you can go clone crazy.


Well-Known Member
I kinda' had you in mind when I said that. I think I'll have to settle things a bit before planning my next grow, but I'll keep in touch.
No rush bro ..... i got alot of new stuff in the works....
Id like to see how my small, 400 watt grow. buds ... compare to your diablos....
I been going threw about an 1/8 a day on a slow day.....but ill try to save u some samples...
"The wonderful world of weed"


Active Member
Hey, that' doesn't look half bad at the price. I've seen the same thing for significantly more elsewhere. Yeah, that's solid, bro. You'll have good success with that I'm sure.

edit: Kinda makes me want one now... see what you did?

edit again: It's a drip/return. I thought it was some kind of dwc so was gonna suggest bombing each bucket with its own stone, but will now modify my suggestion to adding another air pump to the control bucket. It's a nice kit, and it appears the seller has some other cool stuff too. You can make most of that stuff, but the prices aren't too bad for the convenience of ready-made.

edit again: For example, this cloner kit I might actually buy. If you bought all that stuff separately and made it yourself, I think it would cost the same or more and you would have to cut holes and stuff. And will a ghetto home-made cloner have a clear root observation bottom with roll away light curtain? I don't think so. See, it's the little details that do it for me. That is a cute kit. And if you get two, you can go clone crazy.
I wouldn't be interested in it if it was just a drip/return :lol:! (Although he does make a drip/return bucket lol) I think it's a drip/aero system that drips when the plants are young and converts into an aero once the plants have established some roots and are sprayable.

I agree with you; I could pretty easily make a lot of the stuff but I'm just so damn lazy and this guy really knows his stuff... Like the silver buckets and stuff and the peel away layers. It'd be really nice to have the manufacturer to ask questions :)

One thing I especially like about his kits is the customizable lids! And free of charge too! Up to 8?? YEE. You could probably have some young plants vegging in one of the multi-pot lids and the two-plant lids for fatties like yours :P What really caught my eye was this: http://cgi.ebay.com/EBB-AND-FLOW-HYDROPONICS-SYSTEM-KIT-AND-SUPPLIES-/110710503581?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19c6dc389d#ht_4388wt_905. Cheapass ebbnflow kit that doesn't flood and drain! Instead it seems like it's kind of a current.. which is a damn interesting idea. And what better way to check on your roots than peeling back the cover ?

His explanation for having a 'current' on the ebbnflow is pretty interesting and I'm tempted to buy it instead of the aero system:

Q. Most ebb and flow system use the flood and drain method. Why does this pump operate 24/7 instead of using a timer?

A. The old style ebb and flow systems work fine. But the timer put a limit on how much water could be consumed by the roots. Which also limits the amount of nutrients they received. With this system, you can and should run the pump 24/7 due to the large drain tube that carries water back to the lower tank. The drain tube creates a vaccum which pulls water and oxygen in through the pots and down over the roots of the plants, filling the water with plenty of oxygen. This way the plants can eat and drink all they want. Creating a faster growing and higher yielding crop.
So air is drawn through the meshpots because of the pressure difference and the 'vacuum.' PHO KING INTERESTING. If I get it I'm going to end up putting an air stone in the lower reservoir for even more aeration :)

I might get that cloner eventually... looks nice and I could see how it'd be tempting to get more--functional and easy to use. So you can get RACKS ON RACKS ON RACKS of clones :3


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be interested in it if it was just a drip/return :lol:! (Although he does make a drip/return bucket lol) I think it's a drip/aero system that drips when the plants are young and converts into an aero once the plants have established some roots and are sprayable.

I agree with you; I could pretty easily make a lot of the stuff but I'm just so damn lazy and this guy really knows his stuff... Like the silver buckets and stuff and the peel away layers. It'd be really nice to have the manufacturer to ask questions :)

One thing I especially like about his kits is the customizable lids! And free of charge too! Up to 8?? YEE. You could probably have some young plants vegging in one of the multi-pot lids and the two-plant lids for fatties like yours :P What really caught my eye was this: http://cgi.ebay.com/EBB-AND-FLOW-HYDROPONICS-SYSTEM-KIT-AND-SUPPLIES-/110710503581?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19c6dc389d#ht_4388wt_905. Cheapass ebbnflow kit that doesn't flood and drain! Instead it seems like it's kind of a current.. which is a damn interesting idea. And what better way to check on your roots than peeling back the cover ?

His explanation for having a 'current' on the ebbnflow is pretty interesting and I'm tempted to buy it instead of the aero system:

So air is drawn through the meshpots because of the pressure difference and the 'vacuum.' PHO KING INTERESTING. If I get it I'm going to end up putting an air stone in the lower reservoir for even more aeration :)

I might get that cloner eventually... looks nice and I could see how it'd be tempting to get more--functional and easy to use. So you can get RACKS ON RACKS ON RACKS of clones :3
Yeah, I've heard talk of that vacuum pull effect growing monster roots.

Hm... so that's not a conventional flood and drain? That is interesting. I'll have to take a closer look.


Well-Known Member
No rush bro ..... i got alot of new stuff in the works....
Id like to see how my small, 400 watt grow. buds ... compare to your diablos....
I been going threw about an 1/8 a day on a slow day.....but ill try to save u some samples...
"The wonderful world of weed"
an 8th a day on a slow day? Wow, you are a smoker. I'm probably more like 2-2.5grams a day these days, but it's a luxury I only have after a harvest.


Well-Known Member
I'm uploading the pages now to the publisher's content creator. It's awesome! The book I mean! Next update will be the official release.

Stay tuned!


Well-Known Member
I'm uploading the pages now to the publisher's content creator. It's awesome! The book I mean! Next update will be the official release.

Stay tuned!
Let me be the first, or one of the first to say..


looking forward to it.



Well-Known Member
Ah, as the pages steadily upload, I'm looking back at the effort put forth not just for the book, but the grow as well. I can't help but feel the two are intertwined since starting a journal here.

I won't say it was a 'magical' experience, but growing the Diablo, sharing the pictures with everyone here... it does seem like something I should have done long ago. It just feels right. The whole thing.

I did all the work of photographing these beautiful ladies because I just have a burning passion for beautiful women. And I'm not an LA snob, either... I think women are beautiful in all shapes and sizes... But my photographer's eye has its own world. So I basically did all this for the love of it. But after a while, I had a huge stockpile of hi-res photos of beautiful naked ladies without knowing really what to do with them all. A website? Sure, I guess. But who's got the time? THAT's why laying them into a book and sharing it will you all feels so good and makes so much sense. As I drafted the book, I really got the feeling that it's what these photos were meant for.


Well-Known Member
Let me be the first, or one of the first to say..


looking forward to it.

Sit back, kick your feet up, light up your smoke of choice in your device of choice, and enjoy. You won't be disappointed. What goes better with great weed than... art! Ha, though I was gonna say naked chix, huh?