Ok to remove fan leaves to open things up underneath?

My two plants are 50 days into flower and since I didn't know any better I didn't lollypop them or clean up under the canopy. Now there are literally hundreds of little buds under there that could use more light and air circ. Is it ok to remove some of the big honkin fan leaves under there to help out? I know now that I screwed up a little but oh well gonna ride it out and see what happens. Any answers would be cool as long as it's not to rank on me. LOL It's my 1st time folks. Thanks and peace



Rebel From The North
whats better than removeing fan leaves to open up the lower stuff is to remove the lower stuff to force more into upper production,
I like fater kolas over small lower bud production:0


Well-Known Member
Ur so far along I would just harvest the top and then adjust things and give the lower buds a couple more weeks. Get more bud!!


Active Member
Ur so far along I would just harvest the top and then adjust things and give the lower buds a couple more weeks. Get more bud!!
He is far along.... If he harvests his tops after flushing its not going to leave anything for the smaller buds he has... They will stay yellow and wont fll out much. would cut a few lower fan leaves but not to many. look for sick ones. ie crispy, curled disfigured and discolored... if your gentle enough you can separate your tops by carefully untangling them. thus allowing more light and air flow.