The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
jagle how is ure black skull coming along
darren i have the black skull,well i had them inside under the light but i had too tear that down and move them outside.1-7-11 was 50 days and they are showing a few hairs now but prob not as much as they say they got a good shock when they got moved outside..?not impressed with them so yours?


Well-Known Member
started on the flushing thread on here, pretty interesting and fecking massive:o

all my outdoor plants are finally in, went to plant the last lot last night and found my small greenhouse fucked up by deer and bar a few small tester all eaten and the rest scattered. Atleast no more soil dumps, back is wrecked.


Active Member
darren if your having trouble with that seed just bang it in the wet paper towel and get it somewhere quite warm. i did 2 lots this time and the ones in the warmer climate (tent) popped a lot quicker. the ones in the airing cupboard took a few days longer.
quick update on how the plants are doing, the seet tooth are looking quite nice, well 2 are huge now but the third is half the size(runt), the diesel are also getting to a nice size, they are about 2 foot now but going to veg for a while cos i got the bigger tent now. not topped any cos i need the veg tent for the buddha which will be going in shortly. the freebies i got are doing well also. ill have to get some pics up (i keep saying that), but i will later.
the canna nutes is the shit, the plants look a lot healthier and although they are now quite big they have only had one feed of 3ml per litre, nice one harrekin for putting me onto that stuff!
i still vegging under the 250w mh but next week maybe, they will be going under the 600w hps dual! cant wait to see what that does.
hope everyone elses grows are coming along well

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Really? They stretched much yet? What sort of lights-off temperatures you getting? Nothing between the branches and where they join the stem?
By week two they should have a sort of "flowering shape" to them, that is the plant changes shape from when its in veg (sorta starts to "clump up" at the top) long are they from seed actually? They might just be too young to flower yet...

And if you wanna get a REALLY nice smell now, rub the stem gently under your thumb, then sniff your thumb...its beautiful!

Week 6 of Flower:

(Sorry for pimping the journal link ;) )
haven`t a clue about the temp as i haven`t got a thermomoter yet theres 2 or 3 that are streching up the rest seem a little bushier but all growing well. getting little leaves at the branchs where they join stem, i will post pics as soon as i find the camera, no hasstle about the jornal i like to keep up with your grows they look great, if i get any of mine to that stage i`ll be well chuffed.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the welcome Tonto, what part of Eire are you from, the Phoenix Park?? :p
Seeds arrived today and im trying the wet towel and 2 plates method of germing them. Going to check them tomorrow evening and see if they've changed. Just put them in the grow room but think I'll move them to a room that gets sun all day so it would be a warmer room (probably too warm if i put them in the hot press?). Any comments or advice welcomed as this is my first grow! :)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
stick them on a wet paper towel fold the towel over them them put another plate over the top and just place in the press for a few day and they`ll germinate fine, i`m no expert and am on my first grow but thats how i done it and it wrked fine...


Well-Known Member
Madra you might wanna try putting the paper towel in a zip lock bag, it keeps all the moisture in and saves you having to keep on weeting th towel. 100% for me so far.

the chin

Well-Known Member
dose nobody pop seed into ther mouth crack it good between ther teeth spit back out onto paper towel sprout in 2 day cause i do an barely fails sometime works after full week or more


Well-Known Member
stick them on a wet paper towel fold the towel over them them put another plate over the top and just place in the press for a few day and they`ll germinate fine, i`m no expert and am on my first grow but thats how i done it and it wrked fine...
have that done so see how it goes. Thanks!
Madra you might wanna try putting the paper towel in a zip lock bag, it keeps all the moisture in and saves you having to keep on weeting th towel. 100% for me so far.
I think the plates are not letting moisture escape so i'll see how this goes anyway!
dose nobody pop seed into ther mouth crack it good between ther teeth spit back out onto paper towel sprout in 2 day cause i do an barely fails sometime works after full week or more
i think i'll pass on that method! :p


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the welcome Tonto, what part of Eire are you from, the Phoenix Park?? :p
lol, got me googling there for a while wondering where some one could do a grow in phoenix,

dose nobody pop seed into ther mouth crack it good between ther teeth spit back out onto paper towel sprout in 2 day cause i do an barely fails sometime works after full week or more
if thy dont crack for a while i do that and rub them between my back molars, if they still dont germ after that, Dr Tonto does surgery.

the chin

Well-Known Member

if thy dont crack for a while i do that and rub them between my back molars, if they still dont germ after that, Dr Tonto does surgery.[/QUOTE]surgery me like this


Well-Known Member
Here's what I'm doing, I use about 3 gallon pots with fox farm or roots potting soil, with "muddier" like 1" layer of top soilish potting mix. What Ive found is using the topsoil to coat the top, I dont drown the roots, and my pots retain water much longer, I water fully every 3-5 days, depending on if the soil is pulling from the edge of the pot or not.


Well-Known Member
the best way to start seeds is throw them in the fish tank next to the airstone, give a week and they should be showing a tap root


Well-Known Member
Im on day 2-3 of germing and they just popped a little root each, going to leave them where they are until the morning and then plant them into the pots. I used some bottled water to wet a paper towel, folded it in half and put the 3 seeds down, folded the towel over and placed in between 2 plates and put them in the hot-press. I added a little water when needed as I have been checking them every 12-24 hrs to see any progress.


Well-Known Member
Im on day 2-3 of germing and they just popped a little root each, going to leave them where they are until the morning and then plant them into the pots. I used some bottled water to wet a paper towel, folded it in half and put the 3 seeds down, folded the towel over and placed in between 2 plates and put them in the hot-press. I added a little water when needed as I have been checking them every 12-24 hrs to see any progress.
any luck?

btw who started that plant of really early in the bog?im wondering how its doing